adjective as in ridiculous, senseless
Strongest matches
absurd, aimless, fruitless, futile, impotent, inconsequential, ineffective, ineffectual, insignificant, irrelevant, meaningless, powerless, silly, stupid, trivial, unnecessary, unproductive, useless, worthless
Example Sentences
While her fake persona has served her well, it was a hilariously pointless plot twist, and, by the end, her two accents had begun to blur into each other anyway.
Some experts have said the sheer intensity and speed of the fires rendered it pointless to simply throw more people and equipment into the mix.
He described the target as "stupid and arbitrary" and says it is pointless if there is nowhere to build.
He said calls for a new public inquiry are "pointless" and would be a waste of money.
It’s difficult, perhaps impossible, probably pointless to tie all the ends together, to understand how the circuitry works — certainly not as you’re watching, while things move fast and explanations, when given, are not necessarily intelligible.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.