
View definitions for peasant


noun as in small farmer who rents land

noun as in a uneducated, rural person

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The self-confessed "elder son of a peasant family" from the northern village of Etunda had a modest start in life, with little more than a primary school education.

From BBC

It is "people very, very poor, sort of peasant background – very, very rural, almost cut off from even the home origin countries that they might have been in," she said.

From BBC

He filmed the new “Nosferatu” inside studios and outside castles in Eastern Europe, striving for authenticity in everything from 1830s peasant garb to retrograde psychological beliefs.

In the late 1960s, Fred was a humanitarian-aid volunteer in Laos when he discovered that his country was taking the lives of peasants there by the thousands.

From Salon

That includes marrying a much older, undead Greek peasant shunned by this social caste’s peers.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


