

View definitions for ordeal


noun as in trouble, suffering

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She said his not guilty plea was in the face of strong evidence against him, and led to the woman having to relive the ordeal in open court.

From BBC

He thanked the killers for pleading guilty to murder and sparing the family the ordeal of having to go through a trial.

From BBC

Attempting to get a U.S. visa can be a complicated, cumbersome and lengthy ordeal.

In June 2023, both Titan and Sapphire got out and attacked another dog for up to 10 minutes, with the ordeal ending after Bell threw water over them.

From BBC

They said that they had - and started to reveal the first details of their harrowing ordeals.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


