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The reaction resembles the thunderbolt that struck the U.S. aerospace community — and the government — in 1957, when the Soviet Union placed Sputnik in orbit while American rockets were still blowing up on their launchpads.

And astronomers warn the increasing number of satellites in orbit is making it harder to study space.

From BBC

After some time apart, Pasion said she returned to Combs’ orbit more as a friend while he was recording “The Love Album” in 2021.

“We would never reach Mars if we thought that it orbits the Earth,” Loeb said.

From Salon

And the one, crucial, thing that you can’t test on Earth or even in orbit around our planet, is lunar gravity – which is roughly one sixth that of the Earth.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


