adjective as in continuous
Strongest matches
Weak matches
advancing, developing, evolving, extant, heading, in process, in progress, marching, progressing, unfinished, unfolding
Example Sentences
Local media reported a neighbour discovered the bodies around 12:20 on Thursday and that the police investigation remains ongoing.
But Zuma wasn't in attendance as he was dealing with his ongoing trial on allegations of corruption over an arms deal.
It said it had spent a "considerable", confidential, amount of funds on ongoing support for people in the area, and had also invested almost £100,000 towards a nearby 3G football pitch.
Cities, counties and states apply for federal reimbursement for expenses, such as providing shelter, firefighting resources and debris removal, on an ongoing basis.
"I'm not afraid at all," says one Santorini resident, who decided to stay put on the volcanic island despite thousands of her neighbours fleeing amid the ongoing earthquakes.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.