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Five stories up, in a sunny event space tucked away in New York City's Little Italy earlier this month, chefs had been busy preparing chicken lo mein noodles, empanadas, and shawarma.

From Salon

Ultimately, he found it worked particularly well as a milk substitute in spaetzle, a German noodle traditionally made from milk, flour, and eggs.

From Salon

The suspect was armed with the gun and pool noodle, said Los Angeles Police Department spokesperson David Cuellar.

“It’s like broth, savory veggies, chicken, soft egg noodles, and a hint of parsley have all been stirred up in a surprising way that’s sure to wow your taste buds.”

From Salon

The only thing they shared was the food trucks keeping them warm with steaming drinks and instant noodles.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


