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adjective as in speckled

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But there’s something dingy and gross, like mottled drifts of old snow, about the overweening influence of Trump’s courtiers and their grubbing relationship with a president so obviously enamored of money and flattery.

As dawn breaks and dusk settles, the play of light and shadow turns the river green or gunmetal gray, lustrously pearlescent or mottled brown.

In 2001, there were only 62 mature Iberian lynx — medium-sized, mottled brown cats with characteristic pointed ears and a pair of beard-like tufts of facial hair — on the Iberian Peninsula.

He describes Christmas Lima beans, a colorful, mottled American variety popular in the Southwestern U.S., as a “gateway bean.”

From Salon

There's widespread scientific agreement that ingesting too much fluoride can cause teeth to have a mottled appearance or become pitted, a condition called dental fluorosis.

From Salon


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