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Several sergeants later sued the city, saying they were being made to take the fall for the department’s misdeeds.

Vampires have always been a way for filmmakers to explore and explode society’s soft-spoken misdeeds.

From Salon

The bureau works the much more insidious cases, like when companies systematically close accounts for discriminatory reasons, with no outward evidence of misdeeds.

In the style of Orwell’s Big Brother, he will likely try to scrub the pages of history of his misdeeds.

Official wrist-slaps and “wet smooches” delivered to corporate leaders by federal regulators and prosecutors are the rule, no matter how egregious the misdeed — even when it’s as bad as the Wells Fargo customer fraud.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


