
View definitions for light into

light into

verb as in come at

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In terms of accomplishing that goal, the Chromasonic team has been working on ways to turn light into sound and vice versa.

He said a review would be carried out into "our entire counter-extremist system", adding that he had asked cross-bench peer Lord Anderson of Ipswich KC - the new independent Prevent commissioner - "to hold this system to account, to shine a light into its darkest corners".

From BBC

One of the research leaders said it would shed new light into "the mechanism of thought".

From BBC

When light enters a snowflake, the complex structure of the ice crystals scatter the light into the seven colours of the rainbow.

From BBC

A new study reveals that clams called heart cockles -- so-named because of their heart-shaped shells -- have unique structures in their shells that act like fiber optic cables to convey specific wavelengths of light into the bivalves' tissues.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


