adjective as in fawning
adjective as in obsequious
Weak matches
noun as in indulgence
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Not in memory, possibly not ever, has the nation seen such overt, unapologetic and public displays of kowtowing to, and deal-making with, a U.S. president or president-elect by the nation’s rich and well-connected.
Next, is kowtowing, accommodating and acquiescing to the whims and ego of that aging superstar or find yourself gone before your tenure is up.
Dating back more than a decade, Graham has been criticized by South Carolina conservatives who have accused him of kowtowing to Democrats on issues from immigration and bank bailouts to gun restrictions and climate change.
At the time, critics accused Wheeler—who served under former President Donald Trump—of kowtowing to the chemical industry, which views animal testing as time consuming and expensive.
Soon after that, however, he must have concluded that his path to challenging Donald Trump for the GOP presidential nomination involved kowtowing to the far right wing.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.