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That was then, at the height of the controversial war in Vietnam, when the question was who bore responsibility for speaking truth to power, for holding to task those responsible for prosecuting such an undeclared, unpopular and unwinnable war.

From Salon

“So while there are discoveries along the way and you never want to be locked into a plan that misses something that could be better, the signposts that we’re hitting are holding to that plan. We have a destination and an arc and a journey for him that will hopefully tie into later stories in a way that is unexpected.”

The question of pricing has been a crucial part of an ongoing hearing a federal judge in Oregon is holding to decide whether to grant regulators’ request that she put a temporary halt to the merger.

They are responsible for overseeing and holding to account local police forces and setting the annual budget for their force area.

From BBC

But for now, at least, there’s satisfaction in holding to account at least some of the fraudsters and cheats who enabled his rampant wrongdoing.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


