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That language is needed to explain to the public how public policy and politics can cause direct harm to real people and to their lives and happiness.

From Salon

After the sudden death of my husband in 2020 at a young age, 48, I began questioning everything from the meaning of life, to happiness, to religion, and everything in between.

From Salon

A woman who lived in a flat nearby said, "No-one could take away my happiness. I still can't believe that we came back. May God protect those who took the country back."

From BBC

"We hope we have this spark of happiness again in our lives, because it was swept away with the day that they have taken them."

From BBC

Add in the dark, cold days of winter and the crushing pressure of happiness theater, and well, it all feels like falling into the abyss.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


