noun as in keeper, protector
Strong matches
angel, attendant, baby-sitter, Cerberus, champion, chaperon, chaperone, conservator, cop, curator, custodian, defender, escort, guard, keeper, nurse, overseer, paladin, patrol, preserver, safeguard, sentinel, shepherd, sitter, sponsor, superintendent, supervisor, trustee, vigilante, warden, watchdog
Weak match
Example Sentences
The government has now announced a parent or legal guardian who is in the UK under any of the visa schemes for Ukrainians can apply to sponsor their child under the Homes for Ukraine scheme.
The government said the changes applied to all visitor visas, including tourists and people visiting family, partners and guardians on longer-term visas.
The teenager said he, his mother and grandfather, Melanie and David Batty, who were not his legal guardians, had lived a "nomadic lifestyle", after staying in communes and caravans in the area.
Paddington even shoots Mr. Brown unyielding eye contact when his guardian responds rudely to an earnest thought.
Ahead of the expected hardening of US policy, more migrant farm workers have been seeking advice on dealing with immigration officials and assigning temporary guardians for their children.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.