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A quick glance at a Google search unearths some of the headlines that tell my sorry story.

Just a glance at departmental in-trays shows the backlog of problems our politicians faced when they went back to work 12 months ago.

From BBC

If you add in Labour's decision to abandon plans to upgrade part of the A1 in Northumberland to dual carriageway, you can forgive the region for casting a rather envious glance at Rachel Reeves' push for growth in the south.

From BBC

At the Grammy Awards, it can be a stunning performance or an ingenious production, a glimpse into the future or a glance at the past, a worldwide smash or an obscurity by a longtime fave.

The track is a meditation on Megan's righteous anger, and it is invigorating when you glance at the rapper's difficult past.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


