

View definitions for focal point

focal point

noun as in focus

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In open play, they could not find the key to unlock an Everton defence that sat deep and much of this owed to a lack of focal point up front.

From BBC

He was sitting next to his friend Mr Koh in a cafe at Gwanghwamun, Seoul's main square and focal point for the city's protest rallies.

From BBC

The Helen-Sam relationship really becomes the focal point of the series.

From a practical standpoint, the findings could prove useful in avoiding important areas during surgeries to remove tumors or epilepsy focal points, or in placing neurostimulators designed to stop seizures.

The memories began rushing back as Kenneth strolled through Hong Kong’s Victoria Park, once a focal point for the city’s resistance to China.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


