

View definitions for fancier


noun as in admirer

Strongest match

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The fact that this film has so little regard in the opera world and even among Callas fanciers demonstrates how, if you pay close enough attention, she remains ahead of her time.

Until a few years ago, in France, it was at a fairly manageable level – a few dedicated experts counterfeiting labels and wax seals in order to pass basic wine off as something fancier.

From BBC

Focusing on one poll in isolation, especially if it not a high quality one, is basically a fancier way of reading the “vibes” – just with math.

From Salon

Tell me a bit about what makes the "chic" sandwiches a bit fancier?

From Salon

She has been a dog trainer and dog fancier since the mid-1990s, she said.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


