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But Mr Balaji added that while it is expected to be "quite bright", predictions on comet brightness are "notoriously uncertain", with many ending up fainter than initially predicted.

From BBC

The Geminids can produce up to 150 meteors every hour but you are unlikely to see quite this many, as moonlight will hide some of the fainter ones.

From BBC

Viewing the Taurids may be affected by the illumination of the Moon, which could obscure some of the fainter meteors.

From BBC

You will need to look to the west and fairly close to the horizon to catch a bright light with a fainter streak behind it.

From BBC

But the MIT team was able for the first time to observe the much fainter light from stars in the host galaxies of three ancient quasars.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


