noun as in removal from whole; distillation
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Proponents say the new monuments will protect a plethora of vulnerable wildlife and culturally significant sites while staving off development and resource extraction — including of clean energy.
A coalition led by tribal leaders says the forthcoming California monuments will protect a plethora of wildlife and culturally significant sites while staving off resource extraction — including of clean energy — and housing development.
No pore extractions or deep tissue pressure that left me breathing through pain.
During his campaign, Trump pledged to "unleash" domestic fossil fuel production in a bid to lower gas costs, despite the US already seeing record high extraction rates.
It includes a face steam, extractions and face massage along with a brief neck and shoulder massage while a moisturizing mask is being applied.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.