


Definition for contradict
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Baldoni and his team claimed that the article purposefully omitted text messages and additional information that would have contradicted Lively's statements.

From Salon

This directly contradicts the policy of the AfD, which has criticised German memory culture and argued for a broader view of the country's history.

From BBC

The inherent flaw of mythology is that it offers its own evidence and its own truth to the believer, and anything that contradicts it is denied.

From Salon

He promised he would issue pardons, but gave contradicting statements about whether he would pardon everyone charged or a narrower cohort.

The judge refused to suspend any portion of Mooney's sentence after two former partners came forward to contradict testimonials given in his favour at a sentencing hearing.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


