adjective as in destructive
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Example Sentences
“We closed CCB for a parade, and we left the Pasadena court open in the middle of a cataclysmic natural disaster?”
He knows the difference between destruction and utter devastation, and puts the nation’s truly cataclysmic events — those that erase entire communities in a blink — in a category all their own.
For days, Palisades residents who fled with minutes to spare have watched cataclysmic video of homes leveled by fire.
It may seem strange to find yourself with songs about cataclysmic loss and the end of the world rattling around your head as you depart the theater, but that’s part of Oppenheimer’s point.
Water pollution and warming seas are credited with the upsurge in sargassum, another cataclysmic result of climate change that the Caribbean has done little to contribute to but often bears the brunt of.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.