blot on the landscape
noun as in blemish
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak match
noun as in blight
Example Sentences
He had described the proposed waste-to-energy incinerator as a "massive blot on the landscape", before recusing himself from the planning process.
This month Mr Barclay said the proposed incinerator in his Cambridgeshire seat was a "massive blot on the landscape".
He described it as a "massive blot on the landscape" and said that he had already had conversations with Fenland District Council about supporting them in bringing forward a judicial review of the decision to grant planning consent.
One complainant called the plans "a blot on the landscape" with another accusing the applicant of "considerable removal of existing hedgerow on the site".
He has refused to allow wind turbines in the Duchy of Cornwall, calling them a “horrendous blot on the landscape.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.