

View definitions for artery


noun as in channel

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He has had four stents fitted to open blocked arteries but said he had become so unwell he suspects another is needed.

From BBC

Jimmy, 16, bled to death at the Three Cooks Bakery in Lee, south London, on 10 May 2008, after Farhi threw a large glass dish that shattered and severed an artery in his neck.

From BBC

Unhealthy levels of exposure to this microscopic debris can damage airways and arteries, potentially triggering heart attacks and strokes.

But it’s densely populated too, and that combination of pedestrian traffic and the cars zooming along the main arteries of Wilshire and Olympic boulevards and Third Street, takes a little bloom off the rose.

Platelets are tiny cell fragments that coalesce to help the body stop bleeding, and the authors speculate this means the plastics “may accumulate in arteries, causing potential harm to the human circulatory system.”

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


