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The league says the accuracy of 'Key Match Incidents' is at 96.4% - up from 95.7% at the corresponding point last term.

From BBC

Meta announced last month it would no longer use independent fact-checkers on Facebook and Instagram, replacing them with X-style "community notes", where commenting on the accuracy of posts is left to users.

From BBC

Currently, two radiologists are required to review the images from each screening to ensure accuracy.

From BBC

Some advertisers might balk at the possibility of having their brands appear alongside false or offensive content or doing business with a company perceived as being dismissive of accuracy and online safety.

It was another formidable effort from Australia's all-round bowling attack, kickstarted by the relentless accuracy of their seamers and backed up by the theatre created by King's spin.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


