Find out about some of the most exciting discoveries in infrared astronomy, and explore some of the most beautiful astronomical images ever taken.
Find out about some of the most exciting discoveries in infrared astronomy, and explore some of the most beautiful astronomical images ever taken.
Watch a number of different shows, all packed with humor and animation. It's infrared-relevant!
In this popular video series, real astronomers answer common questions about astronomy.
Animations and videos relevant to the Spitzer mission, including animations of Spitzer images and science results, artist conceptions, and background videos.
Artist concepts, launch animations and the launch of Spitzer in infrared.
¡Váyase de viaje por confines astronómicos más allá de la visión humana! Las exhibiciones del Universo Escondido proporcionan una mirada profunda a la espectacular ciencia del universo infrarrojo. El Explorador de Galería lo guiará por las más espectaculares imágenes infrarrojas.
Hear the very latest about the universe of infrared astronomy! This audio podcast features news and information about NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.