Gift Pok�mon
Like the other games, there are numerous Pok�mon that you don't get by capturing, but rather by a person kindly giving you the Pok�mon. Like with the other methods, Hidden Abilities are utilised within these gifts
#722 Rowlet, #725 Litten, #728 Popplio | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Iki Town The first Pok�mon you get given are the starter Pok�mon. In this game, they are Rowlet, Litten and Popplio. In this game, you recieve them in Iki Town from the Island Kahuna, Hala after you rescue Lillie and Cosmog from attack..
#133 Eevee | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Paniola Ranch The first time you go to the Pok�mon Nursery in the Paniola Ranch, you will be given an Egg. This Egg will hatch into the Pok�mon Eevee. There's nothing overly special about this Eevee.
#137 Porygon | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Aether House After defeating Lusamine and stopping the Aether Foundation and beaten the Elite Four, when you go to the Aether House in Route 15, you'll find an employee in the back room who will give you a Porygon as an apology for the actions of the Foundation.
#142 Aerodactyl | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Seafolk Village When you get to Seafolk Village, when you speak to the Ace Trainer in the Huntail boat, she will give you an Aerodactyl.
#772 Type: Null | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Location: Aether Paradise After you have stopped Lusamine's plans and rescued her from the Ultra Space and beaten the Elite Four, you can return to the Aether Paradise and go up to the Conservation Area where you will find Gladion. Thankful for your help, Gladion will give you one of the other Type: Null that the Aether Foundation created. He will also give you all the Memory items for use when it evolves into Silvally.