LM2324-Trauma Injury 1
LM2324-Trauma Injury 1
LM2324-Trauma Injury 1
Module 6
5 September 23 & 30, 2023 Physical Injuries
Forensic Sexology
6 October 7, 2023 Module 7
• Any person who shall wound, beat, or assault another, shall be guilty of the
crime of serious physical injuries
• The crime of serious physical injuries may be due to:
• (1) Wounding;
• (2) Beating;
• (3) Assaulting ; or
• (4) Administering injurious substances without the intent to kill
• may be committed through a simple negligence or imprudence.
Serious Physical Injuries: Provision in 4 paragraphs
– a condition of physical ugliness.
– must be permanent and conspicuous.
– Ex:
• loss of the front teeth,
• the development of a pigmented scar on the face, or
• loss of the pinna of the ear
--means the inability of the injured person to perform, or engage on a
work or vocation before he sustained injury.
Serious Physical Injuries: Provision in 4 paragraphs
• Petechiae
– a circumscribed extravasation of blood in the
subcutaneous tissue or underneath the mucous
• Contusion:
– the effusion of blood into the tissues underneath
the skin on account of the rupture of the blood
vessels as a result of the application of blunt
force or violence.
Age of Contusion
• The age of contusion can be appreciated from its color
• The size tends to become smaller from the periphery to the
center and passes through a series of color changes as a result
of the disintegration of the red blood corpuscles and
liberation of hemoglobin.
• The contusion is red sometimes purple soon after its
complete development.
Age of Contusion
• In 4 to 5 days, the color changes to green.
• In 7 to 10 days, it becomes yellow and gradually disappears
on the 14th or 15th day.
• The ultimate disappearance of color varies from one to
four weeks depending upon the severity and constitution of
the body.
• The color changes start from the periphery inwards.
• Hematoma (Blood Cyst, Blood Tumor, "Bukol):
– the extravasation or effusion of blood in a newly
formed cavity underneath the skin.
– usually develops when the blunt instrument is
applied in part of the body where bony tissue is
superficially located, like the head, chest and
anterior aspect of the legs.
Distinction Between Contusion and Hematoma
• Formation of
Exuberant Granulation
or "Proud Flesh
• excessive amount of
granulation tissue may
protrude and prevent
closing of the wound.
Aberrated Healing Process
• Keloid Formation —
abnormal amount of
collagen formed in the
connective tissue thus
producing a large
bulging tumorous scar
Aberrated Healing Process
• Stricture — due to the Sinus - tract of
contraction of the infection traversing the
inner part of the body
fibrous tissue of the
scar formed.
Fistula-communication between an inner
cavity and the outside