Interaction of Radiation With Matter

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Interaction of Radiation with

Matter I
Particle interactions
• Energetic charged particles interact with
matter by electrical forces and lose kinetic
energy via:
– Excitation
– Ionization
– Radiative losses
• ~ 70% of charged particle energy deposition
leads to nonionizing excitation
Specific Ionization
• Number of primary and secondary ion pairs
produced per unit length of charged
particle’s path is called specific ionization
– Expressed in ion pairs (IP)/mm
• Increases with electrical charge of particle
• Decreases with incident particle velocity
Specific ionization for 7.69 MeV
alpha particle from polonium 214
Charged Particle Tracks
• Electrons follow tortuous paths in matter as the
result of multiple scattering events
– Ionization track is sparse and nonuniform
• Larger mass of heavy charged particle results in
dense and usually linear ionization track
• Path length is actual distance particle travels;
range is actual depth of penetration in matter
Path lengths vs. ranges
Linear Energy Transfer
• Amount of energy deposited per unit path length
is called the linear energy transfer (LET)
• Expressed in units of eV/cm
• LET of a charged particle is proportional to the
square of the charge and inversely proportional to
its kinetic energy
• High LET radiations (alpha particles, protons,
etc.) are more damaging to tissue than low LET
radiations (electrons, gamma and x-rays)
• Probability of bremsstrahlung production
per atom is proportional to the square of Z
of the absorber
• Energy emission via bremsstrahlung varies
inversely with the square of the mass of the
incident particle
– Protons and alpha particles produce less than
one-millionth the amount of bremsstrahlung
radiation as electrons of the same energy
• Ratio of electron energy loss by bremsstrahlung
production to that lost by excitation and ionization
= EZ/820
– E = kinetic energy of incident electron in MeV
– Z = atomic number of the absorber
• Bremsstrahlung x-ray production accounts for
~1% of energy loss when 100 keV electrons
collide with a tungsten (Z = 74) target in an x-ray
Neutron interactions
• Neutrons are uncharged particles
• They do not interact with electrons
– Do not directly cause excitation or ionization
• They do interact with atomic nuclei, sometimes
liberating charged particles or nuclear fragments
that can directly cause excitation or ionization
• Neutrons may also be captured by atomic nuclei
– Retention of the neutron converts the atom to a
different nuclide (stable or radioactive)
Neutron interaction
X- and Gamma-Ray Interactions
• Rayleigh scattering
• Compton scattering
• Photoelectric absorption
• Pair production
Rayleigh Scattering
• Incident photon interacts with and excites the
total atom as opposed to individual electrons
• Occurs mainly with very low energy
diagnostic x-rays, as used in mammography
(15 to 30 keV)
• Less than 5% of interactions in soft tissue
above 70 keV; at most only 12% at ~30 keV
Rayleigh Scattering
Compton Scattering
• Predominant interaction in the diagnostic
energy range with soft tissue
• Most likely to occur between photons and
outer (“valence”) shell electrons
• Electron ejected from the atom; photon
scattered with reduction in energy
• Binding energy comparatively small and
can be ignored
Compton Scattering

E0  Esc  Ee 
Esc 
1 2
(1  cos )
m0 c
Compton scatter probabilities
• As incident photon energy increases, scattered
photons and electrons are scattered more toward the
forward direction
• These photons are much more likely to be detected
by the image receptor, reducing image contrast
• Probability of interaction increases as incident
photon energy increases; probability also depends on
electron density
– Number of electrons/gram fairly constant in tissue;
probability of Compton scatter/unit mass independent of Z
Relative Compton scatter
Compton Scattering
• Laws of conservation of energy and momentum
place limits on both scattering angle and energy
• Maximal energy transfer to the Compton electron
occurs with a 180-degree photon backscatter
• Scattering angle for ejected electron cannot exceed
90 degrees
• Energy of the scattered electron is usually
absorbed near the scattering site
Compton Scattering
• Incident photon energy must be substantially greater
than the electron’s binding energy before a Compton
interaction is likely to take place
• Probability of a Compton interaction increases with
increasing incident photon energy
• Probability also depends on electron density (number
of electrons/g  density)
– With exception of hydrogen, total number of electrons/g
fairly constant in tissue
– Probability of Compton scatter per unit mass nearly
independent of Z
Photoelectric absorption
• All of the incident photon energy is
transferred to an electron, which is ejected
from the atom
• Kinetic energy of ejected photoelectron (Ec)
is equal to incident photon energy (E0)
minus the binding energy of the orbital
electron (Eb)
Ec = Eo - E b
Photoelectric absorption (I-131)
Photoelectric absorption
• Incident photon energy must be greater than or
equal to the binding energy of the ejected photon
• Atom is ionized, with an inner shell vacancy
• Electron cascade from outer to inner shells
– Characteristic x-rays or Auger electrons
• Probability of characteristic x-ray emission
decreases as Z decreases
– Does not occur frequently for diagnostic energy photon
interactions in soft tissue
Photoelectric absorption (I-131)
Photoelectric absorption
• Probability of photoelectric absorption per
unit mass is approximately proportional to
3 3
Z /E
• No additional nonprimary photons to
degrade the image
• Energy dependence explains, in part, why
image contrast decreases with higher x-ray
Photoelectric absorption
• Although probability of photoelectric effect
decreases with increasing photon energy, there is
an exception
• Graph of probability of photoelectric effect, as a
function of photon energy, exhibits sharp
discontinuities called absorption edges
• Photon energy corresponding to an absorption
edge is the binding energy of electrons in a
particular shell or subshell
Photoelectric mass attenuation
Photoelectric absorption
• At photon energies below 50 keV, photoelectric
effect plays an important role in imaging soft
• Process can be used to amplify differences in
attenuation between tissues with slightly different
atomic numbers, improving image contrast
• Photoelectric process predominates when lower
energy photons interact with high Z materials
(screen phosphors, radiographic constrast agents,
Percentage of Compton and
photoelectric contributions
Pair production
• Can only occur when the energy of the
photon exceeds 1.02 MeV
• Photon interacts with electric field of the
nucleus; energy transformed into an
electron-positron pair
• Of no consequence in diagnostic x-ray
imaging because of high energies required
Pair Production

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