Air Pollution
Air Pollution
Air Pollution
Nuclear experiments
During nuclear experiments radio
active particles spread in the air
causing pollution.
Volcanic explosions
As a result of volcanic explosions
several poisonous gases, smoke,
dust particles etc spread in air.
The gases from garbages smoke
from the burning of plastic and other
waste materials also pollute air.
The over use of pesticides pollute air.
Acid rain
Due to atmospheric pollution a lot of
acid particles get mixed up with rain
water and falls as acid rain
The carbondioxide in the air mixes
with the water vapour and carbonic
acid is formed.
The water vapour and acids that are
mixed in the atmosphere fall as rain
and snow on earth.
Remedial measures
Remedial measure
Erect tall chimneys in factories
Harmful and foul gases can be
removed by using charcoal, zeolite,
ground limestone.
Solid waste collected should be
classified in their sources itself.
Biodegradable waste should be
converted into compost manure
Avoid or reduce the use of plastics
Use bio fertilizers.