Neisse Ria
Neisse Ria
Neisse Ria
Virulence factors
• Pili: essential for adhesion to mucosal surfaces and inhibit
neutrophil killing.
• The outer membrane is composed of phospholipids and other
outer membrane proteins. These proteins facilitate adhesion and
promote invasion.
• Lipo-oligosaccharides have endotoxin activity.
• Ig A1 protease.
Clinical picture
Gonorrhea in men: Urethritis, Epididymitis, prostatitis and may
lead to infertility. Most infections among men are acute and
symptomatic with purulent discharge & dysuria (painful urination)
after 2-5 day incubation period.
Ceftriaxone, cefixime or fluoroquinolone
Chemoprophylaxis of newborns against opthalmia neonatorum with
1% silver nitrate, 1% tetracycline, or 0.5% erythromycin eye
Treatment of newborns with opthalmia neonatorum with ceftriaxone
Neisseria meningitides
Case Carrier
Virulence factors:
• Pili-mediated, receptor-specific
colonization of nasopharynx
• Antiphagocytic polysaccharide
capsule allows systemic spread in
absence of specific immunity
• Lipooligosaccharide
• IgA proteases
Neisseria meningitidis
Chocolate Agar inside Candle
Jar (5-10% CO2)
Laboratory diagnosis
In meningococcal meningitis, the cocci are present in large numbers in
the spinal fluid and, in the early stage in the blood as well. Demonstration
of meningococci in the nasopharynx helps in the detection of carriers
(nasopharyngeal swab or west swab).
(a) Examination of CSF (taken by lumbar puncture).
The fluid will be under pressure and turbid, with a large number of pus
For bacteriological examination, the CSF is divided into :
One portion is centrifuged and Gram- stained smears are prepared from
the deposit, Meningococci will be seen mainly inside polymorphs.
Direct detection of meningococcal antigens in CSF by latex
agglutination testing.
Laboratory diagnosis