Azcona 2011
Azcona 2011
Azcona 2011
Keywords: V-I converter, low-voltage low-power, rail-to-rail, be reconsidered if achievement of rail-to-rail operation is a key
temperature compensation. issue for the circuit, as occurs in our application, where not
I. INTRODUCTION making use of the full supply voltage restricts the maximum
allowable resolution for the VFC output frequency.
Voltage-to-current (V-I) converters are key cells in many
analog and mixed applications: multipliers, continuous-time To address this problem, this paper proposes three new
filters, variable gain amplifiers, data converters and other CMOS rail-to rail V-I converters, achieving high linearity and
interface circuits can be built based on the V-I converter. In moderate power consumption. In addition, they are temperature
particular, the motivation of this study is the design of a V-I compensated. The paper is organized as follows. Section II
converter constituting the input stage of a CMOS voltage-to- presents the different approaches proposed to attain rail-to-rail
frequency converter (VFC) to be used in low power embedded V-I converters. Section III summarizes and compares the main
applications [1]. performance results obtained for 1.2 V − 0.18 µm CMOS
designs. Finally, preliminary conclusions are drawn in Section
The conventional V-I converter (Fig. 1a) is based on an IV.
operational amplifier (OA) or a transconductance amplifier
(OTA) driving an NMOS T1 and a grounded resistance RS in a II. PROPOSED RAIL-TO-RAIL V-I CONVERTERS
negative feedback loop. This structure is highly linear, but Based on the OTA/common source amplifier V-I
presents an important shortcoming: the minimum voltage architecture shown in Fig. 1b, the idea to reach rail-to-rail
headroom across the current mirror T2-T3 stacked to convey the operation is to reduce the voltage across the resistor RS which
current signal (Vin/RS) significantly reduces the voltage performs the V-I conversion from Vin to αVin, being α < 1, in
operating range down to VDD-(VTH2+Vds,sat2), where VTH2 and order to keep the transistor T1 working in the saturation region
Vds,sat2 are respectively the threshold voltage and the saturation over the complete input voltage range. In this way, assuming a
voltage of transistor T2. This limitation is critical in low- rail-to-rail input, the output current mirroring will not cause a
voltage modern CMOS processes. To extend the voltage reduction in the V-I operating range. So, three new approaches
operating range close to the supply voltage, the V-I converter that extend to rail-to-rail the operating range are next
of Fig. 1b was proposed by authors [1]. This structure, based introduced and analyzed, denoted as feedforward voltage
on an OTA/common source amplifier configuration, is used in attenuation (FFVA), feedback voltage attenuation (FBVA) and
voltage regulator design since the output VS = Vin can swing all current attenuation (CA) V-I converters.
the way up to the supply voltage. However, the transistor that
makes the current copy (T1) does not work in saturation over A. Feedforward Voltage Attenuation V-I converter
all the input voltage. As a result, the input voltage is The simplest proposal to obtain a rail-to-rail V-I converter
considerably extended, but the operation range is still limited to makes use of a rail-to-rail input voltage divider before the
VDD-Vds,sat1. Therefore, the design of this V-I converter needs to OTA/common source amplifier V-I converter. For attenuating
R2 T2C T3C
R1 T3C
Vin VB
T2C R1
Vin VB
R2 OTA2 Iout
V A = α V in T1 V A = α V in
I out VDD
αVin RS
RS I1= I1=
Figure 2. Schematic scheme of the FFVA V-I converter Figure 3. Schematic scheme of the FBVA V-I converter
K1 : 1 K2 : 1 IB M4 M 4 M4 M4
Vin T1 T2 Vin T3 T4
I3 M2 M2
1.5 FBA
are some criterions followed in all circuits: the final scaling 1.5
Nomalized I out
resistor that realizes the main V-I conversion is set to 1
1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2
area; and the attenuation factor α is set to 0.8. The ongoing 0.5
wide swing
complementary differential amplifier stages in parallel [3] to Figure 6. Normalized Iout vs. VIN for different V-I converters
of (-40, +140 ºC), giving successful results in terms of Figure 7. Linearity error vs. temperature
temperature sensitivity: linearity error remains below 0.003 % -40
for the FFVA V-I converter and GM varies up to 2.5 %, for the -45
while there is a GM variation of 2.15 % and for the CA the error -50
THD (dB)
is below 0.007 % and there is a GM variation of 1.13 %. In Fig. -55
7 the variation of linearity error with temperature is shown.
The FFVA V-I converter has a bandwidth of 3.82 MHz,
FBVA V-I converter has a bandwidth of 5.23 MHz and the CA -65
3 4
V-I converter has a bandwidth of 6.64 MHz with the freq (Hz)
considered load RL = 10 kΩ and CL = 0.5 pF. FBVA V-I Figure 8. THD variation for 1Vpp
converter shows greater bandwidth than FFVA V-I converter
specification, as well as for other low voltage analog circuits
because there is a compensation pole-zero in its frequency
that loose a significant amount of operating range with the
response. Fig. 8 shows the total harmonic distortion (THD) for
increasing reduction of power supply voltages. In voltage
the V-I converters, for an input of 1Vpp. The THD is better in
attenuation V-I converters, a single differential pair could be
FBVA V-I converter, being above -50 dB for frequencies
used as the main OTA, as its input voltage is reduced to αVin.
below 10 kHz. However, all these V-I converters are good in
However, in these voltage attenuation V-I converters an OTA
terms of THD, since the application of these V-I converters is
that includes two complementary differential amplifier stages
VFCs, where the input signal is slowly varying. Finally, the V-
in parallel is used in order to have more compact architectures.
I converters are nominally biased at 1.2 V, and the output
current has been measured for supply voltage drops up to REFERENCES
0.2 V. Obviously, as VDD scales, the input voltage range is
[1] C.Azcona, B. Calvo, N. Medrano, A. Bayo, S. Celma, “12-b enhanced
scaled; however, linearity errors remains constant, and so do input range on-chip quasi-digital converter with temperature
each GM. compensation,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Exp. Briefs, vol. 58, no. 3,
pp. 164-168, March 2011.
The proposed V-I main performances are summarized in
[2] K. Ueno, T. Asai, Y. Amemilla, “A 30-MHz, 90-ppm/ºC Fully-
Table I and compared with previously published rail to rail V-I integrated Clock Reference Generator with Frequency-locked Clock,” in
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IV. CONCLUSIONS [3] J R. J. Baker, H. W. Li, D. E. Boyce, CMOS, Circuit design, layout and
simulation, IEEE Press, USA, 1998
Three novel 1.2 V − 0.18 µm CMOS voltage-to-current
converter solutions have been proposed achieving very [4] C.-C. Hung, M. Ismail, K. Halonen, V. Porra, “A low-voltage rail-to-rail
CMOS V-I converter,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, Analog and digital
competitive performances with a true rail-to-rail operating signal proccesing, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 816-820, June 1999.
range. This improvement is highly important for some [5] N. Hassen, H. B. Gabbouj, K. Besbes, “Low-voltage, high-performance
applications, such as voltage-to-frequency converters where current mirrors: Application to linear voltage-to-current converters,” Int.
rail-to-rail operation of the V-I converter input stage is a key J. Circ. Theor. Appl. Vol. 39, pp. 47-60, July 2009
Parameter [4], 1999 [5], 2009 FFVA, 2011 FBVA, 2011 CA, 2011
Technology 1.2 µm CMOS 0.18 µm CMOS 0.18 µm CMOS 0.18 µm CMOS 0.18 µm CMOS
Supply Voltage 3V 1V 1.2 V 1.2 V 1.2 V
GM 20 µS/V 100 µS/V 2.012 µS/V 2.003 µS/V 1.681 µS/V
13 % 3% 12.8 % 1.25 % 3.2 %
GM deviation
(full range) (Vin > 0.1 V) (full range) (full range) (full range)
Input Voltage Range 0 – 2.8 V 0-1V 0-1.2 V 0-1.19 V 0-1.18 V
Bandwidth -- 39.22 MHz 3.82 MHz 5.23 MHz 6.64 MHz
THD @ 1Vpp -37.4 dB (1kHz) -44.4 dB (1MHz) -41.2 dB (10kHz) -53.5 dB (10kHz) -48.3 dB (10kHz)
Power Consumption 310 µW 730 µW 52.873 µW 52.86 µW 69.08 µW
Area 0.129 mm2 -- 0.0102 mm2 0.0112 mm2 0.0144 mm2