LectureSeries2 Precipitation
LectureSeries2 Precipitation
LectureSeries2 Precipitation
Hydrological Processes
- Precipitation
Prof. M. J. Reddy
[email protected]
(Meteorology is the science dealing with the atmosphere and its phenomena,
including both weather and climate)
Weather Climate
Variable condition Variable condition averaged
over a smaller time over a period of time
Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time;
climate is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively longer period of time
Important Meteorological Variables
• Temperature -Thermometer
• Atmospheric pressure -Barometer
• Humidity -Hygrometer
• Wind speed -Anemometer
• Sunshine hours -Parheliometer
• Radiation -Pyranometer
Automatic Weather Station
• Evaporation -Evaporimeter
• Rainfall -Raingauge
Hygrometer Anemometer
Pyranometers Sunshine hours
Water vapor
Fraction of water vapor in atmosphere is very small as
compared to the other gases, but very important for life Equal volume
Amount of precipitable water
• Amount of water contained in a column of atmosphere (h) extending
from earth surface
Formation of precipitation
Two key processes of precipitation: Coalescence, & Ice crystal process
Coalescence process
In this process, molecules of water vapour condense on aerosols
suspended in the atmosphere to form water droplets.
These droplets collide and coalesce into bigger droplets
As these droplets descend, coalescence continues, the droplets
become sufficiently heavy to overcome the resistance imposed by
upwardly rising air and fall as rain.
Formation of precipitation
Ice Crystal Process (Bergeron process)
Occurs in cold clouds that form at altitudes
where the air temperature is below the freezing
point of water. In these clouds, water exists in
super-cooled state (i.e., in liquid form)
Due to the water vapour gradient, water from
the super-cooled droplets evaporates and
deposits on the ice crystals. As a result, the
super-cooled droplets reduce in size whereas
ice crystals grow.
When the ice crystals gain enough mass, they
begin to fall, to reach the surface either as
snow or rain, depending on temperature
conditions during the fall
Forms of Precipitation
(all forms of water that reach the earth from the atmosphere)
• In high hilly areas when atmosphere becomes very
cold, water vapours freeze before condensing into
water and become snow.
Ice crystals combine to form flakes (initial density varies
from 0.06-0.15 g/cm3)
Forms of Precipitation contd.,
• Glaze: water drops freeze to form an ice coating
Frontal Precipitation
It mainly results when a mass of warm air
meets a mass of cooler air as in warm front
(or) when a mass of cooler air meets a mass
of warm air as in cold front.
When these two opposing masses of air meet,
warm air gets lifted up over the cooler air.
The warm air subsequently cools down, and
results in the formation of clouds, and causes
Types of Precipitation
Based on mechanism of production :
• Convective precipitation
– Rise in packet of warm air (lesser density)
due to localized heating, undergoes cooling
and results in Precipitation
• Orographic precipitation
– Moist air masses lifted up to higher altitudes
due to presence of mountains, undergo
cooling, condensation and precipitation
• Cyclonic precipitation
– It results from lifting of air masses converging
into low-pressure area of cyclone
Convective Precipitation
- Rise in packet of warm air (lesser density) due to localized heating, undergoes
cooling, condensation and results in Precipitation
− Characterised by high intensity-short duration rain that covers a small area
− The maximum velocity that falling rain can attain is about 30 km/h.
− When large drops falling at this rate, break up into smaller drops, electrical
energy is released as lightning.
Orographic Precipitation
• It is also referred as relief precipitation
– Movement of warm moist air onto a
mountainous land surface
– Causes the air to be mechanically
lifted up the mountain slope, where
it is adiabatically cooled
– Subsequently, it condenses, results in
the formation of cloud and causes rain
• Characterised by medium to high-intensity
rainfall, is stationary, and medium to long
• The precipitation is typically heavier on
the windward side than on the leeward side
Thunder storms
• Different from other types of
precipitation due to its electrical nature.
• Thunderstorms occur in association with
a type of cloud known as cumulonimbus
• Develops from vertical air movement
associated with tense surface heating or
orographic effects
• Characterized by the presence of lightning
and its acoustic effect on the Earth's
• Local in nature, but very much productive &
results in intense rainfall
• Significant in local & urban drainage works
Cyclone Precipitation
Cyclone: large low pressure region with
circular wind motion
Tropical cyclone:
characterized by wind system with intensively
strong depression with MSL pressures ~915mbars
– Called as cyclone in India
– Hurricane in USA
– Typhoon in South-East Asia
INSAT-1D image of a Cyclone in
Orissa coast on Oct 29th 1999
Extra tropical cyclone:
– outside the tropical zone
– associated with frontal system
– strong counter-clockwise wind circulation in
the northern hemisphere
Representation of rainfall, pressure and wind
speed distribution in a cyclone
1. South-west monsoon (June-September)
‒ The south-west monsoon (monsoon) is the principal rainy season of India
(Over 75% of the annual rainfall occurs in India)
Characteristics of Precipitation on India
• Transition-I, Post-monsoon (October-November)
‒ Due to formation of low-pressure areas in the Bay of Bengal, a north-easterly
flow of air mass picks up moisture in the Bay of Bengal and strikes at coast of
peninsula (Tamil Nadu) and causes rainfall
Course: CE 401 (Water Resources Engineering)
• Rainfall Measurement and Analysis
Prof. M. J. Reddy
[email protected]
Rainfall Measurement
(depth to which rainfall water would stand on an area if all the rain were collected on it)
– Instrument to measure the rainfall
Types of rain-gauges
– Non-recording Gauges
– Recording Gauges
Non-recording Gauge
(Symon’s Gauge)
All units in mm
Nonrecording rain-gauges
• Cylindrical-vessel assembly kept in the
open to collect rain
• It gives the amount of rainfall only,
• It does not give any information about
the intensity or starting and ending time
of a rain event.
Symon’s rain-gauge
Recording Rain-gauges
• Recording rain-gauges provide continuous record of rainfall, helps to
find the intensity of rainfall, starting and ending time of a rain event.
• Recording rain-gauges
– Tipping-Bucket Type
Tipping-Bucket Type Weighing Bucket Gauge
Natural Syphon
Recording Rain-gauges
Tipping-Bucket Type
– The catch from the funnel falls
into one pair of small buckets.
– These buckets are so balanced
that when 0.25mm of rainfall
collects in one bucket, it tips and
brings the other one in position.
– The tipping actuates an electrically
driven pen to trace a record on a
clock-work driven chart
Recording Rain-gauges
Weighing Bucket Gauge
− In this raingauge, rainwater from the funnel
empties into a bucket mounted on a
weighing scale.
− The weight of the bucket and its contents are
recorded on a clock-work driven chart.
− It gives a plot of accumulated rainfall against
elapsed time.
Recording Rain-gauges
Natural Syphon (or Float Type) Gauge
− The rainfall collected by a funnel shaped
collector is led into a float chamber causing a
float to rise
− As the float rises, a pen attached to the float
through a lever system records the elevation
of the float on a rotating drum driven by a
clock-work mechanism.
− The syphon mechanism empties the float
chamber when the float has reached a pre-set
maximum level.
Chart of a recording type rain gauge station
Precipitation in mm
Precipitation (mm) 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 1.8 0 0 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.1
Time 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Precipitation (mm) 1.5 0.5 0.5 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.0 0 0 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.5
Radar Measurement of Rainfall
Raingauge Network
• The catching area of a rain gauge is very small as compared to
the areal extent of a storm
– To get a representative picture of a storm over a catchment, the
number of rain gauges should be as large as possible.
– But, the economic considerations to a large extent and other
considerations such as topography, accessibility (to some extent)
restrict the number of gauges to be maintained in the catchment
• It is desired to have optimum density of raingauges to get
reasonably accurate information about storms in the area
Raingauge Network
• WMO Recommendations
– Flat regions (of Temperate, Mediterranean and Tropical zones)
• Ideal – 1 station for 600-900 km2
• Acceptable – 1 station for 900-3000km2
– Mountainous regions (of Temperate, Mediterranean and Tropical zones)
• Ideal – 1 station for 100-250 km2
• Acceptable – 1 station for 250-1000km2
– Arid and polar zones
• 1 station for 1500-10,000 km2 depending on the feasibility
• IS : 4987-1968 recommendations
– In Plains:
• 1 station per 520 km2
Note: It was suggested that 10% of the raingauge stations should be equipped
with self-recording gauges to know the intensities of rainfall.
Adequacy of Rain gauge Stations
• Optimal No. of stations
A catchment has six rain gauge stations. In a year, the annual rainfall recorded
by the gauges are as follows:
Station 1 2 3 4 5 6
Rainfall (cm) 82.6 102.9 180.3 110.3 98.8 136.7
For a 10% error in the estimation of the mean rainfall, calculate the optimum
number of stations in the catchment
Ans: m=6
Average Rainfall
Coeff. of Var. Cv
Course: CE 401 (Water Resources Engineering)
Rainfall Analysis
– Filling Missing Rainfall data
– Testing the consistency
– Mean areal rainfall estimation
– Rainfall Frequency analysis
Prof. M J. Reddy
[email protected]
Pi = ith station precipitation,
Ni = ith station normal precipitation
M = total number of stations
Normal Annual rainfall: average annual precipitation at any station (say 30-yrs data)
The normal annual rainfall (cm) in a catchment at four stations is 80.97 (A),
67.59 (B), 76.28(C) and 92.01 (D). The last station (D) was not operated in a
particular year. Find the missing data for station D, if annual rainfall in other
three stations are 91.11 (A), 72.23 (B), and 79.89(C) respectively.
=99.41 cm
Inverse distance method
Involves computing of weights (Wi) of
the surrounding rain gauges
– The distances (Di) are computed by
establishing a set of axes running
through the missing data station A
Di2= (xi-x0)2+(yi-y0)2
Determine the rainfall at station A using inverse method, if
rainfall at neighboring sites are
Station Rainfall Coordinates
i (cm) (Xi, Yi) 1/Di2
1 2.5 (1.2, 0.9) 0.444 0.122
2 3.4 (0.5, 1.1) 0.685 0.189
3 1.5 (0.8, 0.3) 1.370 0.377
4 2.2 (0.5, 1.2) 0.592 0.163
5 2.5 (1.1, 0.8) 0.541 0.149
Double Mass Curve
Example other
Year Station A station
1985 177 143
1986 144 132 Steps in Double Mass Curve Procedure:
1987 178 146
1. Arrange the data in chronologically
1988 162 147
1989 194 161
descending order (yearwise)
1990 168 155
2. Find cumulative of station A
1991 196 152
1992 144 117 3. Find cumulative of other stations
1993 160 128
1994 196 193 4. Plot the graph. Cum. precipitations of station
1995 141 156 A in Y axis and other station in X axis
1996 158 164
1997 145 155 5. Locate the points and mark the year on it
1998 132 143
1999 95 115 6. Join the points
2000 148 135
2001 142 163
7. Find the point where the line changes its
2002 140 135 slope.
2003 130 143
2004 137 130
8. Adjust the old records, so that they follow the
2005 130 146 current straight line trend.
2006 163 161
Precip. Precip. Cum. Prec. of Cum. Prec. Of
Year Station A other stat’n station A other stations
2006 163 161 163 161
2005 130 146 293 307
2004 137 130 430 437 Ma=(3380-1857)
2003 130 143 560 580 (3220- 939)
– A hyetograph is a plot of intensity of rainfall against the time interval
– hyetographs derived from the mass curve and presented as a bar chart
Rainfall Data
Rainfall mass curve
Mean precipitation over an area
• The mean areal precipitation over a catchment can be estimated
– Arithmetical-mean method
– Thiessen polygon method
– Isohyetal method
13.97 mm
22.1 mm
137.2 mm
59.2 mm
48 mm
Arithmetical-Mean Method
137.2 mm
59.2 mm
48 mm
Thiessen Polygon method
This involves determining the area of influence for each station rather
than assuming a straight-line variation.
13.97 mm
Station A 22.1 mm
Constructing Thiessen Polygons:
Station B
1. Plot stations on a map
2. Connect adjacent stations by
137.2 mm
straight lines Station C Station D
3. Bisect each connecting line
59.2 mm
4. Perpendicular lines define a 48 mm
Station E
polygon around each station
5. The average rainfall for the Thiessen Polygons
catchment is estimated by
Isohyetal method
Accurate method of representing the spatial distribution of rainfall in a catchment.
Locate all rainfall stations on a base map
and enter the rainfall amount.
Isohyetal method
This is generally the most accurate method, but is also the most laborious method