The Use of School Information System in Strengthening The Management of Government Secondary Schools in Meru District Council

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The use of School Information System in

Strengthening the Management of Government
Secondary Schools in Meru District Council
Imani S. Baharia
Department of Education, Humanities and Science - Tumaini University Makumira, Arusha, Tanzania

Abstract:- This study investigated the use of the School knowledge and skills for meaningful engagement in society
Information System (SIS) in strengthening the (Brown, 2020). It is crucial that government secondary
management of government secondary schools in Meru schools are effectively and transparently administered to
District Council. The study adopted the Technology ensure the successful realization of this mission (Johnson,
Acceptance Model (TAM). The Diffusion Innovation 2017).
theory and Technological Acceptance model guided this
study. A qualitative research approach alongside a case Education systems have been significantly transformed
study research design was adopted. The targeted due to technological advancements. School Information
population of the study was 1203 including 46 heads of System (SIS) has emerged as comprehensive solutions to the
schools, 1083 teachers, 46 academic teachers, 26 ward administrative and managerial challenges faced by
secondary officers, 01 District Education Officer (DSEO) government secondary schools. This system typically
and 01 District Information Communication Technology incorporates features such as student record management,
Officer (DICTO) of which 37 were drawn. Purposive and attendance tracking, grading and teacher-student
simple random sampling techniques were used to get communication. Global research has demonstrated that the
respondents. Interview and questionnaire methods were implementation of SIS can enhance efficiency, transparency,
used to collect data. The study's trustworthiness was and accountability in school management (Behrouzian,
maintained through the supervisor’s corrections, expert 2018). The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) guides
advice, and following all necessary ethical procedures. the effective application of the school management system
The study revealed that the School Information System (Min & Jeong, 2019).
carries user-friendly features that strengthen the
management of government secondary schools such as The global community has made substantial
student information management, and teacher and staff investments in the acquisition, processing, and effective
management. However, the facilities are not sufficiently utilization of high-quality data through the education
available. Furthermore, the study found that the School management Information System (UNESCO, 2016).
Information System greatly enhances data management
and analysis, streamlining administrative tasks and Moreover, access to high-quality education remains a
resource management, promoting teachers’ significant challenge in Africa. As tools for addressing this
accountability and improving communication in challenge, School Information System (SIS) have gained
government secondary schools. The study recommended traction. Recognizing the potential of SIS, African
that there should be the provision of enough facilities, governments have put these systems in place to improve
alternative sources of energy, seminars, and training to data collection, resource allocation, and educational
promote the implementation and use of School outcome monitoring (Chilundo, 2020).
Information System in government secondary schools.
East African countries such as Kenya, Uganda,
Keywords:- School Information System (SIS), Management, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Ethiopia have made significant
Government Secondary Schools. progress in implementing School Information System in
government secondary schools. This system has been
I. INTRODUCTION critical in managing growing student populations, ensuring
accurate record-keeping and monitoring teacher
This study investigated the use of the School performance (Rutayisire, 2021).
Information System (SIS) in strengthening the management
of government secondary schools in Meru District Council. Tanzania made significant progress in the deployment
Education is widely acknowledged as the foundation of and utilization of ICT during the implementation of the
personal and societal development, and government National ICT Policy 2003 (NICTP-2016). The Education
secondary schools play an important role in shaping nations' Management Information System (EMIS) was launched in
future (Smith, 2018). These establishments bear the November 2004 as part of a three-year development plan
responsibility of fostering the intellectual development of (2004-2007) by the Ministry of Education and Culture
young individuals and equipping them with the necessary (NICTP-2016).

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

UNESCO, in collaboration with the Tanzanian schools in Meru District Council. Therefore, this study
government, launched the Education Sector Management investigated the use of School Information System (SIS) in
Information System (ESMIS) program in January 2008. the strengthening management of government secondary
ESMIS tasks included strengthening the existing EMIS, schools in Meru district council. The question guiding this
decentralizing the basic education management information study was; what is the of SIS in the management of
system to the district level, and developing a new government secondary schools in Meru district council?
management information system (MIS) for vocational and
non-formal education, technical education, and higher II. METHODS
education. The ESMIS project set up a new database with
software for each sub-sector, provided computers and  Research Approach and Design
accessories, and uploaded the sector database (BEST) to the According to Sekaran and Bougie (2016), a research
Ministry's website (UNESCO, 2016). design is a detailed and systematic plan or blueprint that
outlines the entire research process, including the goals,
BEMIS was later given to the system. Since then, methods, procedures, and strategies for conducting a
heads of schools have collected and submitted educational research study. This study employed a case study research
data from schools during the education annual census using design. A case study research design is a qualitative
questionnaires that are filled out online and submitted to research method that involves an in-depth and detailed
WEC and DSEO for verification before being submitted to examination of a single individual, group, event, or
PO-RALG. community (Creswell & Creswell, 2022). It is a
comprehensive approach that allows researchers to explore
The adoption of e-management in government schools complex situations within their real-life surroundings
is expected to result in exceptional performance in (Creswell & Creswell, 2022). This study adopted the
processing and publishing results, updating curriculum, explanatory case study which focuses on explaining the
pedagogy, and teaching techniques to produce more skilled causal relationship and understanding the underlying
labor, and transforming the education sector to be more reasons behind the use of School Information System in
transparent, accountable, and time-oriented, as well as strengthening the management of public secondary schools.
quality improvement. Successful management of the An explanatory case study was used because it could allow
education system necessitates the effective use of ICT tools for in-depth data collection through various sources such as
for smooth operations to improve policy making, research, interviews, and questionnaires (Creswell & Creswell, 2022).
learning and teaching, monitoring, and evaluation through Furthermore, through explanatory case study research
data and information. design the researcher gained a deep understanding of the
context in which the problem existed, leading to logical and
School Information System (SIS) plays a key role in rich data.
the education system specifically in the effective
management that ensures the provision of quality education  Targeted Population
in government secondary schools. According to Smith Target population refers to the specific group of
(2018), government secondary schools face a number of individuals or entities that a study aims to investigate or
challenges affecting the effectiveness of School Information gather data from (Smith, 2020). The targeted population of
System, including time-consuming administrative tasks, this study was 1203, including, 46 government secondary
inaccurate data management, and insufficient schools, 46 heads of school, 1083 teachers, 46 academic
communication channels. Administrative tasks within teachers, 26 ward education officers, 1 District Secondary
government secondary schools often rely on manual, paper- Education Officer (DSEO) and 1 District Information
based systems, leading to inefficiencies, delays, and a higher Communication Technology Officer (DICTO) at Meru
likelihood of errors (Anold, 2020). district Council. The population was considered suitable due
to its experiences and knowledge on the use of the School
Moreover, Mbawala et al. (2024) reported that, the Information System in government secondary schools.
usability of information management system plays a crucial
role in efficiently managing schools. However, challenges  Sampling Procedures and Sample Size
such as a shortage of ICT experts, inadequate internet Purposive sampling technique and simple sampling
connectivity, limited budgets, frequent electricity outages, technique were administered in the selection of a sample
the absence of user-friendly software, and difficulties in size. Purposive sampling technique used because the data
system integration have been identified as hindrances to the will be collected from a particular subgroup or population;
effective utilization of the School Information System. head of schools, ward education officers, District Secondary
Education Officer (DSEO) and District Information
According to Mulokozi and Kitula (2023) despite the Communication Technology Officer (DICTO who can
challenges such as insufficient facilities and lack of provide valuable insights. Meanwhile, simple sampling
knowledge of using School Information System among technique used to select class teachers because of their
school managers, which in some instances act as barriers to numbers as well as provided a representative sample that
effective implementation of School Information System for accurately reflects the characteristics of the population and
management purposes, electronic governance system is still minimizes bias and increase generalizability of the findings
applied in the management of government secondary (Creswell & Creswell, 2022).

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

A sample size of thirty-seven (37) respondents were supervisors, which were crucial to maintaining the
involved including twenty (20) teachers, five (05) Academic trustworthiness of the research.
teachers, five (05) heads of schools, five (05) ward
education officers, one (1) district secondary education  Data Analysis
officer and one (1) District Information Communication Data analysis is the process of inspecting, cleaning,
Technology Officer (DICTO). This sample size fostered to transforming, and modeling data to discover useful
more precise and accurate findings, as the sample mean or information, draw conclusions and support decision-making
proportion becomes a better estimate of the population mean (Hair., Bain., Anderson & Black, 2019). The study adopted
or proportion. Also, were essential to ensure the ethical the qualitative analysis method. Thematic analysis method
treatment of research participants by minimizing the burden and descriptive statistics were adopted. Thematic analysis is
on individuals while still achieving the study’s objectives a qualitative research method used to identify, analyze, and
(Creswell & Creswell, 2022). report patterns within data (Creswell & Creswell, 2022).
The thematic analysis was employed because it could allow
 Data Collection Tools the analysis of data based on the nature of the data and the
The study employed interviews, and questionnaires. research question qualitatively (Creswell & Creswell, 2022).
Questionnaires were administered to heads of schools, Furthermore, thematic analysis enabled the researcher to
teachers and ward education officers. Both closed and open- identify underlying meanings, nuances, and relationships
ended questionnaires were used because helped to direct that could not be captured by quantitative methods.
respondents to specific sources or materials that aid in
answering questions accurately as well as provide a  Ethical Consideration
standardized set of questions for all respondents, ensuring Ethical considerations in research findings are critical
consistency in data collection. Meanwhile, both structured to ensuring responsible conduct of research and the well-
and semi-structured interview used by researcher. Interview being of participants (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). The
technique was administered because is a primary method for researcher obtained an introduction letter from Tumaini
collecting qualitative data, they allow researchers to gather University Makumira which was sent to the district
in-depth information, insights and perspectives from education officer of the Meru district council, where
participants. Also, provide context to research findings by permission letters for visiting selected secondary schools
allowing participants to elaborate on their experiences, were given. The researcher obtained voluntary participants
beliefs and attitudes which is essential for a deeper through an informed consent form before conducting the
understanding of the research topic (Kumar, 2019). research. The researcher protected the privacy and
confidentiality of participants. Data were anonymized and
 Trustworthiness of the Study de-identified to prevent the identification of individual
The trustworthiness of the study pertains to its participants. Also, the researcher maximized the benefits of
credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability the research while minimizing potential harm to the research
(Segal & Coolidge, 2018). To ensure the trustworthiness of participants. Additionally, the researcher reported the
this study, the research instruments were refined based on findings truthfully and accurately by complying with the
feedback from research experts, the researchers' supervisors, plagiarism threshold of 30% below.
and fellow students. Expert opinions were utilized to make
necessary corrections, thereby ensuring the validity of the III. RESULTS
instruments. The aim was to ensure that the instruments
effectively captured the required information from The study sought to find out the use of School
respondents. Additionally, data collection and report writing Information System (SIS) in strengthening the management
procedures were meticulously followed, including providing of government secondary schools in Meru district council.
clear instructions to participants and preparing clear and Figure 1 show the extent school information (SIS)
unbiased questionnaires. These procedures incorporated contributes to effective school management in government
feedback and revisions from research experts and secondary schools.

Fig 1 The Extent SIS Contribute to Effective School Management

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Data in Figure 1 shows that, 59% of the respondents through simplifying the whole process of management based
reported that, school information system contributes to on teaching activities and administrative works such as
effective school management to a large extent. 22% reported students’ academic performance records, curriculum
that, school information system contributes to effective implementation data and students’ attendance data
school management in moderate extent and 19% reported (Interview, District Secondary Education Officer, 5th April
that, school information system contributes to effective 2024).
school management in low extent. The responses revealed
that, SIS has large contribution to effective school The results revealed that, school information system
management in government secondary schools. One of the have large contribution on effective school management in
respondents through interview conquered with the findings government secondary schools. School information system
who explain that;- enhances data centralization and accessibility, streamlined
administrative processes, enhanced communication and
School information system has higher contribution in collaboration, data analysis for informed decision-making,
effective school management because it ensures data resource optimization and support for personalized learning
centralization and accessibility, streamlined administrative which important roles in strengthening effective school
processes, enhanced communication and collaboration, data management are.
analysis for informed decision-making, resource
optimization and support for personalized learning  Roles of SIS on Effective School Management
(Interview, District Information Communication This sought to know the roles of school information
Technology Officer, and 6th April 2024). system (SIS) on effective school management in secondary
schools. The questionnaires responses are presented in table
 Another Respondent Added that;- 1.
School information system is largely contributing to
effective management of government secondary schools

Table 1 Roles of SIS on Effective School Management (N=35)

Responses Frequency Percentages (%)
Enhancing data management and analysis 33 94.2
Streamlining administrative tasks 27 77.1
Enhancing resource management 19 54.2
Promoting teachers’ accountability 24 68.5
Enhancing communication 16 45.7

Data in Table 1 showed that, 94.2% of the respondents feedback.” (Interview, District Secondary Education
reported that, school information system enhancing data Officer, 5th April 2024).
management and analysis. Through interview one of the
respondents said;- The results revealed that, school information system
enhancing data management and analysis in strengthening
SIS enhances data management by centralizing all effective management of schools. The utilization of a
relevant information into a single platform. This comprehensive school system empowers government
consolidation of data allows for easier access, organization, secondary schools to optimize their operations through
and retrieval of critical information such as student records, efficient data management practices and insightful data
attendance data, grades, and disciplinary actions. This analysis capabilities. On the other hand, despites of the role
ensures data integrity and confidentiality while also of School Information System (SIS) in enhancing data
reducing the risk of errors associated with manual record- management and analysis but some teachers lack skills and
keeping. The respondent further said that, despites of this knowledge of implementing School Information System
role but some teachers lack knowledge and skills that effectively due to absence of frequently training.
hindering effective use of SIS in data management
(Interview, District Information Communication Furthermore, Table 1 showed that, 77.1% of the
Technology Officer, and 6th April 2024). respondents reported that, school information system
enhancing streamlining administrative tasks. This confirmed
 Again, it was Verified that;- by one of the interviewee who said that;-
“School information system becomes one of the safe
way to improving data management practices through School Information System is software solutions
conducting in-depth data analysis to identify trends patterns, designed to manage and streamline administrative
and areas for improvement. Leveraging advanced analytics institutions. This system automates routine administrative
tools within these systems, enable administrators generate processes such as student enrollment, attendance tracking,
actionable insights from large data sets. For example, track grade recording, scheduling, and communication with
students’ performance in the right time and assess the parents. Digitalizing these tasks, save time, reduce manual
effectiveness of instructional strategies based on real-time errors, and focus on more strategic initiatives that benefits
students and institution as whole. It was added that, teachers

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

need more training that can impart them knowledge and accountability towards effective school management in
skills to strengthen effective use of SIS in government various ways including; automating administrative tasks,
secondary schools (Interview, District Information and monitoring teacher performance.
Communication Technology Officer, 6th April 2024).
Additionally, Table 1 shows that, 68.5% of the
The results implied that, school information system respondents reported that, school information system
enhancing streamlining administrative tasks in strengthening enhancing communication. This was agreed by one of the
effective management in government secondary schools. respondents through interview who explain that;-
However, there is need of trainings for teachers to
strengthen their skills and knowledge towards effective School information system encompasses various
implementation of School Information System in technological tools and platforms that streamline
government secondary schools. Overall, the findings administrative processes, facilitate data management, and
revealed that, streamlining administrative tasks contributes improve communication among stakeholders within the
to effective management because enable centralizing data educational ecosystem for example, communication
management, data driven decision-making and promoting between administrators, teachers, students and parents
efficiency and cost saves. (Interview, District Information Communication
Technology Officer, 6th April 2024).
Again, Table 1 showed that, 54.2% of the respondents
reported that, school information system enhancing resource The results revealed that, school information system
management. This was proved by one of the respondents enhancing communication among educational stakeholders
who commented that;- towards effective school management in government
secondary schools. This implies School Information System
SIS enhances resources management through the is instrumental in enhancing communication and
integration of financial data. Incorporating of budgeting contributing to effective school management in government
tools and expense tracking features, school better monitor secondary schools through improving communication
their financial resources and allocate funds efficiently. This channels among stakeholders.
integration helps school optimize their spending and ensure
that resources are allocated where they are most needed. Overall, the study revealed that, school information
(Interview, District Information Communication system has great roles in promoting the effective
Technology Officer, 6th April 2024). management of government secondary schools because
enhancing data management and analysis, streamlining
The results indicated that, school information system administrative tasks, enhancing resource management,
enhancing resource management that strengthening the promoting teachers’ accountability and enhancing
effective school management in government secondary communication.
schools. Supporting to the findings, school information has
roles of enhancing resource management by automating IV. DISCUSSION
administrative tasks, providing real-time access to data,
integrating financial information, facilitating communication The study found that, SIS has large contribution in the
among stakeholders and supporting strategic planning management of government secondary schools through data
through data analysis in strengthening effective management management and analysis, streamlining administrative tasks,
in government secondary schools. enhancing resource management, promoting teachers’
accountability and enhancing communication. The findings
Furthermore, Table 1 showed that, 68.5% of the matched with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which
respondents reported that, school information system posits that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use
promoting teachers’ accountability. This confirmed by one are key determinants of an individual’s intention to use a
of the respondents who said that;- particular technology (Scherer, Siddiq & Tondeur, 2019).
The findings are similar to the study by Rosana (2018)
School information system (SIS) provides teachers found that, school management information systems provide
with access to real-time student data, academic performance information and various reports from the database in order
metrics, attendance records, and other relevant information. to make decisions in line with the aims of the school and
Having a clear overview of student progress and outcomes facilitate controlling of the activities to achieve the school
teachers are held more accountable for their instructional aims. The findings also are line with the study by Kyriazi
practices and student outcomes. Also, school leaders (2023) who revealed that school information system serves
conduct regular evaluations of teachers’ performance as a comprehensive database that stores and manages
against predefined benchmarks and standards. (Interview, various types of student-related information, including
District Secondary Education Officer, 5th April 2024). academic records, attendance data, and demographic details.

The results revealed that, school information system Supporting the findings, the study by Nkata (2020)
promoting teachers’ accountability in strengthening found that, implementing an education management
effective management in government secondary schools. In information system can effectively enhance the accurate and
general, school information system enhancing teachers’ timely collection and dissemination of quality data required

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

to support policy makers in planning and monitoring of solutions for sophisticated problems in resources
academic activities on enhancing the practice of delivering management. Baiden, et al (2023) also matched the current
quality education for sustainable development. With study found that improvement in the quality of reports have
supportive results, the study by Shah (2019) highlighted been highlighted as major impact of MIS on school
positive impact of SIS on school administration and administration and management such enhancement of data
management including better accessibility to information, analysis, decision-making and accessibility of information.
more efficient administration, higher utilization of school Similarly, (Nurhidayah, 2023; Shah, 2014 & Afzal, 2020)
resources, and reduction in workload, better time viewed that, as staff in schools have acquired and developed
management, and improvement in the quality of reports. ICT skills and confidence in using the technologies; they
Furthermore, school information system empowers have experienced a reduction in some aspects of their
administrators to concentrate on initiatives, saving time and workload and ensure effective resources management
resources while ensuring, saving time and resources. Also through easy data analysis and communication. Similar to
facilitate smooth communication between schools and the findings Chudi & Ifeoma (2020) revealed that, the
education administrators (Shanganlall, 2024). benefits of school information system in schools include,
helps keeping students’ records as well as helping in
However, Mumtaz, (2018) viewed that; SIS had examination management.
changed school management in leadership, decision-making,
human resource management, communication, However, SIS seems to be very vital in the school
responsibility, planning and workload. In harmony to the management activities but it also seems that, there number
current study, Khademi (2020) found that, the impact of ICT of teachers who lack knowledge, lack of training, and skills
on management practices in smart schools in Iran for and confidence of using SIS effectively. Shah (2014) in his
example, became a factor for better accessibility to study matched the results that, lack of time, lack of
information, more efficient administration, and a higher confidence or skills, lack of training and lack of technical
utilization of school resources. The study by USAID (2022) support have negative consequences on effective
also matched the findings reported that, SIS is used by implementation of SIS in schools. In unison to the findings
school to support a range of administrative activities, Forrester (2019) found that, there are various inhibiting
including attendance monitoring, assessment records, factors in implementing School Information System (SIS)
student behavior patterns, reporting, and resource including lack of infrastructure, lack of training and support,
management such as financial and staff allocation. and administrator’s inability to effectively analyze data that
directly impacts the use of the systems in schools. Also, the
Overall, the revolution of SIS in education has become study by Chudi & Ifeoma (2020) matched the findings that,
an important element on effective management of Tanzanian lack of technical support, inadequate user-friendly software
government secondary schools. Data management, for analyzing test results at the school level, lack of ICT
streamlining administrative tasks, enhancing resource support center and lack of awareness among other are the
management, promoting teachers’ accountability and challenges of School Information System.
enhancing communication have become important factors
from SIS that fostering effective management of The findings furthermore, revealed the current
government secondary schools including school academic situation in Tanzanian government secondary school, where
achievement, human resources such as teachers’ most of teachers seem to have low ability of using School
accountability and physical resources including Information School (SIS) due to lack of enough knowledge
infrastructures as well as teaching and learning facilities. and skills of using ICT facilities. Also, lack of frequent
training for teachers based on effective use of School
With agreement to the findings, the study by Emami information system act as a factor affecting its
(2015) found that, school managers who used to spend a implementation. For example, it was found that, lack of
large amount of time-solving complex allocation problems teachers qualified in technology integration, and technical
(e.g., staff allocation, resource allocation, timetabling) and problems as the major challenges affecting the effective
monitoring the school operations now have better options integration of technology at school level (Ramorola, 2013).
due to enhanced technology. Information technologies The study by Balicoco and Enad (2023) also matched the
facilitate the decentralization of work tasks and coordination findings that, lack of training was a preventive factor for
in an interactive communication network in real-time. The teachers’ knowledge and skills of implementing school
report by USAID (2022) matched the findings that, SIS is information system in secondary schools.
used by schools to support a range of administrative
activities specifically resource management such as V. CONCLUSION
financial and staff allocation.
Based on the findings, the study concludes that, SIS
With similar results Shah (2014) reported that, staff of has large contribution in the management of government
his selected schools believed that use of technologies had secondary schools. School Information System (SIS) plays a
made administrative work easier with regard to accounts and great role in the management of government secondary
resources management. Also, school management schools by enabling data management and analysis,
information systems increase effectiveness and efficiency by streamlining administrative tasks, enhancing resource
saving time and facilitating development of alternative management, promoting teachers’ accountability and

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

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