An E-Readiness Assessment of ICT Integration in Public Primary Schools in Kenya Case of Nyeri County
An E-Readiness Assessment of ICT Integration in Public Primary Schools in Kenya Case of Nyeri County
An E-Readiness Assessment of ICT Integration in Public Primary Schools in Kenya Case of Nyeri County
Abstract: In primary schools, information and communication technologies (ICT) are widely seen as tools for enhancing learning.
This expectation increases their rapid diffusion and adoption throughout developing countries. Despite the strong emphasis given to
ICTs in education, little has been done to evaluate e-readiness as a factor that influences ICT integration in primary schools in Kenya.
This study sought to evaluate e- readiness of ICT integration in public primary schools in Nyeri Central Sub-County, Kenya. The study
adopted descriptive survey design. The targeted population was 376 subjects comprising of 375 teachers in the 23 public primary
schools in Nyeri Central Sub-county and one Sub-county director of education. 11 schools were sampled through simple random
sampling technique. The SCDE and the head-teachers of every school sampled were purposively selected. 66 teachers were randomly
sampled, making the sample size of 78 respondents. Data collection was done using questionnaires, interview and observations. There
was a response rate of 100%. The results indicated moderate readiness in adopting ICT in public primary school in Nyeri Central Sub-
county. This would be enhanced if the government would expedite the process of procurement and installation of the digital hardware
and software in the schools and also, plan on how all public primary teachers would be re-trained on ICT application on the primary
education curricula.
The reasons for introducing Information and Communication 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
Technology (ICT) in schools are four-fold: technology The purpose of the study was to investigate and evaluate the
innovations, globalization of economy and information, various factors and extent to which public primary schools in
knowledge based economy and society and increasing Nyeri Central Sub-county in Kenya were prepared for ICT
demand for education (Temba, 2013). The role of ICT in integration to the education system (curricula and
promoting economic growth and development has gained administrative activities).
prominence globally. Economies are been transformed from
industrial to knowledge-based where knowledge is recognized The general objective of this study was to evaluate the e-
as a driver of productivity and economic growth (OECD, readiness of ICT integration in public primary schools in
2004; World Bank, 2008). Its expected that adopting and Nyeri Central Sub-county. In order to get more on the e-
using ICT in schools would lead to significant expansion of readiness, the general objective was further divided into more
education and academic outcomes which are beneficial to specific objectives, which were:-
both teachers and students. When used appropriately, ICT can
help to support the value of education by increasing access to To evaluate the extent to which public primary schools
education opportunities, raising quality of education by institutional infrastructure can accommodate ICT
making learning and teaching an active process connected to facilities;
real life (Zaman, Shamim & Clement, 2011).
ICT integration to curricula requires physical To establish the level of preparedness of teachers in
infrastructure, technology expertise and emotional readiness using ICT in teaching and learning in the classroom;
for those who are bound to implement it. As a first, the
Kenyan government is making efforts to initiate e-learning in To evaluate other factors that would hamper effective
public primary schools by connecting all public primary ICT integration in public primary schools in Nyeri
schools to the national electricity grid. These efforts are aimed Central Sub-county.
to prepare the schools to adopt ICT.
Despite the strong emphasis given to ICTs in The research was guided by the following questions:
education by even publishing Kenya national ICT policy
(2006), little has been done to evaluate e-readiness as a factor To what extent are public primary schools ready to
that would influence ICT integration in primary schools in integrate ICT in their institutions?
Kenya. Minimal e-readiness evaluation or lack of it would
mean starting the ICT integration process without facts of What is the level of preparedness of teachers in using
whether the schools have capacity for integration or whether ICT on teaching and learning methods?
the process would successfully complete as was intended. It
was on this background that this study sought to investigate What are other factors that would hamper effective ICT
the question: what was the level of physical and technological integration in public primary schools in Nyeri Central
readiness of ICT integration in public primary schools in Sub-county?
Nyeri Central Sub-county? 264
International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research
Volume 6Issue 6, 264-268, 2017, ISSN:-23198656 265
International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research
Volume 6Issue 6, 264-268, 2017, ISSN:-23198656
classification and tabulation of collected data so that it was well as pedagogical initiatives such as computer-assisted
amenable to analysis. Percentages, frequency distributions instruction. Evaluating e-readiness of ICT integration in
were used to analyze the collected data with an aid of public primary schools was guided by national ICT policy
Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS v20.0). (2006), which acknowledges specific challenges as lack of
policy and regulatory framework, inadequate infrastructure
and insufficient skilled human resources.
5.1 Response Rate
There were 77 questionnaires that were handed to all 6.1 Discussions
respondents. The researcher visited all eleven schools sampled 6.1.1 Institutional infrastructure
and sought audience first to the head of schools. This was The findings from the study demonstrated that institutional
important to the researcher to explain the reason of the infrastructure development requires urgent improvement in
research and that the respondents been sought were teachers order to adequately support ICT facilities like cabling, that
in those schools, the head teacher inclusive. Then the head of would in turn enhance connectivity of the network and
schools distributed the questionnaires randomly to the internet, providing secure environment for e-learning. It was
teachers who duly filled the forms, as the researcher waited. notable that all schools sampled demonstrated availability of
This method of questionnaire distribution gave a 100% electricity and permanent buildings. It was also demonstrated
response rate. All the 77 questionnaires were filled up. There that, 62.3% of the respondents felt parents should fund
was also a scheduled interview with the sub-county director of security of the ICT infrastructure as stakeholders of the
education, which took place at his office. The interview was schools while the government should bear the cost of
scheduled for 15 minutes. The response was also very positive constructing computer rooms.
since he answered all questions asked and even gave more
explanations as of ICT status in the sub-county. 6.1.2 Teachers competency
The technical experience and computer literacy among
6. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND teachers was found to be fair since 46.8% (36) of respondents
RECOMMENDATIONS access computers regularly. None of the sampled teachers
The study was to evaluate e-readiness of ICT integration in demonstrated training on ICT application in curricula. The
public primary schools in Nyeri Central Sub-county. study however, revealed that teachers attitude towards ICT
Integrating ICT in primary education sounds an appealing was very positive and they were willing to acquire computing
method to address access and quality education challenges skills if at all the government would expedite the ICT
facing Kenyan education system. This study therefore was pedagogical integration training sessions.
investigating e-readiness in very specific areas: institutional
infrastructure development, teachers competencies, funding 6.1.3 Other factors hampering e-readiness
and effects of governing ICT policies. Other factors that were brought out by the study that would
On the area of institutional infrastructure, it was enhance ICT integration to primary education system were
found that despite all sampled schools having permanent funding and implementation policies. Other stakeholders like
buildings and electricity, the other key issues like security the parents have a responsibility of making sure that ICT
proofing within the schools premises has to be addressed for a integration to primary education is successful. Their
successful ICT adoption. The issues that the research brought participation would be in making sure that the installed ICT
out as gaps were lack of ICT facilities (computers, internet, infrastructure and accessories were secure and well
and syllabus content), lack of security, lack of buildings to maintained as was demonstrated by 62.3% (48) and 68.8%
secure computers and laptops and lack of ICT support staff. (53) respondents respectively. This participation means they
It was found out that the teachers in Nyeri Central are expected to fund maintenance of the ICT facilities, while
Sub-county were in the process of preparing themselves for the government funds the entire installation of ICT facilities
ICT integration. Majority of the respondent showed regular and mapping them to curriculum taught so as to take
computer access and their ICT skills were also averagely fair advantage of the technology.
with majority of respondents aged below 40 years having The study also revealed that 46.8% (36) respondents
attended the basic ICT classes. It was found-out that none of were not aware of the Kenya national ICT policy (2006) and
the respondents had ICT pedagogical integration training. how it affects ICT integration in the primary education. There
On other e-readiness considerations, the government was mixed reactions from respondents in relation to the
would be funding the ICT project for all public primary government policy of introducing laptops to junior primary
schools in the country, but it was noted from the research classes. As was demonstrated by 56% (44) of respondents felt
done that other stakeholders like the parents of those schools it was a good policy and 18.18% (14) respondents felt it a
should fund support and maintenance of the ICT facilities. It very poor policy citing lack of prioritizing teachers training on
was also noted that the ICT support staff, should be the side of the government. The researcher observed failure of
government employees and not school board of management the government through MoSET to sensitize the schools on
employees. the various polices they had formulated and also they had
Another consideration was on policy, where it was noted that failed to follow the progress of certain issues raised by the
the national ICT policy (2006) has not taken affect as the policies at the school level.
guiding principal in schools, where the schools were supposed Considering the responses of the respondents who
to demonstrate their ICT preparedness regarding infrastructure felt laptops for junior primary pupils was misplaced,
development, human resource development. It was found out suggestions like computer training in primary schools should
this was because of lack of funding from the government. start at higher classes like standard six, seven and eight and
Success in integrating ICT in a classroom setting is not standard one, two and three, were fronted, giving reasons
heavily dependent on teachers, investments in infrastructure to that junior pupils were yet to value laptops as serious gadgets
support a curriculum, the formation of practical ICT skills as 266
International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research
Volume 6Issue 6, 264-268, 2017, ISSN:-23198656
for learning with, and often they would take them as playing study has shown that policy makers and other education
toys. stakeholders have a crucial role to play in enhancing greater
engagement in a technology-driven teaching-learning
6.2 Conclusions environment. As Hennessey, et al. (2010) observed in their
In order to know whether the public primary schools in Nyeri study, the level of investment in ICT in education in Kenya
Central Sub-county are ready for ICT-based teaching and reflects the recognition in the national ICT policy of the need
learning, there was a need for an evaluation of e-readiness. for Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in addressing key
From the findings of the study it can be concluded that public development challenges in the country.
primary schools in Nyeri Central Sub-county are reasonably Finally, to successfully integrate ICT in public primary
ready to integrate ICT with the primary school curricula schools the government should hasten to establish an ICT
despite many challenges. integration framework to guide the integration process and
further, review primary education curriculum to include
6.2.1 Institutional infrastructure technological aspects that would assist efficient and effective
There is an urgent need to improve institutional infrastructure use of ICT in teaching and learning in the classroom. As an
development so as to support ICT facilities like cabling that urgent government policy, to build capacity needed for a
would enhance connectivity of the network and internet and smooth implementation process, teachers should retrained on
provide a secure environment for e-learning. Individual how to apply ICT in teaching.
schools should take initiative to make such developments.
Types of buildings, availability of electricity and security 6.3 Recommendations and further work
within schools were prerequisite measures of e-readiness as It can be recommended that all public primary schools
far as infrastructure development is concerned, and as the infrastructural facilities need to be improved to accommodate
national ICT policy (2006) anticipates. installation of ICT facilities. This should be a joint venture of
the schools BOM and other schools stakeholders.
6.2.2 Teachers competency Teachers service commission (TSC), should plan to
The findings of the study revealed that primary school retrain all public primary school teachers on the use of ICT in
teachers were fairly versed with computer literacy, with those the classrooms so as to support teachers implement the same
aged below 39 years having undergraduate degree as their swiftly.
highest qualification. This illustrated that teachers are e-ready There is need to review the entire primary education
even though they scored nil on ICT application into curricula. curricula so as to take advantage of new technological aspects
It was also revealed that teachers attitude towards ICT was for all classes. The digital content as the software to be
very positive. However, their computer skills could not be installed on the computers should bear the revised curricula.
translated to teaching with and through technology. There is a KICD are responsible for the revision of curricula and are the
dire need for these teachers to be retrained on ICT application same who are preparing the digital content to be used. Until
in the classroom. MoSET should plan for the pedagogical when this content will be installed in schools would on know
training sessions of all primary school teachers as a way of it merits. It would be too early to criticize the digital content.
improving the numbers of skilled human resource whose The government through MoSET should hasten the
mandate would be to implement teaching and learning procurement of ICT devices their installations and also
through ICT in classrooms. installation of digital content (software) for all public primary
6.2.3 Other factors hampering e-readiness Since the study covered only public primary schools in Nyeri
Central Sub-county, and e-learning is been introduced in the
As the government promised the acquisition of both hardware
whole country of Kenya, further study of the level of e-
and installation of digital content, it should show a deliberate
readiness should be extended to all primary schools in the
process to expedite the procurement process. Further, the
country both public and private. 267
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