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Field Study 1 – Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment 1st Semester/A.Y.


Exclusively for the use of CatSU-COEd Students

Experiential Learning 5

Assessing Learning

Name : _____________________________________________
Resource Teacher : _____________________________________________
Date of Observation : _____________________________________________
Date of Submission : _____________________________________________


Challenge Accepted!

Challenge yourself to attain the following desired learning outcomes:

 Revisit assessment for, as and of learning;

 Observe various assessment activities used by the teacher;
 Analyze the assessment activity provided by the teacher guided by
the principles of assessment;
 Identify the purpose of assessment in a given situation; and
 Classify the assessment activity whether traditional or authentic

Let’s Start!

As a would-be teacher, principles of assessment are very essential to the learner and the
teacher as well. Assessment is an essential part of the instructional cycle. The instructional cycle
consists of: 1) setting intended learning outcomes; 2) selecting a teaching methodology, strategy
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and activity that are aligned to the learning outcomes and developmentally appropriate to the
learners; and 3) assessment itself.
Theoretically, assessment is the process of gathering and evaluating information about
the students’ knowledge (whether low-level or high-level), and deciding on what the teacher can
do next on the teaching and learning process. Assessment is the part of the instructional cycle
that determines whether or not the intended learning outcome has been attained and so
necessarily, the assessment task must be aligned to the learning outcomes.

Experiential Learning 5 | 5 - 1
Field Study 1 – Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment 1st Semester/A.Y. 2022-2023

Exclusively for the use of CatSU-COEd Students


Search the web and summarize and discuss here topics along:

a. Assessment for Learning

b. Assessment as Learning

c. Assessment of Learning

Observe in Actual School Environment

As you visit and observe the class, use the observation guide provided below.

Read the following statements carefully before you observe:

1. Observe a class.
2. Observe some of the assessment practices employed in the lesson
3. Follow-up activity: Interview your resource teacher about the classroom
assessment best practices in the new normal and how did they evolve
comparing from the traditional classroom.

What are the assessment practices employed by the teacher in teaching the subject
matter? Discuss comprehensively your classroom observation below:

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Experiential Learning 5 | 5 - 2
Field Study 1 – Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment 1st Semester/A.Y. 2022-2023

Exclusively for the use of CatSU-COEd Students

Compile the following assessment tools used by your resource teacher:

1. Short Quiz
2. Periodical Examination with Table of Specifications
3. Scoring Rubric (Essay)
4. Scoring Rubric (Product/Portfolio)
5. Scoring Rubric (Performance)

Scrutinize the assessment tool used by your resource teacher based on the principles of
assessment and share your realizations. With learner-centered, outcomes-based
education, authentic assessment and other assessment principles in mind, are the
assessment tools commensurate to student’s learning? Why or why not?


How should a teacher find out if students understand the lesson while teaching is in
progress? Is it enough? If not, what techniques are you going to intend to do?

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Clearly explain “The student is at the heart of all types of assessment.”

Experiential Learning 5 | 5 - 3
Field Study 1 – Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment 1st Semester/A.Y. 2022-2023

Exclusively for the use of CatSU-COEd Students

Why should assessment tasks be aligned to the learning objectives of the lesson? Reflect
on your past experiences on assessment you have been through. How are you going to learn
from it?

Find out teaching and learning practices that reflect assessment of, for and as
learning. Record your observations by completing the table below.

Teacher My Observation
1. Did teacher ask the class
“Did you understand?” How
did the class respond?
2. Did the students make the
teacher feel or sense they
did not understand the
lesson or a part of the
lesson? How?
3. Were the students given
opportunity to ask
questions? How was this
4. What did the teacher do if
the lesson was not clearly
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understood by the learners?

5. Did teacher provide
opportunities for the
learners to monitor and
reflect their learning?
6. What are proofs that
students are engaged in
self-reflection, self-

Experiential Learning 5 | 5 - 4
Field Study 1 – Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment 1st Semester/A.Y. 2022-2023

Exclusively for the use of CatSU-COEd Students

monitoring and self-
7. Did students record and
report their own learning?
8. Did teacher create criteria
with students for tasks to be
completed or skill to be
9. Are all assessment tasks
aligned to the learning
10. Which assessment tool
were most commonly used
by the teacher?
11. How was the assessment?
How did the teacher use the

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Field Study 1 – Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment 1st Semester/A.Y. 2022-2023

Exclusively for the use of CatSU-COEd Students


<Paste your documentation/s here with caption/s>

With your resource teacher’s permission, secure a copy of the assessment tools
and analyze them (e.g. alternate response, matching type, multiple choice, constructed-
response type, performance and output scoring rubrics, periodical exams with TOS, etc.)


<Insert references here in APA 7th Edition Format>


Prepared and submitted by:


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Resource Teacher

Experiential Learning 5 | 5 - 6
Field Study 1 – Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment 1st Semester/A.Y. 2022-2023

Exclusively for the use of CatSU-COEd Students

Time to Evaluate

Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

Episode 4 3 2 Improvement
Accomplished All observation One (1) to two (2) Three (3) Four (4) observation
Observation questions/tasks observation observation questions/tasks not
Sheet completely questions/ tasks not questions/tasks not answered/
answered/ answered/ answered/ accomplished.
accomplished accomplished. accomplished.

Revisit, All questions were All questions were Questions were not Four (4) or more
Observe in answered answered answered observation
Actual School completely; answers completely; answers completely; answers questions were not
are with depth and are clearly are not clearly answered; answers
are thoroughly connected to connected to not connected to
grounded on theories; grammar theories; one (1) to theories; more than
theories; grammar and spelling are free three (3) four (4)
and spelling are free from errors. grammatical/spelling grammatical/spelling
from error. errors. errors.
Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and shallow;
supported by what depth; supported by shallow; somewhat rarely supported by
were observed and what were observed supported by what what were observed
analyzed and analyzed were observed and and analyzed.
Documentations Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is reflected Portfolio is not Portfolio is not
on in the context of on in the context of reflected on in the reflected on in the
the learning the learning context of the context of the
outcomes; outcomes; Complete, learning outcomes; learning outcomes;
Complete, well- well-organized, very Complete, not not complete, not
organized, highly relevant to the organized, relevant organized, not
relevant to the learning outcome to the learning relevant
learning outcome outcome
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2)
deadline deadline after the deadline days or more after
the deadline
Comments: Overall Score: Rating based on

Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7

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Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-

FS Teacher
Date: _________

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