Grisenti Zoe ILP Semester4 2024

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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) – Teacher Leader Project

Revised January 2024
The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells
after POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies of
all instructional resources, including Google Survey used for assessment of audience satisfaction.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Zoe Grisenti Multiple K
Mentor Email School/District Date
Angela Brown Irvine International Academy 2/19/24
Section 2: CSTP Focus
Identify 2-3 CSTP elements in which you are at least at the applying level for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment. Identify
both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
Emerging, Exploring, Applying, Integrating, Innovating

Rating Description
CSTP Element Initial

Promoting T–
critical thinking Integratin T - Supports students to initiate critical thinking through independently developing
1.5 through inquiry, g questions, posing problems and reflecting on multiple perspectives
problem solving, S–
and reflection Applying S - Students respond to questions and problems posed by the teacher and begin to pose
and solve problems of their own related to the content
knowledge of
Uses broad knowledge of inter-relationships of concepts, academic content standards, and
3.1 subject matter Integrating
academic language in ways that ensure clear connections and relevance to students.
academic content
Using knowledge
of students’
readiness, Plans differentiated instruction, which is based on broad knowledge of students. Matches
language resources and specific strategies to students’ diverse learning needs and cultural
4.1 proficiency, Integrating backgrounds.
cultural Planning addresses bias, stereotyping, and assumptions about cultures and members of
background, and cultures.
development to
plan instruction
Collecting and
analyzing Infuses assessments strategically and systematically throughout instruction to collect
assessment data ongoing assessment data appropriate for the range of learner needs.
5.2 Innovating
from a variety of Uses results of ongoing data analysis to plan and differentiate instruction for maximum
sources to inform academic success
Section 3: Teacher Leader Inquiry Focus and Planning
Project Title Inquiry Question Project Objective(s)
I will create a committee to build curriculum maps to
How will a curriculum committee benefit be used a sa guide for teachers throughout the
school year
student learning by creating a map of
Curriculum Committee Implementation what to teach in order to better prepare
The committee will create curriculum maps with
input from each grade on what is most
the students for the following year? important,which can be tweaked throughout each
year to better meet the needs of the school
How Project Fits into
Audience for Project Professional Goals and/or How Audience Satisfaction will be
(Who Participates/Who Benefits) Department/School/District Assessed
Our school has many new
teachers who might not know the
subject content as well as others.
Participants: Teachers from all grade levels Having a committee who can
Beneficiaries: Students (being more prepared for the help teachers understand what to Through surveys from teachers
following school year academically) and teach and when, will help the test scores throughout the years
teachers(Having an idea of what is most important teachers gain a better knowledge
to teach) of their subject areas.
This will then help the students
who are being taught the most
important things.
Special Emphasis: Teacher Leader Model Standards and NBPTS Core Propositions
Identify at least one standard (NBPTS, ISTE C, Teacher Leader Model Standards) that is the special emphasis focus of your project.
Explain how these standards will be incorporated. You may add more than 1 if you wish
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
Throughout this committee’s run time, they will be working with all
NBPTS 2- teachers know the subjects they teach and teachers in order to deepen their understanding of the subjects and grade
how to teach those subjects level requirements needed. This will make sure that NBPTS 2 is being
NBPTS-3 Teachers are responsible for managing and actively worked on. All teachers will be monitoring their students progress
monitoring student learning and learning throughout the school year giving feedback to the committee.
This way NBPTS 3 is also happening throughout the school year.
Inquiry Implementation Plan
Analyze Discuss Results
Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Results with Mentor
Milestone 4 Milestone 5
We plan time in
We analyze end
Maps are the curriculum
of year
revisited, and maps for end of
revised by year test prep so
Identify name and date data - We will
Basic curriculum maps committee after students are
for activities. identify whole
are created meeting with prepared with May/June
school areas of
(March) teachers and what all teachers
needs as well
having them test think are the
as grade level
out the most important
area of
pace(April) things for that

Provide 1-2 sentence

I plan to lead a committee through analyzing the curriculum and teacher needs, to create school wide
summary of your
curriculum maps for each grade.
teacher leader project.
Summarize process for . I will be asking the committee how they feel I was as a leader for this committee. I will send out an
analyzing effectiveness anonymous survey with questions where they can rate my effectiveness. I will also include short
of leadership role. answer questions so they can provide feedback for me.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and
statement of what was learned.)
This article, The Why Behind Curriculum Mapping
was really insightful about why these curriculum
maps are so important. My school uses data driven
instruction, and this article lays out how easy it is to The article, Core Practice #2: Curriculum Mapping went into detail about
find time to assess and then look over the data how it is easy to use these for standards alignment. My school uses
when everyone uses curriculum maps. Another standards based grading, so teachers have to make sure we've taught and
great point from this article was that it helps the graded assignments for every standard each year. A curriculum map that
student and faculty use time more effectively. This explains when to teach what standards would take the pressure off
is a major issue at my school. Since half the day is teachers at the end of the year. It will be easy to see which ones we need to
spent in Mandarin, the English teachers are often do and when. This article also stated that the map should include which
working to figure out how to use our time more texts, tasks, and assessments will be done and when. This is something I
effectively to still teach everything a normal public plan to do for my schools as well.
school does. This article also goes over how to start
the process of creating the maps and where to go
from there.
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at
department/school/district level.)
A Mandarin teacher at my school noticed a need for Mandarin intervention.
One colleague started trying to do this on her own
We have the day structured so that each student spends 50% of their day
for her grade. She spoke to one of the second grade
learning in a Mandarin immersion classroom. This is difficult for students in
teachers, as well as myself, a kindergarten teacher,
older grades who are learning the language for the first time. This teacher
to get an idea of what was being taught. She then
noticed the need, and started a committee where she, along with some
started creating a map of what she has taught this
other Mandarin teachers, provide Mandarin Language Development pull
school year. She plans to be on my committee so
out or push in services to students who were completely lost. I have been
we can do this for each and every grade.
working with her on hwo to get my committee started.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Initial Revised Suggestions for Moving
CSTP Element Evidence/Rational for Rating
Rating Rating Forward
To move to INNOVATING level:
Consider how to increase
Teacher asked questions of analysis and complexity of task beyond a
thinking T– T–
evaluation. single lesson so that there are
through Applying Integrating
1.5 Students answered questions that continuing opportunities for
inquiry, S– S-
included all levels of Bloom’s. Students students to engage in inquiry
problem Exploring Integrating
created their own math problems. in complex problem. How
solving, and
could you extend lesson into
I plan to continue to learn about
I was able to look at the content across grade all the grade's content areas as
Demonstrating levels and work with a team to determine well as branch out and learn what
knowledge of
what was important for students to learn to the Mandarin teachers are
3.1 subject matter Integrating Innovating
be more successful in the following years. I teaching in their classrooms. I
academic content
standards took a deep dive into the curriculum and know what the Kindergarten
found any gaps so we could supplement. Mandarin teacher is doing since
we share students, but I would
like to know more about the other
grades as well.
Using knowledge
of students’ I plan to look into the cultures
academic I planned curriculum maps for each grade represented in our school and try
readiness, with the help of the grade level teachers. We to plan activities that incorporate
also planned assessments into the curriculum all the cultures, while also still
4.1 proficiency, Integrating Innovating
maps. We then created a schedule for teaching the content. Something
background, and ourselves to assess the students' learning and we noticed is that we all teach a
individual change the maps if needed. lot of content, but need help on
development to incorporating the cultures.
plan instruction
I plan to try to help others look at
assessment data. My kindergarten
Collecting and Throughout this project I was looking at the
team is great at looking at the
analyzing assessment data from last year as well as the
data and changing what we need
assessment data data from this year. We will be modifying the
5.2 Innovating Innovating to do. Other teachers struggled
from a variety of curriculum maps as needed throughout the
with this, so I plan to ask about
sources to inform years to come by looking at the data and
instruction. leading a PD on how to look at the
changing what needs to be changed.
data and shift what teachers do in
their classrooms to sue that data.
Special Emphasis (Teacher Leader Model Standards or NBPTS Core Propositions
Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Contribution to
Product(s) Generated
Developed by Teacher Others/Department/School/District
NBPTS 2- teachers know the subjects they teach and
how to teach those subjects
- I was able to really comb through the
My committee was able to create
standards for each grade and see how they
a curriculum map for each grade
build upon each other for each grade level.
level. There is an internal one
This also helped me, along with others, The committee was able to help all
that only teachers and admin will
realize what is most important to teach and teachers really look into the standards
look at. This is very specific and
prioritize for our current students. and learn what is being taught in the
will eventually have links for
NBPTS-3 Teachers are responsible for managing and years before and after their grade
videos and worksheet names, etc.
monitoring student learning level. This also helped the Mandarin
There is another more general
- In the curriculum maps we will use internally teachers align with the English
one we plan to give to the
for just teachers, we marked spots where we teachers a bit more.
parents so they know what will
will need to ensure there is progress
be taught throughout the school
monitoring happening. This will help
everyone remember to monitor their
students' achievement and change their
curriculum maps going forward if necessary.
Mentor Feedback
The Mentor should Identify strengths and areas of improvement in each of the following areas.
Ms. Grisenti was able to effectively express her ideas to the group as a
whole. The curriculum maps were designed by here and are very easy to
Effectiveness of resources designed by the
read and follow.
Candidate, including presentation, notes, handouts,
Ms. Grisenti could improve on allowing others to take on some of the
and other resources.
responsibility in her committee. She tended to try to do it all herself first,
and then ask for help.
This committee was something the school did not know we needed. Ms.
Grisenti’s idea has aligned all of our grades and teachers. This did exactly
Effectiveness of Overall Project
what she was hoping. I am excited to see next year, when the teachers start
using this right away how well our students progress.
An area of improvement would be having the Mandarin teachers start with
everyone else for the curriculum maps. They were brought in later, so they
are still working on their part of each curriculum map.
This project has potential to raise test scores and help make teacher sleeves
easier. I think that Ms. Grisenti had a wonderful idea and I am happy she
Value of project for audience.
saw it through and her committee was able to create such a rich resource
for our teachers.
Ms. Grisenti’s biggest area of improvement in leadership is to delegate
some of the responsibilities. She was working really hard on this project
and did a wonderful job, but could have let others do some of the inputting
into the curriculum maps.
Overall feedback.
Ms. Grisenti is a wonderful leader who was able to unite most of the
teachers on a common goal. She was not afraid to ask the administration
to give her time to do this and was able to clearly explain her reasoning
why this was important. She was able to fix a problem we did not know we
even had.
Action Items (some may not be applicable)
For curriculum design, I plan to look at the curriculum map I created for my own grade level and fine tune it throughout the
lesson planning, school year. Next year I will be using this as my lesson plans and inputting links to videos and writing
assessment planning the names of the worksheets I will be doing.
I plan to add more small group time into the lessons. I plan to try to pull small groups almost every day
For classroom practice
after I have finished my direct instruction.
For teaching English
learners, students with In my class I have a lot of English learners. For these students, I plan to do a lot of small group instruction while
special needs, and front loading the vocabulary with visual vocabulary cards I will make. I believe that these students struggled due
students with other to lack of knowledge in English, not the assessed standard.
instructional challenges
I want to find a PD on curriculum and instruction. I have found a new interest in working with the
curriculum and seeing how to use it to best fit the needs of our students school wide. It was eye
For future professional
opening to look at all of the standards and make sure that the current curriculum taught all of these.
We did find gaps and needed to add them in where appropriate. I think attending PDs on topics similar
to this would help me in the future.
I would like to run a small PD on how to use the curriculum maps next school year. My school plans to
For supporting
hire a couple new teachers, and some teachers who were less involved could use the refresher on how
to use them. I also want to make sure everyone knows to edit them in real time next year so it is more
Other Notes and Comments

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