Employers value soft skills and often report a “skills gap,” resulting in calls on higher education to
teach these skills more widely. However, few studies have examined faculty perspectives on soft skills.
The researchers conducted a nationwide survey of faculty in the fields of business, education,
engineering, library science, nursing, and social work to explore whether and how they are teaching
soft skills. Most faculty believe soft skills are important and are integrating them into their courses,
although there are variations by discipline. Methods for teaching soft skills are varied, but “passive”
approaches like readings and lectures are most prominent. The results have implications for curriculum
development and will be of interest to faculty across these disciplines as well as employers in the
associated industries.
Soft skills, or inter- and intrapersonal skills and are not mutually exclusive. Competencies, like critical
qualities such as communication, customer service, thinking and global perspective, and soft skills, such as
flexibility, and critical thinking, transfer across communication, service orientation, and the ability to
industries and positions, in contrast with the domain- work across cultures, seem to span both of these goals.
specific knowledge and skills associated with, and often Employers place a high value on personal and
unique to, a discipline or field. Soft skills are highly professional skills and those skills are also identified as
valued by employers across fields and professions and crucial to lifelong learning and general success, making
certain personal and professional skills have been linked them valuable for both responsible citizenship and for
with academic success, making them critical for college workplace success. As Gibb (2014) puts it, personal and
students to develop. Employers often report a “skills professional skills “enable and enhance three things that
gap” in this area, prompting them to lament a disconnect are believed to be closely interconnected: personal
between higher education curricula and the needs of the development, participation in learning, and success in
field. However, most studies focus solely on employer employment” (p. 456), making them relevant across
needs, while fewer studies have examined faculty higher education curricula.
perspectives on personal and professional skills. As the cost of tuition continues to rise, along with
Similarly, much of the literature in higher education stakeholder demands for accountability, more emphasis
offers suggestions for faculty to address soft skills has been placed on metrics related to employment upon
without exploring whether faculty are already teaching graduation (Murakami, 2020; Palmer, 2015;
these skills. Protopsaltis, 2019). Multiple studies and reports show
This study begins to address the gap in the literature. that employers value and seek a range of personal and
The researchers surveyed faculty across the United professional skills (Burning Glass Technologies, 2015;
States in the six fields of business, education, Hart Research Associates, 2018; Kukkonen, Leino,
engineering, library science, nursing, and social work to Koskinen, Salminen, & Strandell Laine, 2020; Linked-in
explore how they are teaching and assessing students in Learning, 2018; National Association of Colleges and
soft skills. Specifically, this study examined the Employers, 2018; Turner, 2019). While the specific mix
following questions: (a) How important do faculty of skills may vary, the findings span sectors, including
believe soft skills are to student success in their fields?; highly technical industries (Burning Glass Technologies,
(b) Do faculty believe they are responsible for teaching 2015; Craig, 2019).
these skills?; and (c) To what extent do they integrate However, employers also report a “skills gap” or
instruction and assessment of these skills into their difficulty finding job candidates with soft skills such as
curricula, and what methods of instruction do they use? communication, customer service, problem-solving,
The results have implications for curriculum flexibility, and critical thinking (Burning Glass
development and will be of interest to faculty across Technologies, 2015; Robles, 2012; Somerville, 2019;
these disciplines. Vista, 2020). These studies have implications for higher
education faculty, but while the reports tend to include
Literature Review recommendations for higher education, they generally
gather data only from employers, and rarely include
Higher education in the United States has long tried faculty perspectives.
to balance education for citizenry and education for the The importance of personal and professional skills
marketplace (Martin, 2019). Of course, these two goals is not limited to the workplace. Soft skills associated
Saunders and Bajjaly Faculty Perceptions of Students’ Soft Skills 375
Figure 1
Importance Ranking of Soft Skills
How important are the following skills for ALL graduates of your
program to acquire to be successful in the profession?
Customer Service skills
Presentation skills
Reflective Practice
Writing skills
Cultural Competence (the ability to effectively…
Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Interpersonal skills
Communication skills
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Extremely important Very important Moderately important Slightly important Not at all important
they provide direct instruction in this skill, and customer than those teaching primarily at the master’s level
service was the lowest at 60%. At least half of (p=0.000004). Faculty teaching primarily at the master’s
respondents who indicate that they provide direct level were somewhat less likely than others to teach
instruction in a skill also say that they provide feedback customer service skills (p=0.004) and teamwork
to students on that skill. Teaching methods varied (p=0.004). The majority of faculty who provide
somewhat by skill, but discussions and instructor instruction also provide feedback on those skills. Only
lectures were among the most popularmethods. Table 1 three skills showed a statistically significant difference
provides a breakdown of the percentage of respondents by field in whether faculty provided feedback: (a)
who indicate that they taught each skill, the percent that commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion
provide feedback on that skill, and the top methods for (p=0.008), (b) cultural competence (p=0.020), and (c)
instruction of that skill. writing (p=0.00001). In addition, there were statistically
significant differences by modality in whether faculty
Significant Differences provided direct instruction for cultural competence
(p=0.025), teamwork (p=0.023), and
The researchers tested for statistically significant flexibility/adaptability (p=0.0001). In general, those
differences across fields, modalities, or faculty faculty who identified as teaching primarily online
demographics using crosstabs with a significance level seemed less likely to provide instruction in these skills
of 0.05. The greatest number of significant differences than those who teach primarily face-to-face. Finally,
for direction were by field. For instance, there was a faculty who had taken a credit-bearing course in teaching
statistically significant difference for interpersonal skills and learning were more likely to teach interpersonal
(p=0.000) with nursing faculty being most likely to teach skills (p=0.0004) and cultural competence (p=0.002).
these skills (71.4%) and engineering faculty least likely
(40.2%). Engineering faculty are mostly likely to teach Additional Skills Identified
teamwork (93%), while library science faculty are least
likely (63.5%). Table 2 shows the results of the chi- The survey ended with an open-ended question
square test for statistical significance by field. asking respondents to discuss any other personal and
There were also some differences in instruction by professional skills not addressed in the survey. Fifty-
level. Faculty teaching at both the master’s and bachelor eight participants responded to this question. The
level were more likely to teach flexibility/adaptability responses were generally quite brief, and many people
Saunders and Bajjaly Faculty Perceptions of Students’ Soft Skills 378
Figure 2
Level of Agreement that Faculty are Responsible for Teaching Soft Skills
used the space to clarify earlier answers or offer but in some cases the terms chosen might not have fit the
additional comments. Most of these additional skills fields surveyed. For instance, researchers chose the term
were only mentioned by one or two respondents and did “customer service” to describe the kind of service
not constitute a pattern, but three skill areas did emerge orientation that might be expected in any public-facing
as important from the open-ended responses. Fourteen position in any field. However, some respondents,
respondents discussed the importance of broad especially in nursing and social work, indicated that they
professional skills such as professional writing (e.g., favor different language as they do not think of their
memos, business emails, resumes, and cover letters), the patients or clients as “customers.” These differences in
ability to manage themselves and their work (e.g., language might have impacted some responses.
timeliness, attention to detail, and managing health
issues), and understanding the work environment (e.g., Discussion
“professionalism” and expectations of the workplace,
managing up, and office politics). Eleven respondents The results of this study show that a majority of
highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence, faculty are teaching a range of personal and professional
including developing empathy, active listening, skills and, when they teach those skills, they tend to
patience, and understanding. Finally, four respondents provide students with feedback. The vast majority of
discussed the need to be able to manage conflict in the faculty view personal and professional skills as
workplace. important, and feel at least some responsibility for
teaching those skills, which aligns with previous
Limitations research (Benbow & Hora, 2016). Faculty are more
likely to teach certain skills in a face-to-face rather than
This study has several limitations. Surveys always an online environment, and master’s level faculty are
run the risk of responder bias which can skew the results. less likely to teach certain skills, but these instances are
For instance, faculty who teach soft skills might have limited. In fact, given the necessity of pivoting to online
been more likely to respond to this survey. The risk of courses in the wake of the pandemic in spring 2020, it is
responder bias is compounded when response rates are reassuring to know that faculty are generally attempting
low, as they were in this study. As such, care must be to deliver equivalent experiences online and face-to-
taken in generalizing the results. face. The differences across fields are somewhat more
While the ten skills chosen for this study were culled pronounced.
from previous research, they are not comprehensive, and In addition to determining whether faculty teach soft
it is possible that different skills might have resonated skills, this study explored how they teach those skills.
more with some fields. Further, semantics are important. Lectures, readings, and discussions were the most
The researchers used the same wording across surveys, common approaches across skills. However, faculty also
Saunders and Bajjaly Faculty Perceptions of Students’ Soft Skills 379
Table 1
Direct Instruction, Feedback, and Top Teaching Methods
Table 2
Percentage of Faculty Providing Explicit Instruction (No, Yes) in Specific Soft Skills
indicated using other approaches, some of which align these skills. For example, one participant wrote,
well with the skill in question. For instance, writing “Empathy and active listening are both critical personal
assignments are the top strategy for teaching writing and professional skills for today's graduates. I address
skills, with 22% of respondents indicating they use this these skills through class lectures, assignments, and class
approach. Writing assignments were also the top choice discussions.”
for teaching reflective practice (19%). Group projects Overall, the results of this study suggest faculty are
were the most common strategy for teaching teamwork aware of the importance of soft skills and take
(19%), and student presentations were the top choice for responsibility to teach these skills, which seems to
teaching presentation skills (21%). Although not the top- contradict reports identifying a skills gap between
ranked strategy, faculty reported using hands-on employer expectations for soft skills. These studies often
activities to teach flexibility/adaptability, and group imply that faculty are not teaching these skills, and often
work or group projects for communication, end calling on colleges and universities to do more to
interpersonal, and presentation skills. prepare students. If faculty are teaching soft skills, it
Write-in responses were relatively limited, but some begs the question of why employers continue to identify
respondents mentioned additional teaching strategies. a skills gap in potential hires.
For example, some faculty reported using field visits, One answer might lie in the differences in the extent
service learning, and conferences to teach cultural to which certain skills are taught in each field. For
competence; portfolios and journals and other reflective instance, engineering faculty were significantly less
writing assignments to teach reflective practice; service- likely to teach interpersonal and presentation skills, and
learning projects to teach a commitment to diversity, business faculty were significantly less likely to teach
equity, and inclusion; and simulations and peer critiques writing and reflective practice. And, as noted, this study
for teaching teamwork. Thus, in at least some cases focused on only ten out of dozens of potentially
faculty are varying methods and including active important skills. Thus, although faculty are teaching a
learning. range of soft skills, there might be a disconnect between
Respondents identified three additional skills or the skills being taught in the classroom and the specific
skill groups they consider important in open-ended skills sought in the field.
responses. Professionalism was the most common, Nevertheless, more than half of faculty in each field
identified by 14 respondents. This skill set included report teaching most of these skills, suggesting some
specific writing skills, such as the ability to write an other factors might contribute to the perceived skills gap.
appropriate memo, email or cover letter; a general One possibility is that students are exposed to these skills
understanding of the workplace and organizational in the classroom, but they are not successfully
politics; and self-regulation skills, such as timeliness, transferring them to the workplace. Research suggests
attention to detail, and the ability to manage one’s own that active learning techniques, such as problem-based
health issues. One respondent expressed a need for learning, can improve student learning and retention of
“more emphasis on professional skills such as applying personal and professional skills (Imwattana et al., 2020;
for jobs, creating resumes and cover letters, Levant et al., 2016; Myers et al., 2014). However, this
interviewing, expectations of the professional study showed that lectures, readings, and discussions,
environment.” This respondent did not necessarily were among the top methods for teaching nearly all
believe faculty had to teach these skills, but believed skills. While these are legitimate teaching methods, they
students should be exposed to them, explaining, “I don't do not provide much scope for students to practice and
think these can all happen in the classroom, but should apply skills or to demonstrate learning. Further, because
be provided for everyone in the School.” Assumedly, these methods do not generally entail having students
some of these skills would be addressed through extra- apply or demonstrate learning, they allow little
curricular and support offices like career services. opportunity for instructors to provide explicit or
Conflict resolution was mentioned by four respondents, individualized feedback. While faculty did identify some
and these could perhaps be folded into professionalism active learning strategies such as hands-on activities, role
and self-regulation as well. plays, case studies, and so on, these were rarely among
Finally, 11 respondents discussed the importance of the top-ranked strategies, and often were identified by
empathy and emotional intelligence, which aligns with fewer than 10% of respondents. Thus, it may be that
other studies and literature that have identified areas such faculty are addressing soft skills in their courses, but not
as self-motivation and the ability to work independently in such a way that students are successfully mastering
(Hart Research Associates, 2018); socio-emotional and those skills.
self-regulation (Benbow & Hora, 2016); and listening
and building relationships (Burning Glass Technologies,
2015; Crawford & Fink, 2019) as important. Some
respondents indicated that they are actively teaching
Saunders and Bajjaly Faculty Perceptions of Students’ Soft Skills 382
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