ARTICLE 2 - Evaluating Adaptive Reuse Potential of Abandoned Factories in India

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The International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design

ISSN: 2325-1662 (Print), ISSN: 2325-1670 (Online)

Volume 17, Issue 2, 2023

Evaluating Adaptive Reuse Potential of Abandoned

Factories in India: A Case of Mangalore Tile Factories
along the Malabar Coast
Amrutha Das, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
Smriti Saraswat, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India
Received: 07/14/2022; Accepted: 2/10/2023; Published: 05/05/2023

Abstract: The deindustrialization of colonial India had a significant impact on the development of socio-
spatial frameworks for modern cities in India. The industrial buildings lost their original functions and it is
often impossible to restore older buildings, even being sympathetic to history. Now these industrial
buildings stand as an iconic backdrop to the urban fabric. Adaptive reuse is an alternate program to give
life to obsolete structures by retaining their integrity while providing for contemporary needs. This research
is an attempt to evaluate the adaptive-reuse potential of abandoned roof tile factories along the Malabar
coast in India. The first tile factory (1865) established by Basel Missionaries of Germany in Mangalore,
marked the beginning of one of the region’s largest industries that produced Mangalore tiles. These clay
roof tiles later defined the language of pitched roof structures throughout the southwest coast of India. By
the end of the twentieth century, the tile industry had declined drastically, resulting in the closure of many
factories. The aim is to investigate and analyze the adaptive reuse potential of abandoned industrial
buildings and understand perspectives on repurposing them. Through primary and secondary researches,
a total of 106 factories were investigated and it has been established that almost 90 percent of the extant
tile factories have the potential to be reused, focusing on both tangible and intangible aspects. Though this
research is focused on the geographical region of Malabar and the roof tile industry, the methodology can
be upscaled and implemented pan-India, concentrating on industrial heritage buildings.

Keywords: Adaptive Reuse, Industrial Heritage, Urban Context, Tile Factories, India

The two most common approaches to deal with historic structures are to conserve them or to
demolish and replace them when they become unstable or no longer fulfill their intended
purpose. However, during the last decade, there has been a noticeable shift in this approach for
primarily two reasons. To begin, the ever-increasing density of the built environment limits
new development. Second, the necessity for a sustainable development pattern opposes mass
demolition. Accordingly, adapting existing structures to new uses has become a significant
urban, architectural, and conservation strategy (Plevoets and Cleempoel 2019). Adapting
existing structures for new or continued usage is a complex process. It entails a process of
revaluation or striking a new balance between diverse values, beginning with historical and
conservational values and progressing to architectural, socio-cultural, and economic values.
This complex process attempts to bring out the maximum potential of a building’s history,
relying on the bold notion that an existing structure’s success may still lie ahead of it.


By the end of the twentieth century, the majority of nations had deindustrialized. As a
result of this socioeconomic scenario, urban industrial sites deteriorated over time,
subsequently degrading many towns and cities. Lately, the destruction of industrial areas was
justified on the grounds of aesthetically pleasing urban redevelopment. Simultaneously, a
new discipline termed ‘industrial archaeology’ was gaining traction under the aegis of
numerous volunteer organizations and heritage committees, with the goal of
comprehending, documenting, and interpreting industrial processes. This early intervention
resulted in the continued existence of many historic industries, as well as an increase in public
awareness of the relevance of the industrial legacy (Chatzi Rodopoulou 2020).
Due to the fact that these industrial structures are located in important places in urban
regions, abandoned industrial sites have the potential to serve a new role as public spaces for
neighborhood communities (Kim 2018). A significant part of industrial heritage is its ability
to connect the past industrial era to the present through its historic built environment and
technology. It has the potential to play a significant role in urban transformation by serving
as a catalyst for change. To understand the complex yet fascinating concept of industrial
heritage reuse comprehensively, the approach should be more responsive, inclusive, and
value-driven than ever (Chatzi Rodopoulou 2020). This research tries to investigate and
analyze the potential for adaptive reuse of obsolete tile factories through a detailed review of
history, the evolution of this industry, and documentation processes to understand the
complexities involved in reuse practices, and perspectives on re-purposing them.

Need and Relevance of the Study

The established clay tile industry in Mangalore (Karnataka) was followed by several hundred
factories along the Malabar coast with main centers in Calicut and Thrissur (Kerala). Around
300 tile factories were present in these regions until the beginning of the twenty-first century.
However, the lesser availability of raw materials, reduced demand for roof tiles, labor issues
etc. led to the decline of this industry. Only a few factories are functioning now with a limited
production, whilst other factories have been either demolished or left to decay. To prevent
further demolition of these industrial buildings, alternate programs or functions are
necessary to achieve both urban regeneration and heritage conservation.
This study focuses on a new and under-researched heritage group with significant
prospects and high complexity. This will provide clarity on a perplexing subject by addressing
the conflicts and unsettled concerns expressed by the existing research across many
disciplines. This inquiry will provide a comprehensive and multi-dimensioned perspective of
the issue under research, prompting additional consideration and dialogue. Finally, it will
provide a framework for real implementation leading to a more adaptive, sustainable,
equitable, value-driven, and integrated practice.


Research Questions

To understand and map the history and evolution of roof tile factories in India and to analyze
and assess the adaptive reuse potential of extant Mangalore tile factories along the South
Canara (Mangalore) and Malabar (northern Kerala) coasts, the following research questions
have been formulated:

▪ How can the historical and heritage significance of tile factories be recognized?
▪ How to design a toolkit to assess the adaptive reuse capacity of abandoned industrial

This research responds to the research queries stated above using a mixed-method research
approach. The multiple benefits of this methodology can be found in the combination of
research and analysis methods and techniques, as well as its application in a wide range of fields
of study. The methodological approach will consider modern conservation demands, providing
the scientific dialogue with pertinent missing solutions. Finally, the methodology is applicable
to other areas of research. It can be an advantageous technique for studying complicated
processes occurring in the current and past years in a multi-dimensional construct.

Research Context

The notion of industrial heritage that Westerners came up with in the 1960s is quite a new field
in India. Almost all the studies on industrialization of India have been scenario-specific and
focusing on economic and social storylines. The Charles Correa Committee conducted one of the
earliest studies on India’s industrial heritage, outlining the possibility for repurposing and
reintegrating Mumbai mill lands into the urban fabric. Research efforts are still being undertaken
by professional organizations to identify and value India’s industrial heritage. The absence of a
formal definition undermines the notion of what comprises industrial heritage of India. It is
imperative to recognize, document, and protect the tangible and intangible aspects of Indian
industrialization at both the grassroots and policy levels. The Indian definition of heritage must
be expanded to encompass industrial heritage, as well as creating awareness about what industrial
legacy means in the Indian context among the general public (Tipnis and Singh 2021).
This research will focus on the production typology of an industrial heritage site,
particularly the heavy clay industry. The Indian heavy clay industry, or the brick and tile roof
industry, has a long tradition. It is also the second-largest producer of bricks in the world.
The map below shows the Indian heavy clay industry’s geographical distribution based on
kiln types. This research will explore the early clay roof tile industry and its organization, the
industrial landscapes, the threats and challenges it currently faces, evaluating reuse potential,
and providing the evidence base for sustainability.


Figure 1: Geographical Distribution of the Heavy Clay Industry in India

Source: Rimpel 2010

South Canara and Malabar Coast

South Canara refers to present-day Karnataka’s Dakshin Kannada districts, while Malabar refers
to northern Kerala. The west coast of Peninsular India is generally referred to as the Malabar
coast, approximately southward of Goa state and bordered on the east by the Western Ghats.
The coastal belt’s abundant natural resources, including earth, bamboo, and stone, contribute
significantly to the material palette of the built environment. The landscape of this region is
dotted with dwellings constructed with these materials, as well as variants and combinations of
these elements used in a variety of patterns. Materiality is closely linked to indigenous building
techniques. There are a variety of forms that can be developed based on the properties of a given
material and the requirements of the intended user (Dharampal 1973).
Historically, woven thatch roofs have served as a basis for most of the native roofing systems.
Matured grass reeds from the local area are cleaned, dried, knotted, and weaved together to form
a roofing material. Potter’s tiles are among the earliest roofing materials. Most cultures have
utilized this technique of molding clay and firing it to build roofs. In the nineteenth century, the
shift from hand-made to machine-made was substantial, particularly in the case of terracotta tiles,
which transformed the built landscape of this region and were utilized on a far greater scale.

Industrial Legacy of Basel Mission

Founded in Basel, Switzerland, in 1815, the Basel Evangelical Missionary Society, or Basel
Mission, was a German evangelical missionary institution. It established missions in European
colonies in Asia and Africa in the nineteenth century. The mission’s peculiarity can be
attributed to the fact that it was both a religious and an industrial concern, operating in India’s
Madras Presidency (Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft in Basel. Indische Mission 1871).

Contextual History
The majority of those who converted to the Basel Mission came from the most disadvantaged
sections of society. An individual was not authorized to pursue a profession other than that


which was practiced by his or her caste during the nineteenth century. As a result, converts
lost their occupations, and missionaries were required to seek other work opportunities for
them. Consequently, missionaries who were themselves largely from the class of artisans
endeavored to train the converts in a variety of ancient and modern crafts, ranging from
agriculture to weaving and watch and clock making to watch manufacturing. The majority
of these endeavors were unsuccessful, and the Basel Mission eventually concentrated on
modern handloom weaving and tile manufacturing.

Figure 2: Timeline of the Basel Mission Tile Industry

During the mission’s early years, Mangalore served as the principal center of missionary
and industrial activities for the entire organization. One possible explanation for this decision
can be traced back to the excellent quality of clay deposits in the area, which encouraged
experiments with tile-making to finance missionary activities and provide a profession for
newly converted people. By combining his expertise of German tile manufacture with his
observations of Indian potters’ tiles, missionary George Plebst helped to establish the tile
industry in Mangalore. With clay that was mined from the Netravati River, Plebst created a
new tile design called as ‘Mangalore Tile’ that still exists today. To reduce the weight of the
roof and do away with the requirement for a hefty roof superstructure, this new tile was both
stronger and designed for interlocking tiles.
During the First World War, a mutually beneficial partnership between the Basel Mission
and the British Empire could not be perpetuated. The Mission’s German ancestry prompted
the British Government to seize control of the Basel Mission’s industrial operations under
the provisions of the Enemy Trading Act of 1916 (Indian Legislative Council 1916) This
effectively ended Basel Mission Industries’ operations in India and resulted in the Mission’s
commercial activity ceasing in 1920. In the 1920s, mission properties were passed to the
Madras Mission Trust and eventually to the Commonwealth Trust Limited (UK). The
Commonwealth Trust (India) Limited was acquired by Indian investors in 1977. After the
departure of the Basel Mission, Indian tile production continued, but was further harmed by
Partition in 1947. The loss of Karachi as a market for tiles was a significant blow to the
industry’s long-term survival (Sumra and Chatterjee 2020).


Tile Factory Typology—Spatial Configurations and Components

The manufacturing technique of the Mangalore tile, initially introduced in 1865 at the Jeppu
tile plant, has remained almost unchanged to this day. There has been a significant increase
in tile production in the 1865 design and mold due to the adoption of high-efficiency kilns,
which have made it feasible to make more tiles in less time. Making tiles comprises
weathering and souring, mixing, grinding, and pressing. Before the pressed tiles are placed
in the kiln for firing, they are dried. The tiles are fired in a kiln until they reach an acceptable
level of durability (Joseph 2018b).

Figure 3: Tile Factory at Jeppu, Mangalore and Tile Drying Wooden Racks

The tiles are retrieved from the racks and placed in batches within the kiln chambers for
fire. Proper tile placing and drawing, as well as firing and temperature regulation within the
kiln, require expertise and experience. Technique in crafts is both a cultural and a practical
process. It is the narrative of tile making, which has progressed from the hands of traditional
potters to the hands of experienced employees in modern factories, that bears witness to what
Richard Sennett refers to as the historical link between the craftsman and his material.

Figure 4: Kiln Schematic Drawing


Industrial processes are inextricably tied to culturally unique products and abilities,
interpretations, and perspectives. Not only does the material influence how we work and make
products, but so do changing modes of production that have evolved over the years. In the
instance of the Basel Mission’s clay products, particularly Mangalore tiles, manufacturing
procedures have altered the product itself. The semicircular potter’s tile has evolved into a flat,
interlocking tile known as the Mangalore tile, which is still made in modest quantities in the
region. Today, the tile is a defining aspect of the region’s built environment, and the methods
involved in its production are an integral part of the region’s lived legacy (Joseph 2018a).
In modern-day Karnataka and Kerala, where the Mangalore tile was initially produced in
the mid-1800s, many rural landscapes are still adorned with these bright red tiles. This tile
has such sentimental and nostalgic value in the cultural landscape of these places that it is
regularly used as a cladding material over sloped concrete roofs, even though concrete roofs
have mostly displaced other indigenous roofing materials. In this context, the Mangalore tile
evokes a sense of shared identity among urban people, rather than fulfilling a functional
purpose. A significant element of South Canara’s tangible and intangible history is the
narrative of how terracotta tiles were first made and then transformed, a process that began
more than a century ago as part of the Basel Mission (Joseph 2018a).

Toolkit Design Methodology

It is fundamental for this research to develop tools for analyzing and assessing the adaptive reuse
potential of these now-abandoned factories, and to support the monitoring process of industrial
heritage building condition, conservation, and the management. The objective of the assesment
toolkit is to offer a set of supporting artefacts that assist communities, stakeholders, and decision
makers in expressing their appreciation of industrial heritage, encourage participation,
integrate resources, and coordinate efforts in the direction of a more effective conservation and
management of industrial heritage. The toolkit strives to provide pragmatic, informative,
accessible, easy-to-use, and adaptable tools to address both the needs of the project and its users
(Boonstra et al. 2018). The analytical component of the toolkit is derived from the macro- and
micro-scale literature reviews of tools, techniques, and instruments used in industrial heritage
reuse projects throughout Europe. These tools were subsequently deployed by contextualizing
them according to the research scenario, validating them, and modifying them further to meet
the requirements. The required activities to assess industrial heritage buildings are listed in
chronological order, and tools for each activity are developed as shown in Table 1. Each tool in
this toolkit is capable of generating outcomes and focused disseminations in order to develop
an inclusive paradigm for evaluating Indian industrial heritage. This methodology deploys a
method to assess the industrial heritage reuse capacity so that the tools, findings, and
interpretations of this toolkit can be further addressed, tested, and validated.


Table 1: Activities and Tools

Activities Tools
1. Review of tools used in case studies Form and Function analysis tools
2. Identification of sites GIS-based inventory
3. Assessment of condition Adaptive reuse capacity tool
4. Review of the context Stakeholder analysis
5. Identification of values and threats Value mapping and Value matrix

Form and Function Analysis Tools

Literature case studies were chosen from European countries such as the United Kingdom
(Tate Modern, Stanley Mills), Italy (Shad#19), Spain (Caixa Forum), Greece (Technopolis),
and the Netherlands (Energiehuis), based on the level of their contributions in the field of
industrial heritage reuse as well as data accessibility. All cases were selected based on their
original function, which was an industrial facility and their industrial heritage reuse aspects
were studied on a micro as well as macro scale. During the course of their reuse process, they
were subjected to a variety of strategies and tactics, and it was observed that their intervention
patterns could be further categorized in terms of classification of layers, expansion, and new
precedent. In addition, the components, factors, and attributes that influence this reuse
process were identified, as can be seen in Figure 5 below.

Figure 5: Form and Function Analysis for Each Case


GIS-Based Inventory

Information about existing tile factories in three cities obtained using other tools was
ambiguous and less accurate. As a result, a geographic information system (GIS) was used to
determine the spatial distribution of tile factories. The main objective of this method was not
just to map the location of the factories, but to develop a spatial database of extant tile factories
in order to generate real-time heritage maps that can be used to monitor, preserve, and conserve
industrial heritage. Existing methods for inventory analysis were reviewed through state-of-the-
art literature and a new GIS-based tool was developed to create thematic inventory.

Documentation and Mapping

The process of mapping has long been used as a visual reference for locating, navigating,
documenting, and delineating historic sites, their built heritage, and contexts. Throughout
cartography’s history, mapping significant places has been regarded as an essential device for
representing information about a place and its spatial relationships. Early in the twentieth century,
as the Industrial Revolution introduced an unprecedented period of change, European
governments began to view heritage lists and inventories as essential policy tools for the
preservation of historic sites. Even the early charters have recommended the publication of
“inventory of ancient monuments, with photographs and explanatory notes” (ICOMOS 2011).
As a result of advancements in computing technology, new modes of visualization developed,
resulting in the emergence of a new discipline of geomatics that encompasses a mapping and
spatial analytic tool, the geographic information systems (GIS). These advanced technologies
redefined the map from a static two-dimensional entity to a dynamic networking structure
capable of connecting multimodal data. Contemporary mapping of heritage sites involves more
than just identifying its tangible and intangible heritage, but also communicating its significance
and value to the wider community, opening up new possibilities for research and decision-making
within that community. This can be used as a medium to engage communities in a discourse
about their values and empower them to develop and recreate their heritage (Avrami et al. 2019).

Inventories and Urban Heritage Management

Inventories serve an array of functions, including heritage management, preservation, and

public appreciation, all of which require long-term commitments from institutions in terms
of financial and human resources. Inventories are distinct from heritage surveys and other
forms of data collection in that they gather information over a specific period. Thus, for
effective urban heritage management, inventory programs should be designed in accordance
with applicable legislation, based on data standards, and supported by ongoing devoted staff,
programs, and systems (Myers 2016).
Although typical inventories were derived from basic notions of heritage and its value,
advances in ontology and technology have transformed these catalogues into multimodal and
relational databases that geospatially represent historical sites and processes. However, it is the


documentation and maintenance of historic sites that is the driving force behind this approach.
This enables a wide range of collaborators and agencies to contribute their skills and expertise
regarding heritage, ranging from socioeconomic to spatial ethnography and statistical analyses,
which serves to broaden its function as a method of connecting diverse types of data and analyses.
Thus, heritage is understood as a network of interactions indicating the “lived experience of space
and place,” rather an asset (Duxbury, Garrett-Petts, and MacLennan 2015, 2).
Historically, urban heritage management has emphasized the preservation of historic
monuments and sites as heritage assets. With an intolerant attitude toward change, this strategy
had surely assisted in retaining the historical significance given by those tangible relics. The
only constant in urban management is that cities, people, and their lifestyles change over time.
The global discourse on heritage management has changed significantly over the last decades,
helping overcome the dichotomous relationship that exists between urban growth and heritage
preservation. From a strategy that prevented any changes at all, urban heritage management has
been reinterpreted into an approach in which changes are managed in reference to the
connected communities and their long-term sustainability rather than in isolation from them.
Only three decades ago, the exploration of urban management in conjunction with heritage
theory and practices was initiated to bring about changes and integrate heritage management
into the greater perspective of urban expansion (Avrami et al. 2019).
Through conventions and charters, organizations like UNESCO and ICOMOS debate
concepts such as tangible and intangible, urban context, and sustainable development, and
establish best-practice principles and theories to safeguard the integrity and authenticity of
urban heritage characteristics. A comprehensive examination and discussion of the
significance and value of documentation and inventories in urban heritage management are
presented and explored here in order to provide a framework for GIS-based inventory.

Framework for GIS-Based Inventory

The framework is developed through the analysis and comparison of a set of ten international
convention and charter documents over the previous two decades that are relevant to urban
contexts and heritage management. Those publications include the most significant standard-
setting urban and industrial heritage documents from organizations like UNESCO,
ICOMOS, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the CPWD. The main tool used to determine
the spatial distribution and quantitative data on existing tile factories is GIS. Most relevant
methodologies are combined and contextualized in order to construct a framework for
documentation that can be deployed in this research context at different levels of need and
in different sets of scenarios in order to generate a thematic inventory.


Figure 6: Conceptual Framework for GIS-Based Inventory

The criteria and methodology to document and create inventory is developed based on
three charters. Joint ICOMOS–TICCIH Dublin Principles promotes documentation,
conservation, and appreciation of industrial heritage. This recommends an interdisciplinary
approach to document industrial sites and structures. According to the UNESCO’s
Recommendation on Historic Urban Landscape, a variety of tools that may be adapted to
different local contexts are provided under the toolkit, knowledge, and planning tools, for
the monitoring and management of historical resources in any historic city. The International
Committee for Documentation provides core data standards for the creation of inventories.


Using satellite imagery, tile factories can be identified through two elements: a chimney and a
sloped roof. The shadow cast by a chimney can serve as a useful visual indicator of a tile factory,
in visible satellite bands. The most advanced deep learning-based methods for identifying
chimneys are prohibitively expensive, owing to the high cost of acquiring high resolution
imagery across a vast area, and more canopy cover in this area may impair the outcome. Thus,
in Arcgis Pro, using the sampling toolset, a fishnet feature was generated to sample locations
within the extent of the dataset, and then manually identified and located the factories.
Following the geo-location of these factories using GIS, they were validated on the
ground. The information gathered on the field, such as the year of establishment, the status
and condition of the factory, and so on, was attached to the database as attributes. To prepare
this GIS based inventory, the following parameters were considered:


i. Territorial—Template extent of the fishnet is specified based on the existing dataset.

Administrative boundaries (taluk) of respective cities are considered to limit the area.
Cell size of the fish net is 500m × 500m.
ii. Temporal—Age, condition, and status of GIS-identified factories are collected from
the field.
iii. Typological—Spatial elements specific to tile factory typology such as chimney and
sloped roof were considered.

Figure 7: Satellite Image of Tile Factory and the Typology-Specific Spatial Elements

Figure 8: Methodology for GIS-Based Inventory


By using GIS, evidence-based and accurate results were obtained. GIS can be a very powerful
tool in identifying, monitoring, and managing heritage structures. Along the Malabar coast,
a total of 106 tile factories have been identified and validated, thirty-four of which have been
abandoned and two of which are now being demolished. According to their age classification,


twenty-one factories fall into the ‘heritage’ category, although they are not listed, and a
further value assessment is required. The stages of identification and validation of tile
factories in the city of Thrissur are shown in Figure 9. The quantitative data collected using
GIS as well as a comparative summary of quantitative data on the number of tile factories in
each city collected through different mediums is shown in Figure 10 and Table 2, respectively.

Figure 9: Tile Factories in Thrissur City Located Using GIS


Tile factories
No. of factories 80
Mangalore Calicut Thrissur
Abandoned 1 7 28
Working 13 4 53

Figure 10: Quantitative Data of Existing Tile Factories

Table 2: Comparative Summary of Data Collected Using Different Tools

Department of
City District Industries Center Using GIS
Factories and Boilers
Mangalore 12 22 14
Calicut 7 54 11
Thrissur 106 24 81

A GIS-based inventory is created by adapting and integrating various methods and tools
to suit the specific study context, resulting in an actual outcome of the research. Among the
several merits of this methodology is its applicability to similar types of research. This can be
an effective strategy for investigating a complex and multi-leveled subject of study. The spatial
database of existing tile factories is compiled to form a comprehensive database which can be
published as an online knowledge platform to inform decision-makers for future initiatives,
serve as a reference for heritage managers and practitioners, and raise public awareness.
The ‘Industrial heritage of Malabar’ website will be a web-based knowledge platform for
industrial heritage. It will present a digital registry of more than 100 tile factories along the
Malabar coast. The spatial database of the tile industry, created using GIS, will be available
on this website. The authors’ research cases will be presented analytically, providing further
knowledge on the historicity of Mangalore, Calicut, and Thrissur. Aside from educating the
general public about industrial heritage, the website will be a significant resource for
stakeholders, officials, and professionals alike.


Figure 11: Online Knowledge Platform (Work in Progress)


Following documentation, the next phase of investigation of factory buildings entails the
methodical interpretation of results using different sets of tools. This phase necessitates a well-
structured approach for identifying and categorizing the unique and distinguishing elements
of the industrial structure in its current state. This section will outline and evaluate the three
sequential stages involved in the process of valuing and assessing the adaptability of industrial
built heritage.

Adaptive Reuse Capacity

These industrial buildings can be put to a wide range of different uses. Because they were
originally constructed to house large industrial operations and equipment, they have a large
amount of usable interior space, making them ideal to be turned into cultural centers,
museums, and libraries, or for any other purpose that demands a lot of space. Thus, they
create a distinct spatial condition. Adaptive capacity, according to Schuetze and Willkomm
(2009), indicates a building’s ability to easily adapt to different functions or requirements and
is enhanced when buildings are built with components and materials that allow reuse and
recycling with the least amount of effort and quality loss. This quality and the ability of the
building to be modified in the future are represented by the adaptability of the building. It
ensures that the building’s future usage will go on as planned (Geraedts 2016). Houtsma
(1982), REN (1992), Geraedts (1998), and Till and Schneider (2016) merged their existing
expertise on adaptability and sustainability to develop the flex method. The following table
discusses the flex method, which uses several perspectives on flexibility from a variety of
authors and uses those criteria as flexibility indicators.
On the basis of field observations, the first level application of the tool flex 4.0, created
by Geraedts (2016), is carried out here to assess the adaptive reuse capacity of tile factories.


The 12 general flexibility performance indicators serve as a tool for expressing demands in
terms of flexibility and evaluating the options available. As a result, any changes in the
building’s purpose can be fully accommodated from the beginning and throughout its
lifetime. To ensure circularity, building components that are ideally suitable for reuse
through the multiple loops have been chosen as layers: site, structure, skin, services, and
space. Each tile factory building was assessed on-site and assessment values for all flexibility
indicators for each sub-layer were assigned on a scale of 1–4. The weighting (w) for flexibility
indicators is specified as a default value by the authors of the flex method. This generates a
score for each indicator (w x a), which is added together to generate a total flexibility score.
The flexibility score assessment of one tile factory building is shown below.

Figure 12: Flexibility Score and Class—Commonwealth Tile Factory, Calicut

Overall, the Commonwealth Tile factory in Calicut has a flexibility score of 123, and the class
of flexibility against this score is 4. This implies that this factory building is very flexible in terms
of its adaptability. Based on flexibility scores, factories were grouped into four classes as shown in
the chart below. Among the 106 factories along the Malabar coast, only nine in Thrissur and one
in Calicut are adaptable enough, barely, to be considered for reuse. The remaining factories offer
a variety of adaptive capacities, ranging from limited to extremely adaptable.


Flexibility chart
Tile factories

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
Thrissur 0 9 67 5
Mangalore 0 0 10 3
Calicut 0 1 1 9
Figure 13: Flexibility Chart of Existing Tile Factories

Stakeholder Analysis

The reusability of industrial buildings cannot be determined without considering the people
who have an impact on it. This procedure involves a variety of stakeholders, both in terms of
quantity, level, and expertise. The shifting nature of stakeholder roles, attitudes, and
interactions, along with subjectivism, make stakeholder analysis a challenging task.
In order to produce a retrospective assessment of the potential stakeholders, this method will
investigate who influences, and when and how, as well as the extent of their influence and the
implications of their engagement. The concept of adaptive reuse of vacant industrial buildings
was introduced to the stakeholders, who were then evaluated based on their level of knowledge
about the subject, their level of interest in it, and their ability to exert influence over the
organization or its resources. This information was plotted on grids and transformed into two
matrices: an awareness-interest matrix and a power-interest matrix, as illustrated in Figure 14.


Figure 14: Power/Interest and Awareness/Interest Matrices

This method was beneficial in identifying key actors and influencers. The fourth
quadrant in both matrices indicates a greater number of stakeholders, implying that those
who are knowledgeable and interested are not in power, and those in power are neither
interested nor aware of industrial building reuse potential. Additionally, this study
emphasizes the importance of informing key actors with high stakes but limited influence in
order to empower stakeholders in the decision-making process.

Value Mapping

The primary objective of this exercise is to identify and categorize the typology-specific
characteristics through value-mapping in order to create an illustrated document that will
provide a qualitative insight into the specific values and attributes of the tile factories under
investigation. This method focuses on the architectural aspects and categorizes them into
three levels of significance. A survey was conducted to determine the significance of the
architectural components of tile factories from the perspectives of various stakeholders,
including users, laborers, and the general public. The stakeholders were requested to assign a
value to each component while taking into consideration the repurposing of the tile factories.
The summary of the responses is shown in Table 3.


Table 3: Value Mapping

Architectural Components Percentage of Responses Levels of Significance
Brick chimney 97.67% High
Brick the 76.7% High
Pitched roof 83.7% High
Kiln 55.8% Average
Machines/Equipment 46.5% Average
Tiles drying rack 11.6% Low
Wooden floor 11.6% Low

The survey responses were divided into three categories: highly valuable, average
valuable, and low valuable. Brick chimneys, facades, and pitched roofs were widely regarded
as highly valuable. The factory workers believed that only the kiln and machines were worth
considering valuable, whereas suspended and perforated wooden flooring, staircases, wooden
tile drying racks were not seen as particularly valuable.

Value Matrix

A valuation matrix developed by Clarke, Kuipers, and Stroux (2020) is adopted here to identify
the elements in their current state and correlate their ascribed heritage values. The vertical axis
of the value matrix is primarily based on Brand’s functional layers for buildings, with a few
additions to reflect the built component. The heritage values generated from Riegl’s dialectic
value set, reinforced by two additions, are represented on the other axis. The axis of Riegl’s value
set has been substituted in this research by intangible aspects of Indian industrial heritage, as
defined by Tipnis and Singh (2021), along with an additional reuse value aspect (figure 15). Five
intangible aspects of Indian industrial heritage, as defined by Tipnis and Singh (2021), are again
grouped into three key categories for this research, as illustrated in Figure 16. By completing
relevant cells with text and graphics and leaving irrelevant ones blank, values are recognized
and correlated with tangible and intangible layers (see Figure 17).

Figure 15: Value Matrix by Clarke and Kuipers and Value Matrix Developed for the Tile Factory


Figure 16: Intangible Aspects of Indian Industrial Heritage

Figure 17: Value Matrix with Differentiated Values

On the basis of the findings from these two methods, Table 4 summarizes the
opportunities for prospective architectural interventions and the obligations associated with
their adaptive reuse. Heritage features with high significance can be conserved, whereas those
with low significance can be removed or redeveloped to meet new demands. The components
that have average significance can be adapted according to the proposed programs. This tool
provides an opportunity to identify and assist in categorization of significant values and
attributes of industrial heritage buildings on a variety of scales, which is beneficial. This aids
in identifying the fundamental aspects of heritage buildings in their current state and better
comprehending their historical evolution.


Table 4: Value Assessment

Levels of significance Heritage Features Possible Intervention Approach
Brick chimney
These can be conserved in their original state. These
High Brick facade
are of great historical and commemorative value.
Pitched roof
Average These can be adapted according to the new program.
Perforated wooden floor
Low Tile drying wooden racks These can be removed or redeveloped.
Wooden staircases


This section draws together all the data from this research to draft a series of
recommendations for each city to help organizations improve their adaptive re-use efforts.

Table 5: Recommendations
Location and Urban Heritage
City Ownership Recommendation
Setting Management
No safeguarding agency

Mangalore Unlisted/Unprotected
industrial heritage
Strategic Mostly private/ A comprehensive
location; Vulnerable to Lack of comprehensive conservation plan for
along banks real estate policy/ decision-making the remaining few
of the river development process for heritage industrial heritage
Netravati pressure management buildings is required.
Lack of tools and
techniques to map,
record, and document
industrial heritage
Developing a network
of reused tile factories
may facilitate the
rebranding of the
historic city of Calicut
Strategic and may have a
location; beneficial social and
along banks “ “ financial impact.
of the river Incorporating the site’s
Chaliyar historical significance
into a larger context
provides the
opportunity for a better
interpretation of


A participatory
Thrissur planning strategy is
necessary to encourage
adaptive reuse of tile
factories in a way that is
socially conscious and
along “ “
relevant, while also
enabling some of the
Highway 544
buildings to be
demolished to make
space for future

Future Research

This research offers analytical evidence for exploration and enquiry in the time to come. It gives
a multidimensional perspective to the possibilities of reusing industrial heritage. Extending the
work’s object, as well as its topographical and historical span, would be a natural step. Future
study is required to shed light on the remains of the industrial heritage of India, which are
currently in tremendous threat, in greater depth, based on the approach of this study. Along
with the evidence presented, this research also identified a number of issues that can be
exploited as springboards for future investigation and intervention. In terms of future research,
there is still a lot of work to be done to figure out how to make reused industrial buildings more
productive, without jeopardizing their economic sustainability or cultural relevance.

A total of 106 factories were investigated, through primary and secondary research, and forty-
three interviews were conducted, as part of this research. According to the mapping and
analysis, it has been established that almost 90 percent of the extant tile factories have the
potential to be reused, focusing on both tangible and intangible aspects. However,
Mangalore’s tile factories do not face an economic decline for at least the next decade as per
projections; therefore, conservation strategies are more important than reuse initiatives.
Calicut and Thrissur, on the other hand, have a pressing need for industrial heritage reuse
initiatives and strategies of their own; as a result of the industry’s rapid collapse, a large
amount of unoccupied building stock is projected. The first-level investigation into the
heritage values and attributes provided a systematic interpretation of the findings and an
outline of possible interventions while reusing them. On a base level, the adaptive reuse
capacity was objectively assessed using the flex method. As a result, this study could
investigate both quantitative and qualitative aspects of industrial heritage buildings.
The research provided valuable insights regarding industrial heritage buildings, especially
in the Indian context, and guided the analyzing and assessing of their adaptive r-use capacity,
in an informed manner. It also highlighted the paucity of data and initiatives in this direction.
Collaborative efforts between government entities must be enhanced, and bureaucracy must be


reduced to the greatest extent possible; it is critical to fill the documentation and appraisal gaps
in the industrial heritage building assets, in order to gain a better understanding of it and make
informed decisions about it on a national scale. Finally, it is critical to boost the participation
of experienced specialists in public administrative organizations with positive overviews in
industrial heritage reuse initiatives. Though this research is focused on the geographical region
of Malabar and the roof tile industry, the methodology can be up-scaled and implemented pan-
India, concentrating on industrial heritage buildings.

This article is one of the outcomes of the author’s master’s thesis at the Indian Institute of
Technology Roorkee.

Conflict of Interest
The author declares that there is no conflict of interest.


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Amrutha Das: Master’s Student, Department of Architecture and Planning, Indian

Institute of Technology Roorkee, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
Corresponding Author’s Email: [email protected]

Dr. Smriti Saraswat: Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture and Planning,

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
Email: [email protected]

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