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Many developing countries will need to double their food production by 2020 if they are to
successfully feed their burgeoning populations. This will require maintaining, if
not increasing, current rates of growth in national food production, and achieving this in
sustainable ways that do not degrade the underlying natural resource base.
Past patterns of agricultural growth in developing countries give cause for concern. Most of the
successful breakthroughs in productivity have occurred in more favored agro-ecological zones
and have involved intensive use of irrigation water and modern inputs like fertilizers, pesticides,
and improved seeds. For example, the Green Revolution, which has played a major role in
enabling many developing countries to feed themselves since the mid-1960s, has been limited
largely to irrigated rice- and wheat-growing regions. Agriculture based on the intensive use of
modern inputs easily lends itself to mismanagement, with dire consequences for the environment,
particularly when managed by millions of small farmers with little knowledge about new inputs.
The problem may be worsened by well-meaning but often inappropriate government policies
(such as input subsidies) or public institutions that themselves mismanage inputs (some public
irrigation authorities, for example). The environmental consequences of input mismanagement and
overuse include the destruction of beneficial insects, waterlogging and salinization of
irrigated land, pollution of groundwater and rivers, poisoning of farm workers, and excessive
dependence on a few improved crop varieties.
On the other hand, where governments have neglected to intensify agricultural production
through use of modern technology, poverty and hunger have driven rural people to wreak havoc
with land, forest, and water resources. When yields do not increase but populations do, poor
farmers have little choice but to expand cultivation into less-favored and often environmentally
fragile areas such as forests, hillsides, and wetlands.
As available land and water resources dwindle in many developing countries, future growth in
food production willhave to come from further intensification of agriculture in
both the high- and low-potential areas. The high-potential areas will be crucial for meeting
national food demands, particularly in the face of rapid urbanization. According to some
estimates, the share of the urban population in low-income developing countries will approach 60
percent by 2020, compared with 35 percent today. Once divorced from the land, urban migrants
will become totally dependent on marketed food production, most of which will have to come
from the more favored agro- climatic areas. At the same time, millions of the poorest people will
depend on rainfed agriculture, much of it in marginal areas, for their livelihood and food. Most
will not have the option of buying food from other sources or of obtaining employment and
income elsewhere. Increasing agricultural productivity where they live will be the only viable way
of ensuring their food security and protecting the natural resources on which they depend. The
challenge for policymakers and the agricultural research community is to develop appropriate and
sustainable methods of agricultural intensification for both kinds of
The current high yields in most high-potential areas not only must be sustained, but they must be
increased if developing countries are to meet their food needs in the years ahead. Unlike the
developed countries that now have agricultural surpluses, most developing countries cannot
switch to low-input farming systems because they cannot afford the associated reduction in yields.
Some critics of the Green Revolution have argued, for example, that India should return to
pre-Green Revolution technologies. But if this were to happen, close to half the current
population, some 400 million people, would go hungry. The only viable option is to find ways to
manage modern farming methods that avoid negative environmental consequences.
The following major environmental problems are associated with intensification in high-potential
1. Intensive use of irrigation water in areas with poor drainage can lead to a rise in the
water table, which in turn causes waterlogging and salt buildup in the soil, especially in
semi-arid and arid areas. Possibly 24 percent of the irrigated land worldwide is already
affected by salinization to some degree. Waterlogging and salinization reduce yields and
can eventually lead to abandonment of irrigated land.
2. Perennial flooding of rice paddies and continuous rice culture lead to micronutrient
deficiencies and soil toxicities, formation of hardpans in the soil, and a reduction in the
nitrogen-carrying capacity of the soil. Work at the International Rice Research Institute
shows that farmers must use increasing amounts of fertilizer over time simply to
maintain existing yields in intensive paddy fields.
An increasing reliance on a few carefully bred crop varieties leads to loss of genetic diversity and
to increased vulnerability to pest- and weather-related risks. In some cases, millions of hectares
of land are planted to the same wheat or rice variety.
These environmental concerns are real but not inevitable consequences of agricultural
intensification. There is considerable scope for redressing them, for example, through better
design and management of irrigation systems to reduce waterlogging; through water pricing or
creation of property rights and markets in water to create economic incentives to reduce excessive
use; through rotation of other crops with rice (especially in the dry season) to better maintain
irrigated soils; through integrated use of natural predators, selective pesticides, and pest-resistant
varieties to avoid the buildup of pest resistance; through improved soil testing services and
fertilizer application methods; through creation of gene banks and regionally diversified crop
breeding programs to increase the range and variety of high-yielding varieties available to farmers;
through policy reforms to appropriately modify economic incentives at the household level to
promote proper management of modern inputs; and through farmer education. Considerable
technological and policy research at national and international levels is already focused on these
problems, and global and national gene banks have already been established for the main cereal
crops. There is every reason to be confident that sustainable farming systems for the
Green-Revolution areas can be developed without sacrificing high productivity. But this will
require a continued commitment to agricultural research by governments and donors, and greater
environmental awareness in setting research priorities and making public policy decisions.
Population growth and poverty in many rainfed lands have reached the point where serious
resource degradation is occurring. Until recently, natural resources were generally abundant in
these areas, and farmers could allow damaged resources time to recover through rotations and
shifting cultivation. Moreover, many of the more fragile lands were not farmed at all. Today, they
must support moderate to high population densities, providing not only increasing amounts
of food but basic essentials such as fuelwood, water, and housing. Their ecosystems have lost
much of their ability to rebound from stresses such as droughts.
In the long term, migration and economic diversification will be needed to provide a better
balance between people and natural resources in fragile areas, but current trends in population and
nonfarm employment are such that the absolute number of agriculturally dependent people will
continue to grow for some decades yet. Therefore, the need to increase the productivity of fragile
lands and to diversify the sources of rural livelihood is urgent.
Intensification strategies for fragile lands will have to be different from the Green Revolution
model. Poor infrastructure, drought risk, and lower yield response render high use of modern
inputs uneconomic. At the same time, the poor soils of fragile lands cannot sustain intensive
monocultures of annual crops. Intensification strategies must emphasize management of soil
fertility and organic matter, moisture conservation, erosion control, and nutrient recycling. These
typically require mixed farming systems that integrate annual crops with perennial crops,
farm trees, and livestock.
The kind of research needed to develop appropriate technologies and practices will be more
site-specific than in high-potential areas, and will involve farmers in its design and implementation.
Sustainable resource management in many fragile areas will often require reform of property
rights, both to assure secure rights over settled farmland and to strengthen community rights over
common property resources such as grazing areas, forests, and woodlots. More effective
communal organization will also be necessary for managing common-property resources, for
undertaking soil erosion control and moisture conservation programs, and for dealing with public
institutions that are intended to serve fragile areas (especially research, extension, and credit
Because intensification programs of this kind will be complex and site-specific, results may be
slow to realize and difficult to assess. Donors and national governments will need to be patient
and persistent in their efforts.
Peter B. R. Hazell is director of the Enivonment and Production Technology Division at the
International Food Policy Research Institute.
"A 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture, and the Environment" is an initiative of the International Food
Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) to develop a shared vision and consensus for action on how to meet
future world food needs while reducing poverty and protecting the environment. Through the 2020 Vision
initiative, IFPRI is bringing together divergent schools of thought on these issues, generating research, and
identifying recommendations. The 2020 Briefs present information on various aspects of the issues.