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1Explain what Node.js is in detail.

Ans. Node.js is an open-source runtime environment for executing JavaScript code

on the server. It allows developers to use JavaScript to build fast, scalable, and
network-based applications. Node.js was created by Ryan Dahl in 2009 and has
gained significant popularity in recent years, especially for building web applications.
Here are some key features and components of Node.js:
1)Non-blocking I/O: Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which
makes it efficient for handling a large number of concurrent connections. This means
that the server can handle multiple requests simultaneously without blocking the
execution of other tasks. JavaScript runtime: Node.js is a JavaScript runtime, meaning
that it runs JavaScript code on the server.2) NPM: Node Package Manager (NPM) is a
package manager for Node.js that makes it easy to install and manage third-party
libraries and modules. 3)Event-driven architecture: Node.js is built on an event-driven
architecture, which means that it relies on event listeners and callbacks to handle
incoming requests and responses. This allows Node.js to handle multiple requests
simultaneously and respond quickly. 4)Cross-platform: Node.js is cross-platform,
meaning that it can run on multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux,
and macOS.
2. What is the difference between Node.js and JS that runs in your browser?
Ans. Node.js and the browser, both run the same programming language, JavaScript,
but they differ in some key aspects. Here are some of the main differences:
1.Environment: Node.js runs on the server side, while JavaScript in a browser runs on
the client side. This means that Node.js has access to the file system and other
server-specific functionalities, while JavaScript in a browser can interact with the
DOM (Document Object Model) and other client-side APIs. 2.Modules: Node.js has a
built-in module system, which allows developers to organise code into separate
modules and import them into other files using the require() function. In a browser,
there is no built-in module system, so developers have to use third-party libraries or
rely on global variables to share code between different files. 3.APIs: Node.js provides
APIs for network-based operations, file I/O, and other server-specific tasks. Browsers
provides APIs for interacting with the DOM, handling user events, and other client-
side tasks. 4.Asynchronous programming: Both Node.js and the browser supports
asynchronous programming. In Node.js, the callback pattern is commonly used, while
in a browser, Promise and async/await are more common. 5.Debugging: Debugging
Node.js code can be done using a variety of tools. Debugging JavaScript in a browser
is typically done using browser developer tools. While Node.js and JavaScript in a
browser share a lot of similarities, they are designed for different environments and
have different APIs and module systems.
3)What is the difference between Angular.js and Node.js?
4. What is npm? Explain some of its commands with examples.
Ans. npm is a short for Node Package Manager. It is a package manager for the
JavaScript programming language. npm mainly consists of three different
components: 1.Website: The npm official website is used to find packages for your
project, and create and set up profiles to manage and access private and public
packages. 2.Command Line Interface (CLI): The CLI runs from your computer's
terminal to interact with npm packages and repositories. 3.Registry: The registry is a
large and public database of JavaScript projects and meta-information. Here are
some of the commonly used npm commands with examples: 1.npm init: It Initializes
a new Node.js project and creates a package.json file in the current directory. 2.npm
install --save: Installs a new package and saves it as a dependency in the
package.json file. • Example: npm install --save express 3.npm install --save-dev:
Installs a new package and saves it as a development dependency in the
package.json file. • Example: npm install --save-dev nodemon 4.npm update:
Updates all the packages to their latest versions. 5.npm uninstall: Uninstalls a
package from the current project. • Example: npm uninstall express
What is a Node.js module? Write the steps to create one.
Ans.Node.js module is a reusable block of code that encapsulates related
functionality and can be easily imported and used in other parts of the application. •
In other words, it is a collection of functions, objects, and variables that can be
exported from one file and imported into another file. Here are the steps to create a
Node.js module: 1.Create a new JavaScript file in your project's directory, and write
your module's code in it. 2.Define your module's functions, objects, and variables in
the file. For example, let's create a module that exports a function to add two
numbers. function addNumbers(a, b) { return a + b; } module.exports = {
addNumbers: addNumbers }; 3.Save the file with a meaningful name, such as math.js.
4.In another file where you want to use this module, use the require function to
import it. const math = require('./math'); console.log(math.addNumbers(2, 3)); //
Output: 5 5.Run the file that uses the module, and you should see the expected
6. What are the uses of the Node.js HTTP module?
Ans. The Node.js HTTP module is a built-in module that provides an easy-to-use
interface for creating HTTP servers and clients. It allows developers to create web
applications and APIs, handle HTTP requests and responses, and interact with web
services. Here are some of the main uses of the HTTP module: 1.Creating HTTP
servers: The HTTP module allows developers to create HTTP servers that can listen to
incoming requests and respond to them. This is useful for creating web applications
and APIs. 2.Handling HTTP requests and responses: The HTTP module provides
functions to handle HTTP requests and responses, such as http.createServer(),
request.on(), response.write(), and response.end(). These functions allow developers
to customize the behaviour of their HTTP servers and provide appropriate responses
to client requests. 3.Interacting with web services: The HTTP module can be used to
interact with external web services by sending HTTP requests to them and receiving
responses. This is useful for integrating with third-party APIs and services. 4.Handling
cookies and sessions: The HTTP module provides functions for handling cookies and
sessions, such as response.setHeader(), response.getHeader(),
request.headers.cookie, and request.headers.session. These functions allow
developers to implement stateful web applications and APIs. Overall, the Node.js
HTTP module is a versatile and powerful tool for building web applications and APIs,
handling HTTP requests and responses, and interacting with web services.
7. Explain the advantages of using Node.js.
Ans. Node.js is a popular server-side JavaScript runtime environment that offers
several advantages for developers. Here are some of the main advantages of using
Node.js: 1.Fast and scalable: Node.js is built on the V8 JavaScript engine, which is
known for its high performance and scalability. 2.Lightweight and efficient: Node.js
has a small footprint and is designed to be efficient in terms of memory and CPU
usage. 3.Easy to learn and use: Node.js uses JavaScript, which is a popular and easy-
tolearn programming language. 4.Large and active community: Node.js has a large
and active community of developers and contributors who create and maintain a
wide range of modules and libraries. 5.Cross-platform compatibility: Node.js is
designed to run on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.
6.Flexible and modular: Node.js is designed to be modular and allows developers to
use different modules and libraries to add functionality to their applications.
8. Explain the Node.js event loop.
Ans. • The event loop is what allows Node.js to perform non-blocking I/O operations
— despite the fact that JavaScript is single-threaded — by offloading operations to
the system kernel whenever possible. • Since most modern kernels are multi-
threaded, they can handle multiple operations executing in the background. When
one of these operations completes, the kernel tells Node.js so that the appropriate
callback may be added to the poll queue to be executed eventually. • When Node.js
starts, it initializes the event loop, processes the provided code, which may make
async API calls, schedule timers, or call process.nextTick(), then begins processing the
event loop. The following diagram shows a simplified overview of the event loop's
order of operations. • Each phase has a FIFO queue of callbacks to execute. While
each phase is special in its own way, generally, when the event loop enters a given
phase, it will perform any operations specific to that phase, then execute callbacks in
that phase's queue until the queue has been exhausted or the maximum number of
callbacks has been executed. • When the queue has been exhausted or the callback
limit is reached, the event loop will move to the next phase, and so on. • Since any of
these operations may schedule the kernel queues more operations and new events
processed in the poll phase, poll events can be queued while polling events are
being processed. • As a result, long-running callbacks can allow the poll phase to run
much longer than a timer's threshold.
9. Write the steps to create a Node.js application that handles HTTP requests
using the HTTP module.
Ans. The steps to create a Node.js application that handles HTTP requests are:
1.Create a new directory for your project and navigate to it in the terminal: mkdir my-
node-app cd my-node-app 2.Initialize your project with npm init and follow the
prompts to create a package.json file: npm init 3.Install the HTTP module using npm:
npm install http 4.Create a new file called index.js in your project directory and add
the following code to create a server and handle incoming HTTP requests: const http
= require('http'); const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { res.statusCode =
200; res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); res.end('Hello World\n'); });
server.listen(3000, () => { console.log('Server running on port 3000'); }); This code
creates an HTTP server using the createServer method of the HTTP module, which
takes a callback function that will be executed each time a new request is received. In
this example, the callback sets the status code and response header and sends a
"Hello World" message back to the client. 5.Start the server by running the following
command in the terminal: node index.js This will start the server and print a message
to the console indicating that it is running on port 3000. 6.Test your server by visiting
http://localhost:3000 in your web browser or by using a tool like a cURL: curl
http://localhost:3000 This should return the "Hello World" message that you
specified in your server code.
10. What is Data Modeling?
Ans. Data modelling is the process of creating a model of how you will store data in
a database. They also describe how the data is related. The goal of data modeling is
to identify all the data components of a system, how they are connected, and what
are the best ways to represent these relationships. Data models consist of the
following components: • Entity : An independent object that is also a logical
component in the system. In document databases, each document is an entity. In
tabular databases, each row is an entity. • Entity types: The categories used to group
entities. For example, the book entity with the title “Alice in Wonderland” belongs to
the entity type “book.” • Attributes : The characteristics of an entity. For example, the
entity “book” has the attributes ISBN (String) and title (String). • Relationships : Define
the connections between the entities. For example, one user can borrow many books
at a time. The relationship between the entities "users" and "books" is one to many.
There are several advantages of data modeling: 1.Ensures better database planning,
design, and implementation, leading to improved application performance.
2.Promotes faster application development through easier object mapping. 3.Better
discovery, standardization, and documentation of multiple data sources. 4.Allows
organizations to think of long-term solutions and model data considering not only
current projects, but also future requirements of the application.
11. What is MongoDB, and what are its advantages?
Ans. MongoDB is an open-source document-oriented database that is designed to
store and manage unstructured and semi-structured data. Unlike traditional
relational databases, which store data in tables and rows, MongoDB stores data in
JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas. It was developed by MongoDB Inc.
Advantages of MongoDB include: 1.Scalability: MongoDB is highly scalable and can
handle large amounts of data and high traffic loads with ease. It can be scaled
horizontally across multiple servers. 2.Flexibility: MongoDB's document-oriented data
model allows for flexible and dynamic schema design, making it easy to adapt to
changing data requirements. 3.High Performance: MongoDB's architecture and
indexing system are optimized for high-performance queries and operations. It can
handle millions of reads and writes per second. 4.Support for Replication and
Sharding: MongoDB supports replication and sharding, which allows for high
availability, automatic failover, and load balancing. 5.Open-Source: MongoDB is
open-source software, which means that it is free to use and distribute. It also has a
large and active community of developers, which ensures that it is continuously
updated and improved.
12. How do you perform CRUD operations in MongoDB?
Ans. CRUD operations in MongoDB can be performed using its built-in methods.
Here are the basic steps to perform each of the CRUD operations: • Create (C): To
create a new document in MongoDB, use the insertOne() or insertMany() method.
For example: Insert one : db.collection('users').insertOne({ name: 'John Doe', age: 30,
email: '[email protected]' }); Insert Many : db.collection('users').insertMany([ {
name: 'Jane Doe', age: 25, email: '[email protected]' }, { name: 'Bob Smith', age:
35, email: '[email protected]' } ]); • Read (R): To read documents from a
MongoDB collection, use the find() method. For example:
db.collection('users').find({}); db.collection('users').find({ age: { $gt: 25 } }); • Update
(U): To update documents in a MongoDB collection, use the updateOne() or
updateMany() method. For example: db.collection('users').updateOne( { name: 'John
Doe' }, { $set: { age: 31 } } ); db.collection('users').updateMany( { age: { $gt: 30 } }, {
$inc: { age: 1 } } ); • Delete (D): To delete documents from a MongoDB collection, use
the deleteOne() or deleteMany() method. For example:
db.collection('users').deleteOne({ name: 'John Doe' });
db.collection('users').deleteMany({ age: { $lt: 30 } }); 13. Difference between SQL and
14. What are Documents in MongoDB?
Ans. • A document is a set of key-value pairs. • They are comparable to a row in a
table in a relational database. • Documents are stored in collections in MongoDB,
and collections are comparable to tables in a relational database. • Documents have
dynamic schema which means that documents in the same collection do not need to
have the same set of fields or structure, and common fields in a collection's
documents may hold different types of data. • Here's an example of a document in
MongoDB: { _id: ObjectId("609e0aaf56215331ebfb1fc1"), name: "John Doe", age: 30,
email: "[email protected]", address: { street: "123 Main St", city: "Anytown",
state: "CA", zip: "12345" } } • In this example, _id is a unique identification for the
document that MongoDB generates automatically. The document's other fields
indicate various aspects of the person, such as their name, age, and email address.
The address field is a subdocument that provides the address information for the
15. What are the methods of creating Queries in MongoDB give examples.
Ans. In MongoDB, queries are created using the find() method. This method is used
to retrieve documents from a collection based on certain criteria. Here are some
examples of creating queries in MongoDB: Basic query: To retrieve all documents in a
collection, use an empty query object as follows: db.collection.find({}) Query with a
filter: To retrieve documents that match a certain condition, specify a filter object as
follows: db.collection.find({ "field": "value" }) Examples: db.collection('users').find({});
db.collection('users').find({ age: { $gt: 25 } }); The first query here gets documents of
all users while the second query gets the documents of users who have age greater
than 25.
16. How Do You Create a Collection in MongoDB? Ans. • To create a collection in
MongoDB, you can use the createCollection() method or insert a document into the
collection. Here are the steps to create a collection using the createCollection()
method: • Call the createCollection() method and specify the name of the collection
as an argument. For example, to create a collection named "users", use the following
command: db.createCollection("users") • This will create a new collection named
"users" in your selected database. • We can now insert a document in the created
collection by using the below query: db.users.insertOne({ "name": "John", "age": 30 })
• This will create a collection named "users" and insert a document into it with the
fields "name" and "age" set to "John" and "30", respectively.
17. What is the MongoDB shell, and how do you use it to interact with the
Ans. • The MongoDB shell is a command-line interface that allows you to interact
with a MongoDB database. • You can use the MongoDB shell to perform a wide
range of tasks such as querying, inserting, updating, and deleting data. • To use the
MongoDB shell, you first need to start the MongoDB server on your machine. Once
the server is running, you can open a new terminal window or command prompt and
start the MongoDB shell by running the mongo command. This will connect you to
the default MongoDB instance running on your machine. • Once you are connected,
you can interact with the database by typing commands into the shell prompt. • For
example, to see a list of available databases, you can type show databases, and to
switch to a specific database, you can type use . You can then perform operations on
the current database, such as querying documents from a collection or inserting new
data. • Here's an example of using the MongoDB shell to query all documents in a
collection: • Switch to the database that contains the collection you want to query by
running use . • Run db..find() to query all documents in the collection.
18. How do you update documents in MongoDB, and what options are available
for updating multiple documents at once?
Ans. • In MongoDB, we can update documents in a collection using the updateOne()
or updateMany() methods. These methods allow you to modify the contents of a
single document or multiple documents, respectively. • The updateOne() method
updates the first document in the collection that matches the specified filter. The
syntax for using this method is as follows: db.collection.updateOne(filter, update,
options) where: • filter specifies the selection criteria for the document(s) to update. •
update specifies the modifications to make to the document(s). • options is an
optional parameter that allows you to specify additional update options The
updateMany() method updates all the documents in the collection that match the
specified filter. The syntax for using this method is similar to updateOne(), but with
an additional multi option set to true, like this: db.collection.updateMany( { }, { }, {
multi: true } ) • This method is useful when you need to update multiple documents
in a collection at once. • In addition to updateOne() and updateMany(), MongoDB
also provides the replaceOne() method, which replaces the entire document that
matches the specified filter. • The syntax for using this method is similar to
updateOne(), but with the replacement document instead of update operations. •
Syntax: db.collection.replaceOne( { }, { } ) • This method can be useful when you need
to completely replace a document, rather than just updating specific fields.
19. What are some data types supported by MongoDB, and how do they differ
from traditional SQL databases?
Ans. MongoDB supports several data types, some of which are similar to traditional
SQL databases, while others are unique to MongoDB's document-based approach.
Here are some of the data types supported by MongoDB: 1.String: This data type is
used to store text data. It is similar to the VARCHAR data type in SQL databases.
2.Number: MongoDB supports both integer and floating-point numbers. This data
type is similar to the INT and FLOAT data types in SQL databases. 3.Boolean: This
data type is used to store Boolean (true/false) values. It is similar to the BOOLEAN
data type in SQL databases. 4.Date: This data type is used to store date and time
values. It is similar to the DATETIME data type in SQL databases. 5.ObjectID: This data
type is unique to MongoDB and is used to store a unique identifier for each
document. It is similar to the AUTO_INCREMENT data type in SQL databases, but
unlike AUTO_INCREMENT, ObjectIDs are generated by MongoDB and are not
guaranteed to be sequential. 6.Array: This data type is used to store an ordered list of
values. It is similar to the ARRAY data type in SQL databases. • One of the main
differences between MongoDB and traditional SQL databases is that MongoDB is a
document-based database, while SQL databases are tablebased. In MongoDB, data is
stored in collections of documents, each of which can have its own unique structure
and set of fields. This allows for greater flexibility and scalability, as well as the ability
to store more complex data structures.
21. What is a REST API?
Ans. • A REST (Representational State Transfer) API (Application Programming
Interface) is a type of web API that uses HTTP requests to communicate and interact
with web resources such as databases, files, and services. • RESTful APIs are designed
to be stateless, meaning that each request contains all the necessary information to
complete that request without requiring additional context or state information to be
stored on the server. • RESTful APIs use HTTP methods (such as GET, POST, PUT,
DELETE, etc.) to perform operations on resources identified by unique URIs (Uniform
Resource Identifiers). These methods correspond to the standard CRUD (Create,
Read, Update, Delete) operations that can be performed on a database or other data
store. • RESTful APIs use a set of standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE,
etc.) to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on resources
identified by URLs. Each resource is represented by a unique URL, and its state is
transferred between the client and the server in the form of representations, such as
JSON or XML. The key features of a RESTful API include: • Stateless: The server does
not store any client context between requests. • Cacheable: The server can indicate
whether a response can be cached by the client. • Client-Server: The client and server
are independent of each other and can evolve separately. • Uniform Interface: The
API should have a uniform interface for all resources. • Layered System: The system
can be composed of multiple layers, with each layer only knowing about the layer
directly beneath it. • RESTful APIs are widely used for building web services that can
be accessed from a variety of clients, such as web browsers, mobile devices, and IoT
devices. They provide a simple and flexible way to expose data and functionality over
the internet, making it easy for developers to build applications that integrate with
other services.

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