April 2022 Prince of Peace Newsletter 2
April 2022 Prince of Peace Newsletter 2
April 2022 Prince of Peace Newsletter 2
Welcome Back
In-Person Worship Resumes
In-person worship services resume Palm Sunday, April 10 with Sunday services occuring at Abundant
Life at 9:45 am and a service at Prince of Peace at 11:15 am.
For in-person worship: we will no longer be asking for proof of vaccination, or observing reduced capacity
limits. We ask that everyone wear a well-fitting, good quality mask at all times while in the church
building. Please self-screen prior to attending, and stay home if you are feeling unwell, if you have tested
positive for COVID in the past 10 days, or if you have been exposed to a confirmed or suspected COVID
case in the past 14 days.
We are looking forward to celebrating Holy Week both in-person and online this year! Our schedule will be:
Lifestream Schedule
As we begin in-person worship with weekly services at both Prince of Peace and Abundant Life, we will
continue to livestream Sunday morning services, alternating locations between Abundant Life (at 9:45 am) and
Prince of Peace (at 11:15 am). Note that recorded services will be available on Twitch shortly after the service is
This means that if you are worshiping with us from home, you may either:
a) join us live, alternating between 9:45 am and 11:15 am, or
b) connect to Twitch at 11:15 am each Sunday (service will be recorded one week, and live the next week).
Let’s walk with him. Let’s see how Jesus spent his
final days. Enter the holy week and observe. Feel
his passion. Sense his power. Hear his promise
that death has no power.
- Max Lucado, On Calvary's Hill, Journey Quotes
Administrative Assistant
Committee Heads
Worship & Music - Janice Endler
Social Ministry - Louise Brewer
Communications - Bonnie Coss
Sandra Parra is our new administrative assistant. She Property - Bob Shaver
started with us in October of 2021. She moved to Membership - Liz Chammartin
Winnipeg with her son, and is studying Marketing Mutual Ministry - Tamara Nyysola
Management Diploma at the University of Winnipeg,
Note: We are in need of 1 more person on
and working for both Prince of Peace and Abundant Life
Lutheran Church. They enjoy all Winnipeg has to offer, the Mutual Ministry Committee
although it is a lot different from Medellin, Colombia.
Anyone is in need of additional offertory envelopes, please contact Glen Endler.
If you wish to sign up for pre-authorized tithings, please contact Josephine Finnson.
A sincere thank you to the Prince of Peace congregation and Council for
selecting the Coss Family to be placed on the Volunteer plaque and for the
delicious basket from Bothwell Cheese that was presented to me and my
family.The basket contained many yummy items all made in Manitoba.
This was really special. Thank you and God bless you all. Bonnie
We would like to collect the following items for Willow Place until June. These items are from their
Wish List and are most urgently needed:
Breakfast Cereals New Hair Brushes
Jam, Jelly Travel Size Toiletries
Peanut Butter Bus Tickets - child, teen, adult (please put them
in an envelope)
We are planning to make sandwiches and assemble bag lunches for distribution at the Urban for a date in
May. Watch for the date to sign up. We will also be asking for donations of canned meat and vegetables.
If you would like to check out the book more closely visit his website www.normfullerton.com
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Page 5 A congregation of Spirit of Life Ministry
• Newsletter - Spring 2022 •
If you want to place an order but do not want to order online please call Bonnie Coss and
she will place your order.
Gift cards are also available to purchase. They have a wonderful store to purchase an even
wider variety of plants.
This fundraiser will go towards our Building Campaign to replace our roof.
Thank you for your support!
God of peace, we pray for peace in our world, and especially for peace in Ukraine. Protect all who seek
shelter from attacks. Sustain all who are lacking basic human necessities – food, water, heat. Help all
who are working to deliver necessities and humanitarian aid. Deliver all refugees, those who have been
displaced, those who have lost their homes, and those whose families have been separated. Comfort and
protect all of the children. Give strength to those who are defending their homes, their families, and
their country. Console those who mourn, and receive those who have died into your loving arms.
Guide world leaders and all who are working to end this conflict and restore peace to Ukraine and its
people. Be with all who are raising their voices in the name of peace, including Russian protesters who
are risking their lives to protest the actions of the Putin regime. Bring an end to this brutal invasion.
Deliver the people of Ukraine from all violence and aggression, so that they may live in freedom and