2010 - Fourth Sunday of Advent

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Fourth Sunday of Advent

Christmas Schedule 2010 Fourth Sunday of Advent

Finally, on this the Fourth Sunday of Advent, our Gospel
CHRISTMAS: THE NATIVITY OF THE permits us to begin our contemplation of the mystery of
LORD the Incarnation we celebrate at Christmas: “Now this is
how the birth of Jesus Christ came about” (Matthew
Friday 24 December 1:18).
5:00 pm Christmas Vigil Mass The Gospel of Matthew tells the story of the birth of Jesus
4:30 pm Carols from Joseph's perspective. The way that Joseph and Mary
face their difficult circumstances tells us much about these
8:00 pm Night Mass holy people and their faith in God. The message of the
angel of the Lord given to Joseph in his dream tells us
7:30 pm Carols & Choir
much about the child that Mary bears and his role in God's
plan. He is conceived by the Holy Spirit. His name will be
11:00 pm Night Mass Jesus, which in the Hebrew means “Yahweh saves.” He
10:30 pm Choral Office of Readings will be the fulfillment of the prophecy heard in today's first
Saturday 25 December reading from Isaiah: “. . . The virgin shall be with child . .
. and shall name him Emmanuel [God with us].”
8:15 am Cantor
Joseph does as the angel of the Lord directs. He takes
9:30 am Children’s Choir
Mary to be his wife and accepts the child in her womb as
11:00 am Chorale his own. Joseph and Mary are both cooperative with God's
12:30 pm Choir plan. They are both models for us of what it means to be
faithful servants of God; models for family life and for
HOLY FAMILY service of God. Even when the circumstances seemed
unclear, Joseph trusted God. Healthy family life is built
No Anticipated (5:15 pm) Mass upon trust, trust in God and trust of one another.
Sunday 26 December Spend some time talking as a family about the importance
Regular Sunday Mass Schedule of trust in your family life, including the ways in which the
8:15 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm children trust the adults in the family as well as the ways
in which the adults trust the children. Pray together that
NEW YEAR’S: Solemnity of the Mother of God your family life will be built on trust, as was the family life
of Joseph and Mary.
Friday 31 December
5:00 pm Vigil Mass
Saturday 01 January Administration
9:00 am & 11:00 am Donations Envelopes: - please take a moment to write
the amount of your donation onto your envelope. This
small step saves a great deal of time of the volunteer teams
THE EPIPHANY who process our weekly collections. If you wish to begin
No Anticipated (5:15 pm) Mass using donation envelopes, please advise the office. If you
Sunday 02 January are interested in PAG (pre-authorized giving) where a
single monthly donation amount is withdrawn from your
Regular Sunday Mass Schedule
account, please contact the parish office.
8:15 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm
2010 Donations: Please note: donations must be dated
& received by close of Business - 2 pm - on Dec. 31st, in
The Christmas Season ends with the Feast of the Baptism order to be included on your 2010 donations’ receipt.
of the Lord on Sunday, January 9th.
December 19, 2010

Liturgical Environment Anniversary of Parish Dedication

The environment in which we worship as a parish family
should also function to influence our individual spiritual December 22nd marks the 70th Anniversary of the
experiences. Dedication of Our Lady of Sorrows
Seasonal differences in décor allow us to realize that The Dedication of the parish church building (which is not
something is happening and that we should pay attention. the same as the day when Mass might first have been
For example, the custom of placing only four candles on celebrated inside) is a significant event.
the altar during Ordinary Time becomes what we are used Because the church is a visible building, it stands as a
to seeing. By removing two of these candles for Advent special sign of the pilgrim Church on earth and reflects the
and Lent we are reminded that we have entered a season of Church dwelling in heaven. A church is dedicated
meditation and reflection. This reflection prepares us for (blessed) as a sign that it is a building destined solely and
the joyous occasion when all six candles are returned and permanently for assembling the people of God and for
illuminated for Solemnities such as Christmas and Easter. carrying out sacred functions. "Church" refers first of all
Traditionally, a seventh candle is placed on the altar when to the holy people of God who gather for worship. It is
the Bishop is celebrating mass. used by extension as the name given to the building in
Each parish has seasonal décor to which they are which the community gathers to hear the word of God, to
accustomed. Other traditions may be introduced to assist in pray together, to receive the sacraments, and to celebrate
creating both personal and communal reflection. This year’s the Eucharist.
shrouding of the Blessed Mother along with the travelling Along with the celebration of the Titular (Our Lady of
Nativity are two examples of small changes in the liturgical Sorrows, September 15) of the parish, the dedication
décor of the parish. In this season of Advent we are aware anniversary is one of the two particular solemnities that
that something joyous is about to happen. We must wait to are observed each year in each particular community.
see what will happen next. God of blessings, you gave to your assembled people the
name of Church:
Ballroom & Latin Dance Lessons grant that all who gather in your name may love,
reverence and follow you,
New Session: Wednesdays: Jan 12th - March 16th
and under your governance be brought to the life
All Levels Welcome! - 7:30 - 8:30 pm in Parish Hall. and glory you promise.
No Partners Needed - Single Class Drop-In: $15 Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
10 week session: $120 - Call 416-231-3804 to register.

Mass Intentions This Week Our Lady of Sorrows School

December 20th - 26th Kindergarten Registration
Please join us as we pray for the following, Junior and Senior Kindergarten registration will take place
in our “Announced Mass” Intentions during the week of January 10, 2011. Appointments for
Mon.:(9 am) +Patrick Guillemette - Family
registering kindergarten children can be made starting
Tues.:(9 am) Maureen Milne - Chris
Monday, January 3rd, by calling the school at 416-393-
Wed.:(9 am) +Tom Moclair - Nicki Law
5246. Junior Kindergarten children must be four years of
Thurs.:(9 am) +Harrison Fahey - Stella McDonald
Fri.:( 9 am) +Elsa Bratti - Mary Lynne Bratti age by December 31, 2011. Senior Kindergarten children
(5, 8 & 11 pm) Vigil of CHRISTMAS must be five years of age by December 31, 2011. The
Sat.:(8:15, 9 & 11 am; 12:30 pm) NATIVITY OF THE LORD following information is required at the time of
Sun.:(8:15 am) For Our Parishioners registration: Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate, Birth
(9:30 am) +Charles & Molly McMullen - Family Certificate, Immunization Record, Health Card Number
(11:00 am) +Margaret Branca - Family and proof of residency. There will be a Welcome to
(12:30 pm) Manny Bolletta - Family Kindergarten evening for parents and future OLS students
on Wednesday, April 6th at 6:30 pm.

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