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Refrigeration Terms - Midterm

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1. Refrigeration It describes the process of removing heat from

spaces, objects, or materials and maintaining
them at a temperature below that of the surround-
ing atmosphere.

2. Mechanical Refrigeration It is a mechanical system or apparatus that trans-

fers heat from one substance to another.

3. William Coolen He produced refrigeration by creating partial vac-

uum over ethyl ether in 1748.

4. Perkins He proposed a hand-operated compressor ma-

chine working on ether in 1834.

5. Heat It is a form of energy which can exist on its own

and can be moved from one place to another.

6. -15.34 degrees Farenheit What is the boiling point of a typical refrigerant,


7. Hadron Collider According to The Guinness Book of Records,

where is the largest fridge in the world is actually

8. Chlorofluorocarbons What are the four classified groups of halocarbon

(CFCs) refrigerants?
bons (HCFCs)
Hydrofluorolefins (HFOs)

9. Carbon Dioxide It is one of the naturally occurring compounds

collectively known as "natural refrigerants."

10. Overfeed Systems It force liquid in excess of the amount evaporated,

either mechanically or by gas pressure, through
organized-flow evaporators, separate it from the
vapor, and return it to the evaporators.

Refrigeration Terms - Midterm
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11. Mechanically Pumped It usually pump from a vessel at the connected
Systems suction pressure (i.e., low temperature liquid).

12. Gas-Operated Systems It can be configured to deliver either low-temper-

ature liquid directly like the mechanically pumped
system, or subcooled liquid from a controlled
pressure receiver at an intermediate pressure.

13. Refrigerant It is a fluid used for heat transfer in a refrigeration


14. Energy Transfer It is a function of the heat transfer coefficients;

temperature differences; and amount, type, and
configuration of the heat transfer surface and,
hence, the heat flux on either side of the heat
transfer device.

15. Refrigerant System It deals with any chemical reactions that could
Chemistry take place in an HVAC&R system between refrig-
erants, lubricants, and construction materials of
various system components

16. Moisture It is an important and universal contaminant in

refrigeration systems.

17. Evaporator What are five basic components of a refrigeration

Compressor system?
Expansion Valve

18. Evaporator Its purpose is to remove unwanted heat from

the product, via the liquid refrigerant. This is the
device where there is heat exchange for providing
refrigeration, and therefore it boils the liquid re-
frigerant at a low temperature, which causes the
refrigerant to absorb heat.

19. Condenser Its purpose is to extract heat from the refrigerant

to the outside air.
Refrigeration Terms - Midterm
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20. Compressor Its purpose is to draw the low-temperature,

low-pressure vapor from the evaporator via the
suction line.

21. Centrifugal Compressors It is also known as turbo or radial compressors,

which pressurize a refrigerant by forcing the re-
frigerant through a rotating impeller.

22. Impeller It spins the refrigerant at an increasing speed,

generating kinetic energy.

23. Rotary-Vane Compres- It utilize a rotating drive shaft positioned eccen-

sors trically within a cylindrical housing that contains
fixed inlet and discharge ports.

24. Rotary Screw Compres- It contain two meshed male and female rotors that
sors rotate together in opposite directions.

25. Rotary Scroll Compres- It contain two intermeshing spirals or scrolls with
sors one spiral being fixed while the second orbits
within it.

26. Reciprocating Compres- It has a design similar to a combustion engine

sors and can contain anywhere from two to six pistons
housed in individual cylinders.

27. Reciprocating Compres- Give 5 types of compressors.

Rotary Scroll Compres-
Rotary Vane Compressor
Centrifugal Compressor
Rotary Screw Compres-

28. Expansion Valve It is located at the end of the liquid line, before
the evaporator. This reduces the pressure of the
refrigerant as it passes through the orifice.

Refrigeration Terms - Midterm
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29. Lubricant It reduce friction and minimize wear.

30. Secondary Coolants These are liquids used as heat transfer fluids that
change temperature as they gain or lose heat
energy without changing into another phase.

31. Forced-Circulation Air It is designed to operate continuously in refriger-

Coolers ated enclosures; a cooling coil and motor-driven
fan are their basic components, and provide cool-
ing or freezing temperatures and proper airflow to
the room.

32. Net Refrigerating Capaci- It is the quantity defined as the mass flow rate of
ty the evaporator water multiplied by the difference
in enthalpy of water entering and leaving the cool-
er, expressed in kCal/h, tons of Refrigeration.

33. Piston It moves inside a cylinder to help in and out of gas

in the compressor.

34. Evaporation In a basic vapor-compression refrigeration cycle,

Compression what are the four major thermal processes that
Condensation takes place?

35. Enthalpy It is another word for heat energy.

36. Entropy It is loosely describe as the amount of order,

disorder in a thermodynamic system.

37. Enthalpy It is the measure of how much heat a gas can

hold and how much heat is needed to change the

38. Pressure It defines the physical forces that exert on an

object or substance.

39. Evaporation It is the gaseous escape of molecules from the

surface of a liquid and is accomplished by the ab-

Refrigeration Terms - Midterm
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sorption of a considerable quantity of heat without
any change in temperature.

40. Condensation This is a process of changing a vapor into a liquid

by extracting heat.

41. Expansion It is when the condensed refrigerant liquid is re-

turned to the beginning of the next cycle.

42. Suction Line This is the tube between the evaporator and the

43. Hot Gas Discharge Line This tube connects the compressor with the con-

44. Liquid Line This line connects the condenser with the refriger-
ant control device, including the expansion valve.

45. Refrigerant Control This control works as a metering device. It moni-

tors the liquid refrigerant that enters the evapora-
tor and makes sure that all the liquid is boiled off
before the refrigerant goes to the suction line.

46. ASHRAE It assigns numbers and safety classification to

the refrigerants based on toxicity and flammability
data submitted by the refrigerant's producer

47. ASHRAE Standard 34, It establishes a simple means of referring to com-

Designation and Safety mon refrigerants rather than by their chemical
Classification of Refrig- name, formula or trade name

48. Superheating and Sub- These are apparently two significant processes
cooling in practical vapor-compression refrigeration sys-
tems and are applied to provide better efficiency
(COP) and to avoid some technical problems.

49. Subcooling This is a process of cooling the refrigerant liquid

below its condensing temperature at a given pres-
Refrigeration Terms - Midterm
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50. Compression Ratio It is the ratio of the absolute discharge pressure

over the absolute suction pressure.

51. Air cooled What are the three types of condensers that are
Water cooled used with HVAC systems?

52. Tube in tube What are the three basic types of water cooled
Shell and Coil condensers?
Shell and Tube


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