National Institute of Technology Durgapur: Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology Durgapur: Department of Civil Engineering
National Institute of Technology Durgapur: Department of Civil Engineering
Program Name
Master of Technology in Structural Engineering
Effective from the Academic Year: 2021-2022
Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits
1 CE 1001 Advanced Analysis of Structures 4-0-0 4
2 CE 1002 Advanced RC Structure 4-0-0 4
CE 1003 Introduction to Finite Element Method in Structural 4-0-0 4
3 Engineering
4 CE Elective I 3-0-0 3
5 9011-30 Elective II 3-0-0 3
6 CE 1051 Laboratory I: Structural Lab-I 0-0-4 2
7 CE 1052 Laboratory II: Computational Lab 0-0-4 2
TOTAL 18-0-8 22
Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits
1 CE 2001 Advanced Steel Structure 4-0-0 4
2 CE Elective III 3-0-0 3
3 9031-50 Elective IV 3-0-0 3
4 Elective V 3-0-0 3
5 CE 9051-60 Elective VI 3-0-0 3
6 CE 2051 Laboratory III: Structural Lab-II 0-0-4 2
7 CE 2052 Mini Project with Seminar 0-0-8 4
TOTAL 16-0-12 22
Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits
1 XX907X Audit Lectures /Workshop 0-0-2 0
2 CE 3051 Dissertation -I 0-0-24 12
CE 3052 Non-Project Seminar / 0-0-4 2
Evaluation of Summer Training
TOTAL 0-0-30 14
Sl. No Sub. Code Subject L-T-P Credits
1 CE 4051 Dissertation –II /Industrial Project 0-0-24 12
2 CE 4052 Project Seminar 0-0-4 2
TOTAL 0-0-28 14
Specialization Elective-VI
CE9051 Advanced Finite Element Method in Structural Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE9052 Applied Numerical Methods 3-0-0 3
CE9053 Machine Learning in Civil Engineering 3-0-0 3
CE9054 Structural Optimization 3-0-0 3
Structural Engg.
7 Dr. R. P. Nanda BE, M. Tech, Ph.D Regular
(Eq. Engg.)
Structural Engg.
8 Dr. D. Das BE, M. Tech., Ph.D. Regular
(St. Dynamics)
Structural Engg.
9 Dr. P. Topdar BCE, ME, Ph.D. Regular
Structural Engg.
10 Dr. P. Roy BE, M. Tech., Ph.D Regular
(Reliability Engg.)
Structural Engg.
11 Dr. S. Karmakar DCE, B.Tech, M.Tech, PhD Regular
(CFD, Bridge Engg.)
Structural Lab (Determination of properties of fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, cement, green
concrete and hardened concrete, concrete mix design, casting and testing of RC beam & slab, [42]
NDT application & comparison)
1. Indian Standard Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice (4th Revision), IS 456: 2000,
BIS, New Delhi.
2. Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS: 456 – 1978, BIS, New Delhi
1. Concrete Technology by A. M. Neville & J. J. Brooks (Pearson Edu.)
2. Concrete Technology by M. S. Shetty (S. Chand)
3. Indian Standard Concrete Mix Proportioning – Guidelines, IS 10262: 2009, BIS, New Delhi.
CE-1052 Laboratory -II: Computational Lab 0-0-4 2
Introduction to advanced computing environment. [8]
Introduction to high-level scientific languages, Solution of structural Engineering problems [24]
using high level languages.
Development of software for analysis of different types structures. [12]
Introduction to commercial Finite Element software for solving Structural Engineering
1. Relevant books as per faculty members.
CE-2051 Laboratory -III: Structural Lab-II 0-0-4 2
Design Project (Design and detailing of various structural connections -RC, Structural Steel &
1. Indian Standard Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice (4th Revision), IS 456: 2000,
BIS, New Delhi.
2. Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS: 456 – 1978, BIS, New Delhi
1. Concrete Mix Proportioning-Guidelines, IS 10262: 2019.
2. Coarse and Fine Aggregate for Concrete – Specification, IS 383: 2016.
CE-3051 Dissertation -I 0-0-24 12 Individual
Non-Project Seminar
CE-3052 0-0-4 2 Individual
/Summer Training
Presentation of Special Topic which is not related to Project or Summer Training as applicable
1. Relevant books as per Supervisor /Guide
CE-4051 Dissertation -II /Industrial Project 0-0-24 12 Individual
CE-4052 Project Seminar 0-0-4 2 Individual
NB.: COs (preferably 4 to 5 nos) will be as per the Faculty concerned… and the Correlation Level of
Co vs PO as below
“1” – Slight (Low) Correlation
“2” – Moderate (Medium) Correlation
“3” – Substantial (High) Correlation
Text Books:
Text 1. Intermediate Structural Analysis by C.K. Wang, McGraw-Hill Education
Books, 2. Structural Analysis by L.S. Negi & R.S. Jangid, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited
3. Structural Analysis: A Unified Classical and Matrix Approach, Amin Ghali, Adam M. Neville by E &
FN SPON 4th Ed.
reference 4. Stability Analysis and Design of Structure by M. L. Gambhir, Springer 2004 edition
material(s) 5. Structural Dynamics: Theory and Computation by Mario Paz, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Reference Books:
1. Structural Analysis: A Matrix Approach by G.S. Pandit & S.P. Gupta, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Limited
2. Dynamics of Structures by Ray Clough (Author), Joseph Penzien, McGraw-Hill Education; 2nd
edition (31 May 1993)
Mapping of Course Outcomes CosPOs (mentioning Correlation Level)
Independent Advanced Team work in
Mastery on
investigation Technical Reportng knowledge & Multidisciplinary
capability Design Solution Project
CO1 3 2 3 3 -
CO2 3 2 3 3 -
CO3 - - 3 2 -
Course CO1: Understand the concrete and its ingredients influence in gaining strength.
Outcomes CO2: Design the concrete mixes of various types and grades as per IS codes.
(COs) : CO3: Summarise the concepts of conventional concrete and its variation with other special
CO4: Describe the application and use special purpose concrete.
Topics Brief Introduction to Concrete: Classification of concrete, Properties of concrete, Grades
Covered of concrete, Advantage and disadvantages of concrete as a construction material. 3
(Hrs) Brief Introduction to Concrete Making Materials: Cement, Aggregates, Water,
Admixture : Brief review of types, properties and application, Codal provisions. 5
Concrete Mix Design : Factors influencing design of mix, IS methods of design of mixes
for ordinary, high strength concrete, self-compacted concrete, mass concrete. 8
Fresh Concrete: Rheology of concentrated suspensions, pastes, mortars and concretes;
workability, segregation and bleeding. Theory and principles governing the correct placing
and compaction of concrete. 5
Properties of Hardened Concrete: Strength; deformation under load; elasticity; creep;
drying shrinkage and other volume changes. Thermal properties, Destructive and non-
destructive tests. 5
Special Concretes: Lightweight concrete: autoclaved aerated concrete, Ready–mix
concrete, no-fines concrete, lightweight aggregate concrete and foamed concrete, high
strength concrete; refractory concrete; high density and radiation-shielding concrete;
polymer concrete; fibre-reinforced concrete; recycled concrete. 7
Special Purpose Concrete: Sprayed concrete, underwater concrete, grouts and
grouted concrete, mass concrete, pumped concrete, concrete for liquid retaining
structures. 6
Topics Introduction: Basic principles, advantage, Comparison with RC, Types of pre-stressing
Covered and Stress analysis (4)
(Hrs) Materials: Specifications and characteristics of concrete and high tensile steel (2)
Loss of Prestressed: Different type of loss with derivation and numerical problems (4)
Flexural Analysis: Derivation of moment of resistance, Pre-stressing force and
eccentricity with numerical problems (4)
Shear and torsion: Design of beam for shear and torsion (4)
Deflection and Cracking: Cause and requirement along with numerical problems (4)
Design of end zone: Transmission length, design of bearing plate and burst reinforcement
Member Design: One-way slab, beam, Axial members, Poles, Sleepers, Pipes, Tanks &
etc., Two-way pre-stressing, Circular pre-stressing, Partial pre-stressing, Composite
construction and Statically indeterminate structures. (14)
Text Books:
Text Books,
1. Prestressed Concrete, 5thEdition by N. Krishna Raju, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
2. Prestressed Concrete, 5thEdition, by S. Ramamrutham, Dhanpat Rai Publishing
Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
3. IS 1343: 2012, Prestressed Concrete – Code of Practice (2ndRevision), BIS, New
Reference Books:
1. Fundamentals of Prestressed Concrete by N. C. Sinha & S. K. Roy, S. Chand &
Company Ltd, New Delhi
2. Lin T.Y. Design of prestressed concrete structures, Asia Publishing House, Bomba
y 1995
Topics Part-I : Determinate and indeterminate space structures, Methods of analysis, Design of
Covered pin-jointed and rigid space frames, wind, earthquake loading, and load combination [14]
(Hrs) Part-II : Different types of suspended structural systems, Methods of static and dynamic
analysis. [14]
Part-III : Linear and non-linear analysis of Suspended structures, Suspension Bridges,
analysis & design of suspension cable. [8]
Part-IV : Lateral load resisting /interacting system for Suspended Structures.[6]
Text Books, Text Books:
and/or 1. Bryan Stafford Smith, Alex Coull, Tall Building Structures- Analysis and Design,
reference John wiley & sons, 2006.
material(s) 2. Woltang Schuller, High- rise building Structures, John wiley and Sons, New York
3. Moore F. (1999), Understanding Structures, McGrew-Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Troitsky M. S. (1994), Planning and Design of Bridges, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
2. Walther R. etc. (1988), Cable-Stayed Bridges, 2nd Edition, Thomas Telford Ltd.
3. Troitsky M. S. (1988), Cable-Stayed Bridges, 2nd Edition, BSP Professional Books
4. Handbook Concrete Engineering, Mark Fintel, CBS Publisher
Course Title of the course Program Core (PCR) / Total of contact hours Credi
Code Electives (PEL) L T P H t
Applied Probability
CE 9016 and Statistics in Civil PEL 3 0 0 3 3
Pre-requisites Course Assessment methods
Engineering Mathematics Continuous (CT) and end assessment (EA). CT+EA
Course CO1: understand the basic of probability and statistics
Outco CO2: understand the random variables, different distributions of random variables, functions of
mes random variable, joint distribution, sampling distributions, estimation theory, testing of hypothesis
and goodness of fit tests.
CO3: solve different engineering problems applying the theory of probability and statistics.
CO4: apply the theories of probability and statistics to analyse data which is important for design of
civil engineering structures and foundations.
Topics Probability: Axiomatic definitions of probability, addition rule and conditional probability,
Covere multiplication rule, total probability, Bayes’ Theorem and independence, CE problems. (5)
d Random Variables: Discrete, continuous random variables, probability mass, probability
density and cumulative distribution functions, mathematical expectation, moments, probability
and moment generating function, Markov inequality, Chebyshev’s inequality problems. (6)
Special Distributions: Discrete uniform, binomial, geometric, negative binomial,
hypergeometric, Poisson, continuous uniform, exponential, gamma, Weibull, beta, normal,
lognormal, civil engineering problems. (8)
Function of a random variable: Different functions of a random variable. (2)
Joint Distributions: Joint, marginal and conditional distributions, product moments, correlation
and regression, independence of random variables, bivariate normal distribution. (4)
Sampling Distributions: The Central Limit Theorem, distributions of the sample mean and the
sample variance for a normal population, Chi-Square, t and F distributions, problem (3)
Estimation: Unbiasedness, consistency, the method of moments and the method of maximum
likelihood estimation, confidence intervals for parameters in one sample and two sample
problems of normal populations, confidence intervals for proportions. (6)
Testing of Hypotheses: Null and alternative hypotheses, the critical and acceptance regions,
power of the test, the most powerful test and Neyman-Pearson Fundamental Lemma, tests for
one sample and two sample problems for normal populations, tests for proportion. (8)
Goodness of fit tests: Chisquare goodness of fit test and its applications, civil engineering
problems. (2)
Books, 1. Ang, A. H. S. and Tang, W. H. 1975. Probability Concepts in Engineering Planning and Design:
and/or Volume 1, Basic Principles, Wiley.
referen 2. Ang, A. H.-S. and Tang, W. H. 1984. Probability Concepts in Engineering Planning and Design:
Volume 2 Decision, Risk and Reliability, Wiley, New York.
3. Ross, S, 1998. A First Course in Probability, Prentice Hall, NJ.
materia 4. Montgomery, D.C. and Runger, G.C. 1998. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers,
l Wiley, New York.
1. Speiegel M. R., Schiller, J.J. and Srinivasan, R. A. 2010. Probability and Statistics, Tata- Mcgraw-
Hill, New Delhi.
1. Papoulis, A. 1991. Probability. Random variable and Stochastic process, McGraw-Hill, New
Course Title of the Program Core Total Number of contact hours Credit
Code course (PCR) / Electives Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
(PEL) (L) (T) (P) Hours
CE 9017 Structural PEL 3 0 0 3 3
Pre-requisites Course Assessment methods (Continuous (CT) and end assessment (EA))
Structural Analysis and
Structural dynamics
Course CO1: Identify the types of offshore structures, parameters governing solid-fluid
Outcomes interaction and environmental forces acting on offshore structures.
CO2: Apply static methods of analysis for stresses in Offshore structures
CO3: Solve for response analysis of offshore structures – single and multi-degree of
freedom problems, frequency and time domain analyses
Topics Topic 1: Introduction: Loads and structural forms of different types of offshore
Covered structures; (4)
Topic 2: Fundamental of offshore structural dynamics: Elements of single d.o.f. system
subjected to free and forced vibrations; Analysis for transient and steady state force; Equivalent
damping for nonlinear systems; Dynamics of multi d.o.f. systems; Eigen values and vectors;
Iterative and transformation methods; Mode superposition. Fourier series and spectral method
for response of single d.o.f. systems; Vibrations of bars, beams and cones with reference to soil
as half space; Behaviour of concrete gravity platform as a rigid body on soil as a continuum;
Topic 3: Environmental loadings: Short and long term statistics of wind; Static wind load;
Effect of size, shape and frequency; Aerodynamic admittance function and gust factor, spectral
response due to wind for various types of structures; Wave loads by Morison's equation; (4)
Topic 4: Statics and Dynamics of offshore structures: Static and dynamic analysis of fixed
structures; Use of approximate methods. Design of offshore platforms: Introduction, fixed and
floating platforms. Steel, concrete and hybrid platforms. Design criteria. Environmental
loading. Wind, wave and current loads after installation.. Behaviour under dynamic loading.
Static and dynamic analysis of platforms and components. (14)
Text Text Books: 1. Offshore Structural Engineering, Thomas H Dawson, Prentice Hall, 1983 2.
Books, Dynamic Analysis and Design of Ocean Structures. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran, Springer,
and/or 2015.
reference 3. Dynamics of Offshore Structures, Wilson, J. F., John Wiley, 2002.
Reference Books: 1. Offshore Mechanics, Madjid Karimirad, Constantine Michailides and
Ali Nematbakhsh, Wiley, 1 edition
2. Offshore structures – Vol. 1 & 2, Clauss, G, Lehmann, E & Ostergaard, C., SpringerVerlag,
Course Title of the Program Core Total Number of contact hours Credit
Code course (PCR) / Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
Electives (PEL) (L) (T) (P) Hours
CE 9019 Foundation PCR 3 1 0 4 3
Pre-requisites Soil Mechanics
Course At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Outcomes CO1: Interpret field and laboratory data and prepare soil investigation report.
CO2: Analyze bearing capacity and settlement of foundations.
CO3: Design shallow and deep foundations.
CO4: Analyze and suggest remedial measures against foundation failures.
Topics Soil Exploration: Exploration Methods; Planning the Exploration Program; Boring and
Covered Sampling; In Situ Tests: Standard Penetration Tests, Field Vane & Borehole shear tests,
Rock Sampling, Core Recovery, RQD; Geophysical Exploration; Plate Load Test, Static
Cone Panetration Test. Preparation of Soil Report. (8)
Shallow Foundations: Bearing Capacity:- Bearing capacity of foundation based on in-situ
tests. Bearing capacity for foundation on slope, design of mat foundations including
floating raft, Effect of Water Table; Footings with Eccentric or Inclined Loads, on Layered
Soils. (10)
Deep Foundations: Mechanics of load transfer in piles, load carrying capacity, pile load
test, Vertically loaded piles, Static capacity, Bearing Resistance of Piles on Rock; Uplift
Resistance; Laterally Loaded Piles –Ultimate Lateral Resistance; Negative Skin Friction;
Under Reamed Piles; Ultimate Capacity of Pile Groups in Compression, Pullout & Lateral
Load; Efficiency; Settlements of Pile Groups. (10)
Sheet piles: Design of anchored sheet piles: Free Earth Support Method, Fixed Earth
Support Method, Problems. (6)
Coffer Dams: Cellular cofferdams- Circular and Diaphragm type, Merits and demerits,
Deign of circular type cofferdams, practice problems. (6)
Braced Cuts: Pressure envelope for Braced – Cut design, Pressure envelope for cuts in
layered soil, Design of various components of a braced cut, Bottom heave of cut in clay,
Stability of the bottom of cut in sand.(4)
Text Books, TEXT BOOKS:
and/or 1. Design Aids in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering S.R. Kaniraj
reference 2. Foundation Engineering by V.N.S Murthy
3. Foundation Engineering by B.M.Das
4. Foundation Engineering By J.E. Bowles
5. Design of Pile Foundation By Tomlinsion.
Mapping of Course Outcomes COsPOs (mentioning Correlation Level)
Course Outcome PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4
CO1 2 3 -- 1
CO2 3 1 2 --
CO3 3 2 3 --
CO4 2 -- 3 --
Course Title of the course Program Core Total Number of contact hours Credit
Code (PCR) / Lecture Tutorial Practical Total
Electives (PEL) (L) (T) (P) Hours
CE 9036 Advanced Theory
PEL 3 0 0 3 3
of Vibration
Pre-requisites Course Assessment methods (Continuous (CT) and end assessment
Structural dynamics (EA))
Course CO1: Understand Wave propagation and dynamics of elastic half space
Outcomes CO2: Analyze dynamic equations by computational methods of analysis
CO3: Apply dynamic Analysis method for different interaction problems
Topics Topic 1: Wave Propagation in one and two dimensions, Dynamics of a mass on an elastic
Covered half space; (10)
Topic 2: Computational structural dynamics solution of dynamic equations by convolution,
time step integration, complex modes, frequency domain methods Modal synthesis in
frequency domain. Sub-structuring techniques spatially periodic structures Numerical
methods for nonlinear hysteretic systems Lanczos method. (18)
Text Books:
Books, 1. Mechanics Of Composite Materials by Robert M. Jones: Taylor and Francis (2015)
and/or 2. Mechanics Of Composite Materials and Structures by Madhujit Mukhopadhyay: University
reference Press (2004)
material(s) 3. Smart Structures: Analysis and Design by A. V. Srinivisan and D. M. McFarland:
Cambridge University Press.
Reference Books:
1. Mechanics of Composite Structures by Autar K. Kaw: Taylor and Francis (2006)
2. Mechanics of composite structures by L. P. Kollar and G. S. Springer, Cambridge
University Press.
Design parameters: Dynamic soil parameters under compression, bending yawing etc,
Evaluation of elastic base theory. (6)
3. Dynamics of Structures by Madhujit Mukhopadyay
3-Dimensional stress strain analysis, Principal stress and maximum shear stress, Stress
Topics invariants, Equilibrium and compatibility equations, Boundary conditions, 2-Dimensional
Covered problems in Cartesian, Polar co-ordinates, Bending of beam, Thick cylinder under pressure,
Complex variable, Harmonic and bi-harmonic functions, Torsion of rectangular bars including
hollow section energy principles. (13)
Plastic stress-strain relations, Tensile test, Universal stress-strain relations for strain hardening
of metals, Treska and Mises’ yield conditions, St. Venant’s theory of plastic flow, Reuss’s theory,
Work during plastic deformations (10).
Thick walled spherical shell under internal pressure, Equation of equilibrium conditions for
yielding, Stresses and deformations, Plane stress and plane strain condition. (10)
Text Books:
1. Richard. G. Budynas, "Advanced Strength and Applied Stress Analysis" Mc Graw-Hill,
New Delhi, Second Edition, 2011
Text 2. Chakrabarty JN, "Theory of Plasticity", Tata McGraw Hill Book Co., New Delhi, Third
Books, Edition, 2006
and/or Reference Books:
reference 1. Mendelson. A., "Plasticity - Theory and Applications", Krieger Pub Co., Florida, U.S.A,
material Second edition,1983.
2. Chwo. P. C. and Pagano. N. J. "Elasticity Tensor, Dyadic and Engineering Applications",
D. Van Nastrand and Co., Inco. 1990
3. Wang CK, "Applied Elasticity", Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi, 1990