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JEESankalp Practice Paper-01

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Time : 3 hrs. M.M. : 360

PHYSICS: Complete XI and XII Syllabus.
CHEMISTRY: Complete XI and XII Syllabus.
MATHEMATICS: Complete XI and XII Syllabus.


1. The Test Booklet consists of 90 questions. The maximum marks are 360.

2. There are three subjects in the question paper Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry having
30 questions in each subject of equal weightage. Each question allotted 4 (four) marks for
each correct response.

3. Candidates will be awarded marks as in Instruction No. 2 for correct response of each question.
1 marks will be deducted for indicated incorrect response of each question.

4. There is only one correct response for each question. Filling up more than one response in
each question will be treated as wrong response and marks for wrong response will be
deducted accordingly as per instruction 3 above.

5. Four alternatives are given for each question out of which one is correct. Darken the correct
alternative on the given answer-sheet, with a pencil or pen.

6. Use of calculator is not permitted.

7. Use of unfair means shall invite cancellation of the test.

Name of the Student : ____________________________________________________________________

Section : __________________________ Centre : ______________________________

Invigilator’s Signature: ____________________________________________________________________

Choose the correct answer : (c) 8 (d) 6

1. Let  and  be the roots of the equation x2 + 6. The coefficient of x 53 in the following
x + 1 = 0. The equation whose roots are 19, expansion 
Cm ( x  3)100  m .2 m is
7 m 0
 is
100 100
(a) C 47 (b) C 53
(a) x2 – x –1 = 0 (b) x2 – x + 1 = 0
(c) –100 C 53 (d) –100 C 100
(c) x2 + x –1 = 0 (d) x2 + x +1 = 0
7. The set of real values of x for which
2. If x1, x2, x3 are distinct roots of the equation 2
log 2
( x 1)
 x  5 is
ax + bx + c = 0, then (a) (, –1)  (4, +) (b) (4, +)
(a) a = b = 0, c R (b) a = c = 0, b R (c) (–1, 4) (d) none of these
(c) b2 – 4ac 0 (d) a=b=c=0 8. If log0.04(x – 1)  log0.2(x –1), then x belongs to
the interval
n  ar  (a) (1, 2] (b) (, 2]
3. The value of r1 log  r 1  is
b  (c) [2, ) (d) none of these

9. Equation of the plane through P(2, 3, –1) at

n  an  n  a n 1 
(a) log  n  (b) log  n  right angle to OP is
2 b  2  b 
(a) 2x + 3y – z = 14

n  a n 1  n  a n 1  (b) 2x + 3y – z = 14
(c) log  n 1  (d) log  n 1 
2 b  2 b  (c) 2x + y – z + 14 = 0
(d) none of these
4. The solution of the equation (x + 1) + (x + 4)
+ (x + 7) + ... + (x + 28) = 155 is 10. The equation of the plane which contains the
x 1 y 1 z3
(a) 1 (b) 2 line   and is
2 1 4
(c) 3 (d) 4 perpendicular to the plane x + 2y + z = 12
5. If the (r + 1) th term in the expansion of
(a) 9x– 2y – 5z + 4 = 0
 a b  (b) 2x– 9y – 5z + 4 = 0
 3  3
 has the same power of a and
 b a  (c) 5x – 2y – 9z + 4 = 0
b, then the value of r is (d) 9x – 2y – 5z – 4 = 0
(a) 9 (b) 10

11. The number of common tangents that can be  ( x  1)( y  1) 
(c) x2 + y2 – 2(x – y) + 2ln  0
drawn to the circles x2 + y2 – 4x – 6y – 3 = 0  c 
and x2 + y2 +2 x + 2y +1 = 0 (d) none of these
(a) 1 (b) 2
16. Let S and S´ be the two foci of the ellipse
(c) 3 (d) 4 x2 y 2
  1. If a circle described on SS´ as
a 2 b2
12. The circle x2 + y2 = 4x + 8y + 5, intersects line
diameter intersects the ellipse in real and
3x – 4y = m at two distinct points if
distinct points, then the eccentricity ‘e’ of the
(a) 35 < m < 85 (b) –85 < m < –35
ellipse satisfies
(c) –35 < m < 15 (d) 15 < m < 65
1  1 
(a) e  (b) e   ,1
13. Area bounded by x2 + y2 = 8x and y2 = 4x; 2  2 
above the x-axis is  1 
(c) e   0,  (d) none of these
 2
4 2
(a) (3  8) (b) (3  8)
3 3
17. The equation | x2  ( y 1)2  x2  ( y 1)2 | =k;
4  3
(c) (d) none of these will represent a hyperbola for
(a) k  (0, 2) (b) k  (–2, 1)
dy xy (c) k  (1, ) (d) none of these
14. Solution of   x y is
dx 1  x 2
 [ x] 
x 1 18. Domain of f (x) = sin–1   ; is
(a)  (1  x 2 )3/ 4  c
2 1/ 4
(1  x ) 3  {x} 
(a) (0, 1) (b) (–1, 1) ~ {0}
xy 2
(b)  (1  x 2 )3/4  c (c) (–2, 2) ~ {–1, 0, 1} (d) none of these
(1  x 2 )1/ 4 3

y 1 19. If |x2 – 1 + cos x| = |x2 – 1| + |cos x|; x 

(c)   (1  x 2 )3/4  c
(1  x 2 )1/ 4 3 (–2); then solution set is
(d) none of these   
(a)   ,  ~ (1,1)
 2 2
15. Solution of (x2y + x2)dx + y2(x –1) dy = 0 is
 3    
2ln( x  1)( y  1) (b)   ,    [1,1]   ,  
(a) x2 + y2 + 2(x – y) + 0  2 2 2 
 3     
(b) x3 + y2
 ( x  1)( y  1) 
+ 2(x + y) + ln  0
(c)   2 ,  2    2 ,  
 c 
(d) none of these

1  3 2  3 3  ...  3 n  1 24. If a 2 + b 2 + c 2 = –2 and f (x) =
20. lim
n 
n4 1  a2 x (1  b 2 ) x (1  c 2 ) x

1 1 (1  a 2 ) x 1  b2 x (1  c 2 ) x
then f (x) is a
(a) (b)
4 2 (1  a 2 ) x (1  b 2 ) x 1  c2 x

3 polynomial of degree.
(c) (d) 1
4 (a) 2 (b) 3
x (c) 0 (d) 1
21.  1  4 x3 dx is equal to
25. System of equations x + y + z =  – 1; x + y
4 + z =   1 and x + y + z =   1; has no
(a) [1 + x3/4 + log (1 + x3/4)] + C
3 solution if  =
4 (a) 1 (b) 2
(b) [1 + x3/4 – log (1 + x3/4)] + C
(c) –2 or 1 (d) –2
(c) [1 – x3/4 + log (1 + x3/4)] + C 26. The locus of the mid-points of the focal chord
of y2= 4ax is
(d) none of these
(a) y2 = a(x – a) (b) y2 = 2a(x –a)
1 
lim  

 ... 
1 (c) y2 = 4a(x – a) (d) none of these
22. n n
 n2  n n2  2n n2  (n 1)n 
27. The line ‘joining origin and point of
(a) 2 + 22 (b) 22 –2
intersection of curves ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx
(c) 22 (d) 2 = 0 and a1x2 + 2h1xy + b1y2 + 2g1x = 0 will be
mutually  if
 e 2 x  2; x0
23. f (x)  bx 2 is continuous and (a) g(a1 + b1) = g1(a +b)
 ax   1; x  0
 2 (b) g(a +b) = g1(a1 + b1)
differentiable at x = 0, then (c) (a + b)gg1
(a) a = 1, b = 2 (b) a = 2, b = 4 (d) none of these
(c) a = 2, b  R (d) none of these

28. Let 2 sin2x + 3sin x –2 > 0 and x2 – x –2 < 0; x2  x  6
(c) f (x) = on [–2, 3]
then x lies in the interval x 1
 x3  2 x2  5x  6
  5   5   if x  1
(a)  ,  (b)  1,  (d) f (x) =  x 1 on [–2, 3]
6 6   6  
 6 if x  1
 
(c) (–1, 2) (d)  , 2 
6  30. Three distinct numbers are selected from first
100 natural numbers. The probability that all
29. In which of the following functions Rolle’s
the three numbers are divisible by 2 and 3 is
theorem is applicable?
4 4
 x, 0  x  1 (a) (b)
(a) f(x) =  on [0, 1] 25 35
 0, x 1
4 4
 sin x (c) (d)
 ,   x  0 55 1155
(b) f (x) =  x on [–, 0]
 0 , x0

31. Consider a system of two point masses m mass is at distance ‘a’ from the centre P (as
connected by a light rod, released inside a shown in the figure). Now, the mid-point of
smooth horizontal cylinder in position the string is pulled vertically upwards with a
shown. The maximum angular speed small but constant force F. As a result, the
acquired by rod is particles move towards each other on the
surface. The magnitude of acceleration, when
g( 2  1) the separation between them becomes 2x, is
F a
(a) 2m a  x 2
g( 2  1)
F x
g(2 R ) g(2 R ) (b)
(c) (d) 2m a 2  x 2
2 1 2 1

32. Two particles of mass m each are tied at the

F x
2m a
ends of a light string of length 2a. The whole
system is kept on a frictionless horizontal
F a2  x2
surface with the string held tight so that each (d)
2m x

33. Three large conducting plates an arranged 36. The maximum peak-to-peak voltage of an
parallel to each other as shown. The charge AM wave is 16 mV and minimum peak-to-
flown through the key when it is closed will peak voltage is 4mV. The modulation factor
be is:
(a) 0.6 (b) 2.1
(a) Q/2
(c) 5.2 (d) 4.2
(b) Q/6
37. In the given circuit, what is the value of the
(c) Q/9
shunt, which passes 10% of the main current
(d) Q/12 (I) through a galvanometer of 99 ?
34. A train of length R moving with constant
speed V along a circular path of radius 2R.
The engine emits a sound of frequency f. The
frequency of sound heard by the guard at the
rear end is (neglect time interval between
emitting and receiving of sound)
(a) 1  (b) 10 
f (c) 11  (d) 110 
(a) (b) f
(c) 2  (d) f 38. A non-conducting solid non-uniform sphere
of radius R charged uniformly with surface
35. As shown in the circuit, 2F capacitor and density  rotates with an angular velocity 
4 resistor are not connected on right side to about the axis passing through its centre. The
any electrical element. The ratio of charge on magnetic induction at the centre of sphere is
2F capacitor to that on 4F capacitor is: directly proportional to:
(a) R (b)
R 
(c) (d)
 R
39. A ray of light passes through an equilateral
prism such that the angle of incidence is equal
to the angle of emergence and latter is equal
to 3/4th the angle of prism. The angle of
(a) 72 (b)  deviation is
(c) 0 (d) data insufficient (a) 45° (b) 39°
(c) 20° (d) 30°

40. A loop carrying current I lies in the x-y plane L
as shown in the figure. The unit vector k̂ is 2
coming out of the plane of the paper. The
magnetic moment of the current loop is (c)

a 4
43. A planet of radius R   (radius of Earth)
a 10
has the same mass density as Earth. Scientists
a dig a well of depth (R/5) on it and lower a
wire of the same length and of linear mass
density 10–3 kg m–1 into it. If the wire is not
  2 ˆ touching anywhere, the force applied at the
(a) a 2 Ikˆ (b)   1 a Ik
2  top of the wire by a person holding it in place
  is (take the radius of Earth = 6 × 106 m and
(c)    1 a 2 Ikˆ (d) (2  1) a 2 Ikˆ the acceleration due to gravity on Earth is
2 
10 ms–2 )
41. A cylinder of height H with a small hole at (a) 96 N (b) 108 N
its base is filled with water upto height h. If
(c) 120 N (d) 150 N
the cylinder falls freely, the velocity of water
coming out of hole is: 44. The magnifying power of a telescope is equal
(a) 2gH (b) 2gh to 9 and separation between the lenses is
20 cm for relaxed eye. The focal length of the
(c) 2 g ( H  h) (d) zero
objective and eye piece are respectively.
(a) 2 cm, 18 cm (b) 9 cm, 1 cm
42. A light rod of length L is suspended from a
(c) 27 cm, 3 cm (d) 18 cm, 2 cm
support horizontally by means of two vertical
wires A and B of equal length as shown in 45. A swimmer keeps himself always of an angle
figure. The cross-section area of A is half that of 120° with river flow flowing with velocity
of B and the Young’s modulus of A is twice V. On reaching the other end, he finds a drift
that of B. A weight W is hung as shown. The (d/2) in the direction of flow of river, where
value of x so that W produces equal stress in d is width of river. The speed of swimmer
w.r.t. river is:
wires A and B is
(a) (2  3)V (b) (2  3)V
(a) (c) (d) 4(2  3)V
3 2(2  3)V

46. A sonometer wire resonates with a given 50. A particle of mass m is projected from the
tuning fork forming standing waves with five ground with an initial speed, u0 at an angle
antinodes between the two bridges when a  with the horizontal. At the highest point
mass of 9 kg is suspended from the wire. of its trajectory, it makes a completely
When this mass is replaced by a mass M, the inelastic collision with another identical
wire resonates with the same tuning fork particle, which was thrown vertically
forming three antinodes for the same upward from the ground with the same
positions of the bridges. The value of initial speed u0. The angle that the composite
M is system makes with the horizontal
(a) 25 kg (b) 5 kg immediately after the collision is
(c) 12.5 kg (d) (1/25) kg  
(a) (b) 
47. According to the theory of specific heats of 4 4
 
solids at extremely low temperature (close to (c)  (d)
2 2
absolute zero), the specific heat s of a solid
varies with absolute temperature T as 51. A layer of ice at 0°C of thickness x1 is floating
s = cT 3 where c is a constant depending on on a pond of water. L,  and k respectively
the material of the solid. The heat energy are the latent heat of fusion of water, density
required to raise the temperature of 0.1 kg of
of ice and thermal conductivity of ice. If the
the solid from 0 K to 4 K is
atmospheric temperature is –T°C, the time
(a) 4.2 c joule (b) 6.4 c joule
(c) 8.4 c joule (d) 12.6 c joule taken for the thickness of the layer of ice to
increase from x1 to x2 is given by
48. One mole of a monoatomic gas and two moles
of diatomic gas is contained in an insulated L L
(a) ( x1  x2 ) 2 (b) ( x2  x1 ) 2
and rigid container. It is heated by passing a 2kT 2kT
current of 2A for 10 minutes through a L 2 L 2
(c) ( x2  x12 ) (d) ( x2  x12 )
filament of resistance 100 . The change in 2 kT kT
the internal energy of the gas mixture is
52. In a certain region of space, the potential is
(a) 30 kJ (b) 60 kJ
(c) 120 kJ (d) 240 kJ given by : V = k[2x2 – y2 + z2]. The electric
field at the point (1, 1, 1) has magnitude
49. An ideal gas is expanding such that PT =
equal to:
constant. The coefficient of volume expansion
(a) k 6 (b) 2k 6
of the gas is
(a) 1/T (b) 2/T (c) 2k 3 (d) 4k 3
(c) 3/T (d) none of above

53. A meter bridge is set-up as shown in figure is moved by 5 cm towards the slits, the
to determine an unknown resistance ‘X’ change in the fringe width is 0.03 mm. What
using a standard 10 ohm resistor. The is the spacing between the slits?
galvanometer shows null point when
(a) 0.5 mm (b) 1.0 mm
tapping-key is at 52 cm mark. The end-
(c) 2.0 mm (d) 3.0 mm
corrections are 1 cm and 2 cm respectively
for the ends A and B. The determined value 56. In a Young’s double-slit experiment, let S1
of ‘X’ is and S2 be the two slits and C be the centre
(a) 10.2 ohm of the screen. If S1CS 2 =  and  is the
(b) 10.6 ohm wavelength, the fringe width will be
(c) 10.8 ohm 
(a) (b) 
(d) 11.1 ohm 

54. A proton moving with a speed u along the 2 

(c) (d)
positive x-axis enters at y = 0 a region of
 2

uniform magnetic field B  B 0kˆ which exists 57. An inductor of inductance 100 mH is con-

to the right of y-axis as shown in figure. The nected in series with a resistance, a vari-
proton leaves the region after some time with able capacitance and an AC source of fre-
a speed v at coordinate y. Then quency 2.0 kHz. What should be the value
of the capacitance so that maximum cur-
rent may be drawn into the circuit?

(a) 40 nF (b) 50 nF

(c) 63 nF (d) 70 nF

58. As the atomic number increases

(a) neutron proton ratio first decreases, then
(a) v > u, y < 0 (b) v = u, y > 0 increases

(c) v > u, y > 0 (d) v = u, y < 0 (b) neutron proton ratio remains constant
(c) initially binding energy per nucleon
55. In a two-slit experiment with
increases and then decreases
monochromatic light of wavelength 600 nm,
(d) initially binding energy per nucleon
fringes are obtained on a screen placed at a
decreases and then increases
distance of 1.0 m from the slits. If the screen

59. A photoelectric cell is illuminated by a 1.5 60. The first excitation potential of a hypothetical
mW of 400 nm light. If 0.10% of incident hydrogen like atom is 15 Volt. Then the third
photons produce photoelectrons, then the excitation potential of this atom (in volt) is:
current in the cell is: 1.5
(a) 45 (b)
(a) 0.48 A (b) 4.8 A 3
(c) 48 A (d) 480 A 75
(c) 75 (d)
61. Which of the following has least lewis acid 30 mm Hg in the same volume at the same
character? temperature. The fraction of C6H6 (by volume)
(a) BF3 (b) BCl3 present in the original volume is:
(a) 1/3 (b) 1/4
(c) BBr3 (d) BI 3
(c) 1/5 (d) 1/6
62. Given: The mass of electron is 9.11 × 10–31 kg,
65. What is the product of reaction between
Planck’s constant is 6.626 × 10 –34 Js, the
calcium carbide and water?
uncertainty involved in the measurement of
velocity within a distance of 0.1 Å is: (a) Ethylene (b) Acetylene

(a) 5.79 × 108 ms–1 (b) 5.79 × 105 ms–1 (c) Methane (d) Benzene
(c) 5.79 × 106 ms–1 (d) 5.79 × 107 ms–1 66. Assuming that water vapour is an ideal gas,
the internal energy change (U) when 1 mole
63. The number of radial nodes in 3s and 2p
of water is vapourised at 1 bar pressure and
respectively are:
100°C temperature. (Given: Molar enthalpy
(a) 2 and 0 (b) 1 and 2
of vapourisation of water at 1 bar and 373 K
(c) 0 and 2 (d) 2 and 1 = 41 kJ mol–1 and R = 8.3 J mol–1 K–1) will be :
64. Gaseous Benzene reacts with Hydrogen gas (a) 41.00 kJ mol–1 (b) 4.100 kJ mol–1
in the presence of Nickel catalyst to form (c) 3.7904 kJ mol–1 (d) 37.904 kJ mol–1
gaseous cyclohexane according to the
reaction C 6 H 6 (g) + 3H 2 (g)  C 6 H 12 (g). A 67. The by product in solvay ammonia process is
mixture of C6H6 and excess H2 has a pressure (a) carbon dioxide
of 60 mm. Hg in an unknown volume. After (b) Ammonia
the gas had been passed over a Nickel catalyst (c) Calcium chloride
and all the Benzene was converted to
(d) calcium carbonate
cyclohexane, the pressure of the gas was

68. A vessel at 1000 K contains CO2 with pressure 74. Which of the species CN–, O2–, NO+ and CN+
of 0.5 atm. Some of the CO2 is converted into have the same bond order?
CO on addition of graphite. If the total (a) CN– and O2– (b) NO+ and CN+
pressure at equilibrium is 0.8 atm, the value (c) O2– and NO+ (d) NO+ and CN–
of K is:
75. The oxidation state of Chromium in the final
(a) 3 atm (b) 0.3 atm
product formed by the reaction between KI
(c) 0.18 atm (d) 1.8 atm and acidified potassium dichromate solution
69. A colourless aqueous solution on adding is:
water and heating gave a white precipitate. (a) + 4 (b) + 6
This precipitate when reacted with NH 4 Cl (c) + 2 (d) + 3
and NH4OH in excess resulted in dissolution
76. In which of the following, the oxidation
of some of the precipitate and a gelatinous
number of Oxygen has been arranged in
precipitate is obtained. What is the hydroxide
increasing order?
formed in aqueous solution?
(a) OF2 < KO2 < BaO2 < O3
(a) Zn(OH)2 (b) Mg(OH)2
(b) BaO2 < KO2 < O3 < OF2
(c) Al(OH)3 (d) Ca(OH)2 (c) BaO2 < O3 < OF2 < KO2
70. A 0.010 M solution of maleic acid, a (d) KO2 < OF2 < O3 < BaO2
monoprotic organic acid is 14% ionized. What 77. Which of the following will not be oxidized
is Ka for maleic acid? by O3?
(a) 2.3 × 10–3 (b) 2.3 × 10–4 (a) KI (b) FeSO4
(c) 2.0 × 10–4 (d) 2.0 × 10–6 (c) KMnO4 (d) K2 MnO 4

71. Which of the following is the strongest 78. Equivalent weight of I2 in the reaction : I2 + 5
conjugate base? Cl2 + 6H2O 2HIO3 + 10 HCl is:
– –
(a) ClO4 (b) HCO3 (a) M (b) M/2
(c) F– (d) HSO4 – (c) M/5 (d) M/10

72. Liquid NH3 ionizes to a small extent. At 79. The correct order of second ionization
–60°C, its ionic product K NH 3 =[NH 4 + ] enthalpy of Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and
[NH 2 – ] = 10 –36 . The number of NH 2 – ions Fluorine is:
present per mL of pure liquid NH3 are: (a) C > N > O > F (b) O > N > F > C
(a) 300 ions (b) 400 ions (c) O > F > N > C (d) F > O > N > C
(c) 500 ions (d) 600 ions 80. Which of the following metals form
73. Roasted copper pyrite on smelting with sand amphoteric oxide?
produces (a) Ca (b) Fe
(a) FeSiO3 as fusible slag and Cu2S as matte (c) Cu (d) Zn
(b) CaSiO 3 as fusible slag and Cu 2 O as 81. An organic compound weighing 0.31 gm
matte gave 0.444 gm of Magnesium pyrophosphate
(c) Ca3(PO4)2 as fusible slag and Cu 2S as in the estimation of Phosphorus by Carius
matte method. The % of P in the compound is:
(d) Fe3(PO4)2 as fusible slag and Cu 2S as (a) 20 (b) 15
matte (c) 30 (d) 40

82. Which of the following is a chiral molecule? pressures 100 mm and 150 mm respectively.
CH3 It will show
(a) +ve deviation
(a) CH3 (b)
CH3 (b) –ve deviation

CH3 (c) no deviation

(d) any thing can happen
(c) (d)
CH3 CH3 88. The degree of dissociation of Ca(NO3)2 in a
dilute aqueous solution containing 7.0 gm of
83. The pair of structures given below represent the salt per 100 gm of water at 100°C is 70%.
If the vapour pressure of water at 100°C is
760 mm, vapour pressure of the solution will
: H C HO C be:
(a) 746.0 mm (b) 750.1 mm
(a) Enantiomers (b) Diastereomers (c) 741.9 mm (d) 743.2 mm
(c) Same molecule (d) Regiomers
89. The major product in the following reaction
84. The number of aldol reaction(s) that occurs is
in the given transformation is

(1)CH 3 MgBr,dry ether,0°C

conc .NaOH
CH3CHO+4HCHO   (2)aq acid

 

(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4 (a)

85. The decreasing order of stability of the

carbonium ions:
I. C 6H5 CH2 +
II. p-(CH3 O)C 6 H4CH2 +
III. p-(NO2)C 6 H4CH2 +
IV. p-(CH3)C6 H4CH2 + is:
(a) IV > II > I > III (b) II > IV > III > I
(c) II > IV > I > III (d) IV > II > III > I (d)
3+ +
86. If Al ions replace Na ions at the edge
centres of NaCl lattice, then the number of 90. The pyknometric density of Sodium chloride
vacancies in 1 mole of NaCl will be crystal is 2.165 × 103 kg m–3 while its X-ray
23 23
(a) 3.01 × 10 (b) 6.02 × 10 density is 2.178 × 103 kg m–3. The fraction of
(c) 9.03 × 1023 (d) 12.04 × 1023 the unoccupied sites in Sodium chloride
87. A solution of A and B with 0.2 mole fraction crystal is
of A is found to have total vapour pressure (a) 5.96 (b) 5.96 × 10–2
of 125 mm. Pure A and B have vapour
(c) 5.96 × 10–1 (d) 5.96 × 10–3


Time : 3 hrs. M.M. : 360

1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (a)
6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (a)
11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (d)
16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (a) 19. (d) 20. (c)
21. (b) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (a) 25. (d)
26. (b) 27. (a) 28. (d) 29. (d) 30. (d)
31. (a) 32. (b) 33. (b) 34. (d) 35. (c)
36. (a) 37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (d) 40. (b)
41. (d) 42. (c) 43. (b) 44. (d) 45. (d)
46. (a) 47. (b) 48. (d) 49. (b) 50. (a)
51. (c) 52. (b) 53. (b) 54. (d) 55. (b)
56. (a) 57. (c) 58. (c) 59. (a) 60. (d)

61. (a) 62. (c) 63. (a) 64. (d) 65. (b)
66. (d) 67. (c) 68. (d) 69. (c) 70. (b)
71. (b) 72. (d) 73. (a) 74. (d) 75. (d)
76. (b) 77. (c) 78. (d) 79. (c) 80. (d)
81. (d) 82. (b) 83. (c) 84. (c) 85. (c)
86. (a) 87. (b) 88. (a) 89. (d) 90. (d)

Time : 3 hrs. M.M. : 360

Mathematics 1 1
16. (b): ae > b  a2e2 > b2  e2 >  e1
1. (d):  = ,  =  ,  = 12 3 2 2
2. (d): If a quadratic equation has more than 17. (a): Let A  (0, 1) and B  (0, –1). AB = 2
two roots, it is an identity. [x]
18. (a): 1  { x}  1  –{x}  [x]  {x} (n  I)
3. (c): Log mn = log m + log n
10 19. (d): Holds if x2 –1 and cos x have same sign.
4. (a): [ x  1  x  28]  155
1 3 1 3 2 n1
21 r r
 
21 r r
 20. (c): lim
x  n
   ...  8 
5. (a): General term 21
Cr a 3 6 .b 6 2  n n n 

6. (c): In (x –1)100 the coefficient of x53 is –100C53 1 n 1 3 r

= lim
x 

n r 0 n
7. (b): x > 1 and (x –1)2 > x + 5
8. (c): x –1 > 0 and x –1  (x –1)2 1
3 3
 = 0 xdx 
9. (a): OP = 14 unit vector along OP is 4
21. (b): Put x = t5 and then 1 + t3 = z, I
2 iˆ  3 ˆj  k
14 4  1
=   1   dz
3  z
10. (a): Let the plane be
1 n 1 1 1 1
a(x –1) + b(y + 1) + c (z –3) = 0 22. (b): lim
n 

n r 0 1  r
= 0 1n
dx  2 2  2
a + 2b + c = 12; 2a – b + 4c = 0 n
11. (c): Here r 1 + r 2 = C 1 C 2 (distance between 23. (c): L.H.D. = R.H.D. (at x = 0)  a = 2,
centres). 24. (a): C 1  C 1 + C 2 + C 3; then R 2  R2 –R1 ,
m  10 R3  R3 – R 1
12. (c): 3x – 4y – m = 0,  5 , centre is
5 25. (d):  = 0, i  0, i = 1, 2, 3.
(2, 4) and radius = 5.  a 2a 
26. (b): Let (at2, 2at) and  t ,  t  be the end
4 32  2 
13. (a): Area = 4   2 0 xdx  4  
3 points of focal chords and let (h, k) be
1 1/2 dy 1 x  x the mid point.
14. (c): y  y 2 

2 dx 2 1x  2 27. (a): Pair of lines joining origin and point of
intersection of curves is
x 2 dx y 2 dy
15. (d):  0 g1 (ax 2 + 2hxy + by 2 + 2gx) + g(a 1 x 2 +
x1 y1
2h1xy + b1y2 + 2g1x) = 0

28. (d): x2 – x –2 < 0  1 < x < 2  r 
43. (b): g  R & g p  g p 1  R 
2sin x + 3 sin x – 2 > 0
 P 
 (sin x + 2) (2sin x –1) > 0  sin x >
2 44. (d): f 0 / f e  9, f 0  f e  20
 
x   ,2  45. (d): Applying kinematics equation along flow
6 
and propendicular to flow
29. (d): (a) f (x) is disc at x = 1
(b) f (x) is disc at x = 0 P T
46. (a): f 
2l 
(c) f (x) is not defined at x = 1,
(d) f (x) is continuous on [–2, 3], dif. in 47. (b): Q   dQ   ms dT
(–2, 3) and f (–2) = f (3) = 0
48. (d): H = I2Rt
30. (d): There are 16 numbers divisible by 2 and
16 1 dV
C3 4 49. (b): Coefficient of volume expansion =
3 Probability 100  V dT
C 3 1155
50. (a): Apply conservation of momentum along
horizontal and vertical.
31. (a): Apply conservation of mechanical
51. (c): Consider an layer of thickness ‘dx’ at
 depth x. Heat rejected by this layer passes
32. (b): Apply F  ma
to air at –T°C.
33. (b): After key is chosed, two capactors have
equal potential. 52. (b): E = 
v  u cos 45
34. (d): f '  f 0 x 10
v  u cos 45 53. (b): 
52  1 100  52  2
35. (c): Charge on 2µF is zero. 54. (d): Apply Fleming’s left hand rule.
Vmax  Vmin
36. (a): Modulation factor = V  V  2
max min 55. (b):  – B = (5  10 )
37. (c): IgRg = (I – Ig)S
 d /2 D
38. (a): Find magnetic field at centre due to 56. (a):  ;=
2 D d
elemental ring and integrate
39. (d): i1 = i2 = 45° 57. (c): L =
 = (i1 + i2) – 60°
58. (c): Factual
 
40. (b): M  NIA
59. (a): No. of photons per sec
41. (d): v  2 g ' h power
= energyof one photon
when g = g – g = 0
42. (c): TA + TB = W ...(i)  z2 
60. (d): E =  13.6  2  eV
TAx = TB(L – x) ....(ii) n 
 .....(iii)
S 2S

Chemistry 73. (a): Factual
61. (a): Factual 74. (d): NO+ and CN– contain same number of
h electrons.
62. (c): x mv =
4 75. (d): Cr2O7 2–  2Cr3+
v =  m  x 76. (b): Factual.
77. (c): In KMnO4, Mn is in its highest oxidation
63. (a): Number of radial nodes = n – l –1
64. (d): C6H6(g) + 3H2(g)  C6H12(g)
At t = 0 a b 0 78. (d): E =
at eq. 0 b –3a a
79. (c): Ionisation energy increases along a
a + b = 60
b –2a = 30
a = 10 80. (d): Factual.

10 1 62 0.44
fraction of C6H6 =  81. (d): % of P =   100
60 6 222 0.31
65. (b): CaC2 + H2O  C2H2 + Ca(OH)2 82. (b): Molecule should be asymmetric.

66. (d): H = U + ngRT 83. (c): same molecule.

H2O(l)  H2O(g) 84. (c): Three aldol reactions followed by
41 = U + 1 × 8.314 × 10 × 373 cannizzaro’s reaction.
U = 37.9 kJ/mol 85. (c): Order of stability is
67. (c): Factual p–(CH3O)C 6H4CH2 +
> p –(CH3)C6H4CH2+ > C6H5CH2+
68. (d): CO2(g) + C(s) 2CO(g)
> p–(NO2) C6H4CH2+
At t = 0 0.5 atm 0
86. (a): 3Na+ will be replaced by one Al3+
at eq. 0.5 – p 2p
0.5 + p = 0.8 p = 0.3 atm 87. (b): PTotal = P°A XA + P°B XB

PCO2 (2  0.3)2
= 100 × 0.2 + 150 × 0.8 = 20 + 120 = 140
Kp = P  = 1.8 atm
CO2 0.2 pobserved < ptheoretical.

69. (c): Al(OH)3 is white gelatinous precipitate p  pS n

88. (a): i B
pS nA
C 2
70. (b): k a 
89. (d):
71. (b): Weaker the acids stronger is the
72. (d): Kw = [NH4+] [NH2–] = 10–36
[NH2–] = 10–18 
10  NA
no. of NH2– ions per ml =
= 600 ions 90. (d): Density =


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