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Prachi Shah 41 Economic Analysis (meaning & 79001 51043
key variable)
Raj Shah 42 Economic Analysis (Forecasting) 9930924271
i) Proprietory Ratio= Proprietors Fund / Total assets ii) Operating Profit to Sales Ratio : Operating profit / net sales X 100
iii ) Net Profit Margin Ratio : Net profit / Net sales X 100B)
ii) Debt-Equity Ratio : Debt / Equity
i) Return on investment: Profit / Capital employed X 100
ii ) Return on Equity: Net profit after tax / Proprietory Equity X 100
iii ) Asset Turnover Ratio : Net sales / Total assets
iv) Inventory Turnover ratio : cost of goods sold / Average stock
Company Analysis:
• Company analysis is a process carried out by investors to evaluate securities, collecting info related to
the company’s profile, products and services as well as profitability. It is also referred as fundamental
1. The primary step is to determine the type of analysis which would work best for your company.
2. The next step involves implementing the selected method for conducting the financial analysis.
3. The final step involves reviewing the results. The weaknesses are then attempted to be corrected.
Liquidity ratio = Current asset- Inventory /Current liability.
• A liquidity ratio is a type of financial ratio used to determine a company’s ability to pay its short-term
debt obligations. The metric helps determine if a company can use its current, or liquid, assets to cover
its current liabilities.
• A coverage ratio, broadly, is a metric intended to measure a company's ability to
service its debt and meet its financial obligations, such as interest payments or
dividends. The higher the coverage ratio, the easier it should be to make interest
payments on its debt or pay dividends. The trend of coverage ratios over time is also
studied by analysts and investors to ascertain the change in a company's financial
position. A coverage ratio, broadly, is a measure of a company's ability to service its
debt and meet its financial obligations. The higher the coverage ratio, the easier it
should be to make interest payments on its debt or pay dividends. Coverage ratios
come in several forms and can be used to help identify companies in a potentially
troubled financial situation. Common coverage ratios include the interest coverage
ratio, debt service coverage ratio, and asset coverage ratio.
• The shareholder equity ratio indicates how much of a company's assets have been generated by issuing
equity shares rather than by taking on debt. The lower the ratio result, the more debt a company has used
to pay for its assets. It also shows how much shareholders might receive in the event that the company is
forced into liquidation. The shareholder equity ratio is expressed as a percentage and calculated by
dividing total shareholders' equity by the total assets of the company. The result represents the amount of
the assets on which shareholders have a residual claim. The figures used to calculate the ratio are recorded
on the company balance sheet.
(a) Return on equity= Profit after tax/Equity Shareholders Fund
(b) Earnings per Share(EPS)= Earnings available to equity shareholders/No. of outstanding Equity Shares
(c) Dividend payout ratio= Dividend paid to Equity Shareholders/Earnings available for Equity Shareholders.
➢ The concept of leverage has originated from science.
➢ The term ‘LEVERAGE’ means sensitiveness of one financial variable to change in another.
• Leverage is a measure of risk.
➢ OL is a measure of business risk.
➢ OL is present only when there is fixed operating cost.
➢ OL is not affected by different types of financing.
• Financial Leverage is a measure of Financial Risk
• Financial leverage is a borrowed fund of a firm.
• Basically, it is a leverage that refers to debt in a firm’s capital structure.
• When there is Fixed Financing cost than the financial leverage arises.
• Financial Leverage depends upon the operating profits of the firm.
• Higher the burden of interest, higher the DFL i.e firm borrows more and it increases it’s risk.
Formula: Financial Leverage (FL) = Earnings before interest and tax(EBIT)
Earnings before tax(EBT)
Where, EBIT = Sales – (Variable cost + Fixed cost)
EBT = EBIT – Interest
Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL)
Degree of financial leverage is the ratio of the percentage increase in Earnings Per Share (EPS) to the percentage increase in Earnings Before
Interest and Taxes (EBIT).
Formula: DFL= Percentage change in earnings per share (EPS)
Percentage change in earnings before interest and tax (EBIT)
• Combined leverage maybe defined as the potential use of fixed costs, both operating and financial,
which magnifies the effect of sales volume change on the earning per share of the firm.
• In other words, Combined leverage is a combination of operating leverage and Financial leverage.
• A firm will have wide fluctuations in the EPS for even a small change in sale level. Thus, the
effect of change in sales level on the EPS is called as Combined leverage.
• Formula: Combined leverage= Operating leverage x Financial leverage
= Contribution
Where, Contribution= Sale – Variable Cost
EBT = EBIT – Interest
• Risk is measured by Beta. Beta is the ratio of covariance between returns of a security and
market to variance of the market returns variance and covariance depends on the 3 fundamental
factors nature of business operating leverage financial leverage.
• Nature of business : Companies Behave differently with the business cycle The earnings of
some companies fluctuate more with the business cycle whereas some companies earnings are
unaffected by business cycle .If companies earnings are More sensitive to business conditions it
is likely to have higher beta.
• Operating leverage : Operating leverage refers to the use of fixed costs.
• Financial leverage can be defined as the use of fixed cost finance to increasing earning per