Psychophysiology - 2019 - Hamm - Fear Anxiety and Their Disorders From The Perspective of Psychophysiology
Psychophysiology - 2019 - Hamm - Fear Anxiety and Their Disorders From The Perspective of Psychophysiology
Psychophysiology - 2019 - Hamm - Fear Anxiety and Their Disorders From The Perspective of Psychophysiology
DOI: 10.1111/psyp.13474
Alfons O. Hamm
anxiety, anxiety disorders, defensive neural networks, defensive responses, fear, personalized treatment
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threat. Although both feeling states can obviously overlap, based on patients' phenomenological symptom reports, valid-
they also differ, particularly regarding their profile of re- ity has been unintentionally sacrificed (Insel, 2013; Kozak &
ported symptoms. While fear is “more often associated with Cuthbert, 2016). Thus, to provide a more mechanism‐based
surges of autonomic arousal, necessary for fight or flight, approach for understanding fear, anxiety, and its disorders,
thoughts of immediate danger, and escape behaviors, anxiety one should go beyond the level of symptom reports.
is more often associated with muscle tension and vigilance
in preparation for future danger and cautious avoidance be-
1.2 | Fear and anxiety: The behavioral
havior” (DSM 5, 189). Thus, phobic disorders are defined
science perspective
as marked fear or anxiety elicited by specific situations.
Accordingly, phobic disorders are further categorized based From the perspective of behavioral science, emotions such as
on the type of feared situation. Phobic disorders include spe- fear and anxiety can be functionally conceived as action dis-
cific phobia (fear or anxiety about specific objects or situa- positions evoked by particular patterns of threat‐related stim-
tions, such as a type of animal, heights, etc.), social phobia uli that in turn cause patterns of adaptive behaviors in order
(fear or anxiety about one or more social situations in which to cope with the threat and survive (Adolphs, 2013; Lang &
the individual is exposed to possible scrutiny by others, such Bradley, 2010). Thus, to understand anxiety disorders from
as participating in social interactions, being observed or per- a behavioral science perspective, one has to describe how
forming in front of others), and agoraphobia. In contrast to threat information is encoded and how defensive behaviors
other phobic disorders, fear and anxiety associated with ago- are organized. Starting from this behavioral perspective, one
raphobia are more generalized because the diagnosis requires can then investigate (a) the neural networks that are involved
fear and anxiety occurring in at least two of five situations. in the detection and integration of threat information, and (b)
These situations can be grouped into two clusters: (a) situa- how these networks communicate with those circuits organ-
tions of entrapment (e.g., using public transportation, being izing defensive actions, including the accompanying adjust-
in enclosed places, being in a crowd, or standing in line), or ments of the autonomic nervous system. Such an approach
(b) situations in which there are potential emergencies (e.g., follows the strategic aim of the Research Domain Criteria
heart attack, stroke, etc.) but no immediate help is available (RDoC) program (Cuthbert & Insel, 2013), as proposed by
(e.g., being outside of the home alone, being in open spaces). the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the
In these instances, the source of the threat is not in the feared European Roadmap for Mental Health Research (ROAMER;
situation itself (e.g., agoraphobic patients are not afraid of Wittchen et al., 2014). Thus, instead of investigating emo-
the shopping mall itself), but instead the feared situation tional reactivity and cognitive functioning in a group of
provides a context in which a potential threat arising from individuals with a specific illness, the research agenda of
inside the body might become fatal. Accordingly, agorapho- the Greifswald lab starts with a biopsychological model
bia is often associated with unexpected (i.e., the individual of dynamic defense network activations and its behavioral
does not perceive any obvious cue or trigger) panic pathology adjustments derived from basic research with animals. The
(Kessler et al., 2006; Pané‐Farré et al., 2014). The majority translation of this model to humans allows a new approach
of panic attacks—clinically defined as an abrupt surge of in- that will finally lead to a better understanding of adaptive
tense fear that reaches a peak within minutes during which but also maladaptive human defensive behaviors. According
four (or more) symptoms from a list of 13 cardio‐respiratory, to this model, defensive adjustments to threats are character-
autonomic‐somatic, and cognitive symptoms occur—are ex- ized by a close interplay between cognitive and emotional
perienced during the day (85%) and outside of home (73%); processes.
thus, they tend to occur in the contexts that are typical for
agoraphobic situations (Johnson, Federici, & Shekhar, 2014;
1.2.1 | A transdiagnostic dimensional
Pané‐Farré et al., 2014). If such panic attacks are followed by
model of defensive behaviors
persistent concerns and worries about additional panic attacks
or their consequences (e.g., losing control, having a heart at- Animal data suggest that defensive behaviors are organized
tack, going crazy), a panic disorder is diagnosed. A general- along a dimension depending upon the distance, proximity,
ized anxiety disorder is diagnosed if such worries extend to or imminence of the threat (see Blanchard & Blanchard,
other domains (e.g., health, finances, job performance), are 1990; Fanselow, 1994). When an organism is in a context
persistent, are difficult to control, and invoke symptoms such in which a threat has been encountered previously (or, in
as irritability, restlessness, and muscle tension. the case of humans, a context in which the individual be-
While such classifications of anxiety disorders have been lieves that a threat might occur) but has not yet been detected
progressively refined across different versions of the noso- (preencounter defense; Fanselow, 1994), a class of adaptive
logical systems to increase the reliability of clinical diagno- defensive behaviors are engaged. These behaviors involve
ses, basically by providing more specific descriptive criteria emotional‐motivational and cognitive processes that preempt
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hostile encounters, such as the inhibition of appetitive be- activity modulates cognitive processes, especially the forma-
haviors, threat‐nonspecific hypervigilance, and increased tion and consolidation of emotional memories (McGaugh,
autonomic arousal. Humans report feelings of anxiety, ap- 2004; Weymar et al., 2009), thus resulting in better memory
prehension, or worry if they encounter such uncertain, novel, of emotionally arousing events and, unfortunately, traumatic
and ambiguous contexts in which potential threats might events. Again, these data confirm the strong connection be-
occur (see Davis, Walker, Miles, & Grillon, 2010; Perusini tween emotional and cognitive processes involved in the de-
& Fanselow, 2015). Pharmacological and lesion studies with velopment of a psychopathology.
rodents measuring defensive behavior during open field tests The dynamic organization of defensive behaviors has
or contextual conditioning (i.e., entering a context where un- been recognized and refined by many researchers and has
predictable aversive events might occur) demonstrate that the been formalized as the threat imminence model (Blanchard
bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST)—a major target & Blanchard, 1990; Fanselow, 1994) or the defense cascade
area of projections from the basolateral and central amyg- model (Lang, Bradley, & Cuthbert, 1997), including its ex-
dala—is critically involved in the regulation of anxiety‐like tension to trauma‐related defense (Schauer & Elbert, 2010;
preemptive safety or avoidance behavior (e.g., staying cau- for reviews, see Adolphs, 2013; Lowe & Ziemke, 2011;
tiously at the edge of an open field; Goode & Maren, 2017; McNaughton, 2011). This theoretical framework, which has
Tovote, Fadok, & Lüthi, 2015). been translated recently into a transdiagnostic model for con-
When a threatening stimulus is detected (postencounter ceptualizing anxiety disorders (panic disorder and agorapho-
defense) but is still distant, a defensive response pattern is bia; Hamm et al., 2016; specific phobias; Hamm, 2015b), is
activated. This response is characterized by an increase in depicted in Figure 1.
selective attention directed to the threatening cue and by
heart rate deceleration (“fear bradycardia”; Campbell, Wood,
& McBride, 1997). In addition, animals show potentiation
of the startle reflex gated through the central nucleus of the
amygdala (for review, see Hamm, 2015a) and motor “freez-
2.1 | Preencounter defense: Generalized
ing” depending on the projections from the central amygdala
to the ventral periaqueductal gray (vPAG) in the midbrain
(Fanselow, 1994; Leaton & Borszcz, 1985; Maren, 2001; The predictions of the theoretical model outlined above were
Morgan & Carrive, 2001; Tovote et al., 2015). In humans, tested in our laboratory by measuring ERPs during situations
these same defensive responses are often accompanied by a in which a potential threat might occur. Informing individu-
feeling of fear, and individuals are typically able to report als with high fear of spiders that pictures of spiders might be
specific fear triggers (e.g., a snake or a dog). If the reported presented in the following experiment resulted in greater P1
fear also causes significant distress or impairment or is out amplitudes over occipital areas; this result occurred not only
of proportion to the actual danger (according to the cultural for fear‐relevant spider pictures but also for fear‐irrelevant
context), these defensive responses are diagnosed as symp- neutral stimuli (Michalowski et al., 2009), supporting the hy-
toms of a phobia specified and categorized based on the pothesis that preencounter defense is characterized by a gen-
threat cues. eralized hypervigilance to all cues in a potentially dangerous
With increasing imminence of the threat (circa‐strike environment. Following up on this research, Michalowski,
defense), defensive response mobilization becomes an ac- Pané‐Farré, Löw, and Hamm (2015) tested whether context
tive action that—depending on the available behavioral op- change is explicitly associated with changes in P1 ampli-
tions—can result in either a flight/fight response or, during a tudes. In this study, 32 neutral pictures were presented in a
traumatic event where fight/flight is not an option, in tonic, safe context to both individuals with elevated spider fear and
unresponsive immobility (Marks, 1987; Schauer & Elbert, control subjects, and P1 amplitudes were measured. A cover
2010). Humans often report feelings of panic during circa‐ story was prepared (all participants were instructed that they
strike defense. Animal data suggest that the initiation of such had been selected because of their good selective attention
defensive actions is mediated by the dorsal periaqueductal performance) to ensure that spider fearful individuals did not
gray (dlPAG), which regulates the expression of escape be- establish any relation between their spider fear and the study.
havior (Kim et al., 2013; LeDoux, 2012). Circa‐strike de- Figure 2a shows the P1 amplitudes and the distribution map
fense mobilization is accompanied by general discharge of of the scalp potential differences (amplitudes of the spider
the sympathetic nervous system (Cannon, 1932) that stimu- phobia individuals minus those of the controls) for this con-
lates the adrenal medulla to secrete two catecholamines, epi- dition. There were no group differences between individuals
nephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline), with a spider phobia and controls in P1 amplitude in this con-
into the bloodstream. Apart from direct physiological ef- dition. Then, participants were informed that they would see
fects (e.g., increased heart rate, sweating), adrenergic system pictures of spiders during the next block of trials and were
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F I G U R E 1 The transdiagnostic
dimensional model of defensive behaviors
suggests that defensive reactivity is
dynamically organized along a continuum
depending on the imminence or proximity
of the threat (threat‐imminence model,
Fanselow, 1994; defense cascade model,
Blanchard & Blanchard, 1990; Lang,
Bradley, & Cuthbert, 1997; adapted from
Hamm et al., 2016)
F I G U R E 2 (a) P1 amplitudes of the evoked brain potentials in response to neutral pictures in individuals with spider phobia (red) and
healthy controls (black) prior to the instruction that pictures of spiders might be presented. The distribution map of the scalp potential differences
(activations of the spider phobia individuals minus those of the controls) for this condition is depicted in the inlay. (b) P1 amplitudes in response to
the same neutral pictures (upper panel) for both groups after the instruction that phobia‐relevant pictures might be presented. Lower panel shows
the P1 amplitudes of both groups in response to phobia‐relevant pictures. Again, the distribution map of the scalp potential differences is presented
in the inlay of Panel (b)
asked to provide written consent to continue with the experi- 2b, upper, shows the P1 amplitudes corresponding to neu-
ment. After this instruction, a block of 32 neutral stimuli was tral pictures after the instruction, and the lower part of the
presented and then pictures of spiders were presented. Figure figure shows the P1 amplitudes corresponding to the block
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of spider pictures presented after the neutral block. The high during this stage was also found in the BNST, supporting the
spider fearful individuals showed significantly higher P1 am- findings of pharmacological and lesion studies with rodents
plitudes over the occipital cortex (see inlay) in response to (Davis et al., 2010; Tovote et al., 2015). Direct projections
the neutral pictures than did the controls in a context where from the BNST to cholinergic neurons in the midbrain may
pictures of spiders could occur. This increase in amplitude mediate increases in synaptic transmission in thalamic sen-
was comparable to that observed for the P1 amplitudes in sory relay neurons. This cholinergic activation in addition
response to spider pictures (see Figure 2b, lower). These to increases in thalamic transmission, which is accompanied
data clearly support the hypothesis that a change from a safe by activation of the locus coeruleus, may lead to generalized
context to an environment with potential threats resulted in hypervigilance during preencounter defense (see Davis &
generalized hypervigilance in the individuals for whom the Whalen, 2001; Rosen & Schulkin, 1998).
context was threatening.
Evidence that these changes in vigilance might be caused
2.2 | Postencounter defense:
by an increase in the afferent sensory gain is provided in an
Defensive freezing
earlier study conducted in our laboratory (Weymar, Keil, &
Hamm, 2013). In this study, relative to controls, high spider As soon as a threat cue is detected (e.g., a spider is spot-
fearful individuals showed enhanced C1 amplitudes—the ted in the upper corner of the room), increased amounts of
earliest cortical component in visual processing in the V1— selective attention are allocated to the threat cue, the level
to both fearful and nonfearful targets in a visual search task. of sympathetic arousal increases, heart rate decelerates, and
That is, whenever there is a possibility that a spider stimu- potentiation of protective reflexes occurs. This response pat-
lus might occur in the visual field (preencounter defense), tern has been described as defensive freezing or attentive
high fearful individuals show increased vigilance to all vi- immobility (Galdwin, Hashemi, van Ast, & Roloefs, 2016;
sual targets. The sensory gain might generally be increased Marks, 1987), which is contrasted to passive tonic immo-
during this phase of preencounter defense, and this theory bility (“playing dead”). Accordingly, compared to nonfear-
is supported by a recent study from Cornwell and cowork- ful individuals, individuals who report excessive spider fear
ers (2017). These investigators used a threat of unpredictable show enhanced late positive potentials when viewing spider
shock paradigm to create a potentially dangerous context. pictures (Kolassa, Musial, Mohr, Trippe, & Miltner, 2005;
Participants had to complete an auditory oddball task either Michalowski et al., 2009, 2015; see Figure 3), supporting the
during the potentially dangerous context or during a safe con- idea that more attentional resources are allocated to phobia‐
text while whole head magnetoencephalogram (MEG) was relevant stimuli. However, the LPP was similarly increased
recorded. Threat shock increased auditory cortical responses
to deviant tones, which is an effect that could be reduced by
the administration of anxiolytic alprazolam. Dynamic causal
modeling of the MEG data revealed that the threat of shock
increased the gain of the primary auditory cortex, thus gating
feedforward connectivity. Interestingly, using the same threat
of shock paradigm, Bublatzky and Schupp (2012) also found
higher P1 amplitudes in response to pictures, irrespective of
their emotional content, presented in a context where an aver-
sive electric shock might be delivered than the P1amplitudes
in response to visual stimuli presented in a safe context. The
same unspecific enhancement of the visual evoked potentials
can also be observed when words are encoded under a threat
of shock (Weymar, Bradely, Hamm, & Lang, 2013).
These data suggest that generalized hypervigilance (or
broadening attention; Eysenck, 1992) during preencounter
F I G U R E 3 Late positive potentials (LPPs) occurring in the time
defense is realized by an increase in the gain of the primary
window between 300 and 550 ms over parietal brain regions in the
sensory processing areas in the brain. This hypothesis is
evoked potentials to phobic (spider pictures) unpleasant, and neutral
also supported by the findings in a study by Straube and co-
pictures in individuals with elevated spider fear (red) and control
workers (2007), who measured brain activation using fMRI subjects (black). LPPs evoked by spider pictures were specifically
while high spider fearful individuals waited for pictures of increased in the phobia group but did not exceed the LPPs evoked by
spiders to appear. During this stage of preencounter defense, other unpleasant pictures. LPPs in response to emotionally relevant
the authors found enhanced activity in the extrastriate visual contents were larger than those evoked by neutral pictures (adapted
cortex and in the thalamus. Moreover, increased activation from Michalowski et al., 2015)
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in response to other unpleasant pictures (in this case for both participant, signaling the decreasing distance of the threat. In
fearful and nonfearful individuals; see Figure 3), demon- the safe condition, no aversive stimulus was delivered. Figure
strating that increased selective attention is not specific for 4 shows the modulation of the startle response (upper panel)
phobia‐relevant cues but is a more general phenomenon that when there was no escape route available (passive condition,
occurs in response to all motivationally relevant stimuli, in- left) and when the individual had the option to actively avoid
cluding pleasant ones (Schupp et al., 2000, 2004). the electrical stimulus by quickly pressing a response button
Moreover, compared with controls, high fearful indi- (active condition, right). The lower part of Figure 4 shows the
viduals consistently show larger potentiation of their star- changes in heart rate during these conditions.
tle responses and increased skin conductance responses Animal studies that measured both freezing and poten-
when viewing phobia‐relevant pictures (Hamm, Cuthbert, tiated startle simultaneously during fear conditioning found
Globisch, & Vaitl, 1997). In this study, the levels of star- strong correlations between both measures (Fendt, 2001;
tle potentiation and increases in sympathetic arousal were Gerwitz, Falls, & Davis, 1997; Leaton & Borszcz, 1985).
of greater magnitude than the changes in blink magnitudes In accordance with the findings from these animal studies,
and skin conductance evoked by other unpleasant pictures. humans showed the same pattern of attentive freezing when
The same defensive response pattern is observed during fear there was no possibility to actively avoid the aversive stim-
conditioning (i.e., when viewing a cue that predicts the oc- ulus. Startle potentiation increased linearly with increasing
currence of an exteroceptive threat—a moderately painful proximity of the inevitable threat. In addition, heart rate de-
stimulus; Hamm & Vaitl, 1996; Hamm, Greenwald, Bradley, creased substantially starting at Stage 5 (i.e., immediately
& Lang, 1993; Lipp, Sheridan, & Siddle, 1994). Interestingly, prior to the delivery of the aversive stimulus). Thus, during
while sweat gland activity increases with sympathetic acti- such a state of attentive immobility, the alerted individual re-
vation, heart rate—which is mainly under parasympathetic mains motionless, monitors the source of danger, and is very
control—decreases for some individuals with a conditioned responsive to abruptly occurring external stimuli (Marks,
stimulus (Hamm & Vaitl, 1996; Hodes, Cook, & Lang, 1985). 1987). Interestingly, the level of skin conductance, which
Such a response pattern resembles fear bradycardia, which is is a measure of sympathetic activation, linearly increased
observed in prey animals confronting a predator from a dis- throughout the entire defense cascade, suggesting that both
tance (Campbell et al., 1997). On the other hand, some indi- counteracting branches of the autonomic nervous system
viduals show an acceleration in their heart rate when viewing (the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system)
a cue that predicts the occurrence of an aversive electrical are activated during defensive freezing. Individual differ-
stimulus (Hamm & Vatil, 1996; Hodes et al., 1985; Moratti ence factors, such as vagally mediated heart rate variability,
& Keil, 2005). Moreover, high spider fearful individuals also might influence the physiological response pattern evoked
showed heart rate acceleration when viewing phobia‐relevant during defensive freezing. Recent data from our laboratory
pictures (Hamm et al., 1997). These data suggest that, during suggest that individuals with high heart rate variability seem
defensive freezing, both branches of the autonomic nervous to be more flexible in adapting to environmental demands
system become activated. The pattern of defensive responses than those with low heart rate variability (i.e., showing more
varies depending on which system is dominant at a certain conditioned inhibition in an extinction paradigm; Wendt,
point in time. Which autonomic pattern is dominant during Neubert, Koenig, Thayer, & Hamm, 2015). Moreover, trans-
defensive response activation may be influenced by trait fac- cutaneous stimulation of the auricular branch of the vagus
tors as well as environmental aspects (for review, see Roelofs, nerve has also been shown to increase flexible behavioral
2017). Animal data suggest that the distance from the pred- adaption in a response conflict task (Fischer, Ventura‐Bort,
ator and the presence of escape routes play important roles Hamm, & Weymar, 2018).
in this respect (Blanchard, Griebel, Robbe, & Blanchard,
2011). Recent findings from our laboratory support these
2.3 | Circa‐strike defense:
findings from animal data. Löw and coworkers (2015) traced
Initiation of action
the dynamics of defensive response activation by assessing
the autonomic arousal, brain stem reflex activity, and evoked A different pattern of defensive reactivity was observed
brain potentials in response to changes in threat proximity when an escape route was present and the individuals had the
and the presence of an escape route. In this instructed‐fear option to actively avoid painful stimulation. A sharp increase
experiment, the color of a frame signaled whether there was in skin conductance and a large acceleration in heart rate oc-
a behavioral option to escape from the threat (a moderately curred (see Figure 4, lower right). This autonomic pattern was
painful stimulus) or not (active vs. passive). At 500 ms after associated with the preparation of effective motor responses
frame onset, a symbol was presented in the frame that sig- that were systematically sped up in the behavioral context of
naled whether the threat would occur (safe vs. threat). This circa‐strike defense. Notably, a pronounced reversal of fear
cue increased in size in five stages as it approached the potentiated startle became evident; a strong inhibition of the
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F I G U R E 4 Mean difference in response magnitudes between the passive threat and passive safe conditions (blue line: no behavioral option
to escape) across five different stages of increasing threat imminence in fear potential startle (upper left) and heart rate (lower left). Mean difference
in response magnitudes between active (escape was possible) and passive (no escape was possible) threat conditions in fear potentiated startle (red
line: upper right) and heart rate (red line: lower right). (Mean response magnitudes for all four conditions are depicted separately in the original
publication from Löw et al., 2015)
startle reflex occurred just before the preparation for an active sensory areas as well as in the bed nucleus of the stria ter-
action (see Figure 4, upper right). Moreover, the P3 compo- minalis, promoting hypervigilance to external stimuli (see
nent of the evoked potentials elicited by the invariant acous- Cornwell et al., 2017; Rosen & Schulkin, 1998). The neural
tic probe stimuli was also significantly reduced, suggesting circuits underlying postencounter defense have been exten-
a shift in attention to the relevant foreground stimuli and a sively explored in animal research using Pavlovian fear condi-
simultaneous block in the processing of irrelevant stimuli in tioning as an experimental model. The conditioned stimulus,
the context of the action. Interestingly, animals show hypoal- which predicts the occurrence of a threat, activates neurons in
gesia during the activation of circa‐strike defense, which is the lateral amygdala, which propagate neural activity to the
mediated by the dPAG (Fanselow, 1994). central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA). Efferents traveling
from the CeA to the ventrolateral part of the periaqueductal
gray (vlPAG) then interrupt ongoing behavior and promote
3 | F U NC T IO NA L B R A IN attentive freezing and potentiation of the startle reflex (Gross
ACT IV IT Y D UR ING D E F E N SE & Canteras, 2012; for reviews, see Hamm, 2015a; Tovote et
al., 2015) as well as bradycardia (Bandler, Keasy, Floyd, &
Detecting and responding effectively to various threats are Price, 2000). Human fear conditioning studies using fMRI
fundamental requirements of life. Thus, the neural networks techniques found transient activation of the amygdala during
that organize defensive actions are part of the survival cir- early phases of learning (see meta‐analysis by Sehlmeyer et
cuits of the brain (LeDoux, 2012). As described above, these al., 2009). More recent meta‐analyses of fMRI data obtained
defense circuits feed signals back to the sensory systems, from human fear conditioning studies (Fullana et al., 2015)
increasing the gain to facilitate the detection of potentially suggest that conditioned stimuli activate a larger network, in-
threatening and harmful stimuli. Increased activation during cluding increases in activation of the anterior cingulate and
this stage or preencounter defense was found in the primary of the anterior insula. It is a hallmark finding in pain research
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that the anticipation of pain (in fear conditioning studies, the increased activity in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex at the
unconditioned stimulus is often a moderately painful stimu- beginning of the defense cascade (i.e., when the anticipated
lus) is associated with the activation of the anterior insula threat was still distant). This prefrontal activation decreased
(Wiech et al., 2010). Moreover, decreased activation during with increasing proximity of the upcoming threat. In contrast,
a conditioned stimulus is observed in the ventromedial pre- activation of the PAG increased with increasing proximity of
frontal cortex (Lindner et al., 2015; Milad & Quirk, 2012). the threat, particularly when individuals had the option to ac-
The change from defensive freezing to an action during circa‐ tively avoid the threat, thus supporting the previous findings
strike defense (e.g., flight, fight, active avoidance) is medi- of Mobbs and coworkers. The main findings of this study are
ated by the dorsolateral section of the PAG (Fanselow, 1994; summarized in Figure 5, left panel, while the shift in activa-
Kim et al., 2013). Lesions of the dlPAG increase freezing in tion from the prefrontal areas to the midbrain is illustrated
rodents (DeOca, DeCola, Maren, & Fanselow, 1998), while in a schematic model in Figure 5, right panel (adapted from
damage of the vlPAG disrupts freezing (Fanselow & Poulos, Maren, 2007).
2005), suggesting that attentive freezing might obstruct ac- Taken together, these recent imaging results not only sug-
tive avoidance and vice versa (Benaroch, 2012). Guided by gest that physiological changes associated with fear and anx-
these animal findings, Mobbs and coworkers investigated the iety are dynamically organized according to the proximity of
brain activation of humans as a function of threat proxim- a potential threat and the available behavioral options but also
ity. In their fMRI study, they used an active avoidance video suggest that brain activations are distributed and shift from
game setting in which participants (represented by a triangle the prefrontal areas to the midbrain when distal threats be-
on the screen that could be moved by the participants dur- come more proximal. The dynamic conceptualization of de-
ing the “chasing” period) were pursued through a maze by fensive adaptions can render debates unnecessary on whether
a virtual “predator” (represented by a red circle) endowed cognitive or emotional processes are more important for
with an ability to chase, capture, and inflict pain (cutaneous the understanding of psychopathology. In fact, the dynamic
electrical shocks). The findings of this study supported those model outlined above instead suggests that both processes
from animal studies and showed that the brain activity shifted closely interact depending upon the imminence of the threat.
from prefrontal brain areas to the amygdala and the PAG
(Mobbs et al., 2007, 2009). In a recent study, we followed
up on this research by varying the proximity of the threat and 4 | AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR
by varying the option to actively avoid the threat, using the AS AN INDEX OF FUNCTIONAL
threat imminence paradigm developed by Löw and cowork- IM PAIRM ENT
ers (2015). The physiological data were in accordance with
our previous findings (see Wendt, Löw, Weymar, Lotze, & The transdiagnostic dimensional model outlined above can
Hamm, 2017). Analyses of the functional brain data revealed also be used to advance our understanding of the mechanisms
F I G U R E 5 (a) Prefrontal, amygdala, and periaqueductal gray activations as a function of threat imminence. Statistical parametric maps
illustrate brain areas in which activity decreased from Stage 1 to Stage 5 in threat conditions (green) and brain areas in which activity increased
from Stage 1 to Stage 5 with increasing threat imminence (purple; figure obtained from Wendt et al., 2017). (b) Schematic depiction of the brain
circuits activated during a distal threat, including the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and lateral amygdala (LA), and the circuits activated during a
proximal threat, including the central amygdala (CA) and the periaqueductal gray (adapted from Maren, 2007)
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involved in maladaptive avoidance behaviors. According to termination of the exposure, showing that autonomic arousal
the model, passive avoidance occurs very early in the defense did not trigger repetitive passive avoidance. Reported anxiety
cascade, even before preencounter defense occurs (i.e., indi- also linearly increased prior to the initial termination of the
viduals avoid the context in which a potential threat might exposure. In contrast to the physiological responses, reported
occur). Clinically, avoidance is related to functional impair- anxiety increased from the first to the last termination and
ment, the main criterion for defining mental disorders in ad- lasted for a longer duration before the actual time of termina-
dition to the distress criterion (Barlow, 2002; DSM5‐APA, tion (Benke et al., 2018). Moreover, high levels of anxiety
2013). There is evidence that such maladaptive passive avoid- sensitivity and short durations of breath holding predicted
ance behavior is motivated by the effort to avoid uncertainty avoidance behavior. Thus, increased concerns about poten-
or to maintain safety (Talkovsky & Norton, 2016) rather than tially harmful body symptoms combined with a biobehavio-
by elevated levels of fear or anxiety (see also early work by ral indicator of the habitual avoidance of feelings of dyspnea
Solomon, Kamin, & Wynne, 1953). In other words, patients but not trait anxiety or reported fear of suffocation predicted
with a panic disorder and agoraphobia are not afraid of the avoidance behavior in this task (Benke, Krause, Hamm, &
supermarket, but they avoid this context because they expect Pané‐Farré, 2019). These findings suggest that expectations
an increased probability of being exposed to an interoceptive and concerns about the occurrence of a potential threat are
threat (i.e., a panic attack) in this context. Supporting this more important triggers of passive avoidance than is auto-
view, Craske, Rapee, and Barlow (1988) demonstrated in a nomic arousal. Thus, exposure therapy aiming at a change in
variety of tests that not the rated fear level but rather the per- persistent avoidance should probably focus more on experi-
ceived probability of panicking in a specific situation was the ences that explicitly induce expectancy violations in order to
strongest predictor (r = .49) for active and passive avoidance. increase prediction errors promoting extinction learning than
Indeed, persistent avoidance prevents the disconfirmation of on fear augmentation by increasing fear levels and autonomic
central concerns about the increased risk of encountering a arousal in order to induce habituation processes (see Hamm
potential threat. A recent study from our laboratory investi- et al., 2016).
gating the development of stable passive avoidance over time
supports this view (see Benke, Krause, Hamm, & Pané‐Farré,
2018). In this study, individuals breathed through a tightly 5 | TRANSLATION TO THE
fitting mask connected to a two‐way, Y‐shaped nonrebreath- CLINIC
ing valve that enabled unrestrictive expiration through the
expiratory port of the valve. The inspiratory port of the valve This article introduced a transdiagnostic model of defensive
connected via a controller to different flow resistors that in- behaviors derived from animal research that might be use-
creased the inspiratory resistance (for methodological details ful in better understanding the psychopathology of anxiety
of breathing circuit, see Benke, Hamm, & Pané‐Farré, 2017), disorders beyond the level of symptom reports. As a first
producing increasing feelings of dyspnea in three steps: slight step, empirical evidence was provided supporting the view
(inspiratory resistive Load 1), strong (Load 2), and maximally that human defensive behaviors, similar to the defensive be-
tolerable unpleasant feelings of dyspnea (Load 3). Each step haviors of other animals, are dynamically organized by the
lasted for 60 s. The sequence was terminated by a postex- proximity of the relevant threat and the available behavioral
piratory breathing occlusion lasting 15 s. Important for the options. It was also shown that the dynamic organization of
current discussion, participants were provided with a button the processes of encoding threat‐relevant information and
that could be used to terminate each of the eight sequences organizing the behavioral adaptation, including the accom-
of increasing loads and the occlusion at any point in time to panying physiological changes, are regulated by distributed
avoid any additional feelings of dyspnea. Of the total number neural networks in the brain, including prefrontal and mid-
of participants (N = 69), 35% (N = 24) repeatedly (more than brain circuits. In the last part of this address, I want to provide
once) prematurely terminated the exposure to increasing lev- some clinical data to illustrate how such psychophysiological
els of dyspnea. In accordance with the findings from animal models might help in better understanding the psychopathol-
studies (see Solomon, Kamin, & Wynne, 1953), individuals ogy of anxiety disorders. We tested defensive reactivity in
ceased exposure to the increasing interoceptive threat at in- a subgroup of N = 345 (259 female) patients from a total
creasingly lower threat levels and at increasingly shorter time sample of N = 369 patients, all of whom were diagnosed
periods of exposure. Moreover, relative to a matched control with a principal diagnosis of panic disorder with agorapho-
group who did not avoid exposure to the threat, these indi- bia (PD/AG) and enrolled for a multicenter randomized
viduals showed initial avoidance behavior that was accom- controlled clinical trial (for details, see Gloster et al., 2009,
panied by a linear increase in autonomic arousal (increases 2011). Because marked fear of entrapment and avoidance of
in heart rate and skin conductance) prior to termination. This being in enclosed places is a prominent symptom in patients
autonomic activation was completely absent during the last with PD/AG (Arrindell, Cox, Van der Ende, & Kwee, 1995;
14698986, 2020, 2, Downloaded from by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [25/02/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
10 of 14 HAMM
Rodriguez, Pagano, & Keller, 2007), we measured defensive were inhibited during panic attacks relative to the blink mag-
reactivity during anticipation (10 min) and exposure (maxi- nitudes elicited prior to the attacks. These data suggest that
mum duration of 10 min) of a behavioral avoidance test (i.e., acute panic attacks are instances of circa‐strike defense pos-
sitting in a small, 75‐cm wide, 120‐cm long, 190‐cm high, sibly triggered by the perception of imminent threat signals
dark, closed test chamber with the door locked from outside arising from inside the body. Interestingly, the early reports
by the experimenter; for details, see Richter et al., 2012). by Nashold, Wilson, and Slaughter (1974) show that electri-
Defensive reactivity differed substantially, although the same cal stimulations of the PAG evoked acute panic attacks in
principal diagnoses were assigned to all patients based on humans (see Schenberg et al., 2014, for review), supporting
their symptom reports. Thirty‐nine patients (11.3%) refused the view that panic attacks might be instances of circa‐strike
to enter the chamber after anticipation, showing strong pas- defense modulated by the dlPAG (Goossens et al., 2014).
sive avoidance, 72 patients (20.9%) entered the test chamber In contrast, a more proximal interoceptive threat evokes
but terminated the exposure prematurely (active avoidance), a defensive response pattern that is observed during posten-
and the remaining patients completed the avoidance task. The counter defense. The processing of cues that predict the
analysis of defensive reactivity of patients who showed ac- occurrence of mild body symptoms (evoked by a guided hy-
tive avoidance revealed that heart rate and skin conductance perventilation task; postencounter defense) is associated with
increased linearly during the last 60 s prior to escape, sup- a potentiation of the startle response and a stronger activation
porting the hypothesis that strong increases in somatic symp- of prefrontal areas of the brain in individuals who are at risk
toms were an imminent threat for these patients (for a more of developing a panic disorder (Holtz et al., 2012; Melzig
detailed description of these data, see Richter et al., 2012). et al., 2011). In a recent study, we extended this research by
Startle response magnitudes that were elevated during anx- investigating a group of 58 treatment‐seeking patients diag-
ious apprehension (i.e., when patients entered the test cham- nosed with a panic disorder (with and without agoraphobia).
ber) were inhibited during the last seconds prior to escape. In this study, patients completed a highly standardized hy-
This pattern of defensive responses was remarkably similar to perventilation task (patients were guided by tones of falling
the response profile observed in the defense cascade study by and rising pitches to breathe at a rate of 20 cycles per minute)
Löw and coworkers (2015), when individuals had the option for 3 min; the task was designed to reduce the level of CO2
to actively avoid the imminent threat (see Figure 4, right). in the expired air (petCO2) to 20 mm/Hg. During the follow-
These findings were replicated and extended in a more recent ing 10‐min recovery period, the petCO2 returned to the level
study in which we used the same experimental approach de- prior to the hyperventilation task. During the first 3 min of
veloped by Löw et al. (2015) but included, in addition to the this recovery period, the petCO2 levels were still so low that
threat of pain, a third condition of respiratory threat (Krause patients experienced a large number of mild body symp-
et al., 2018). During respiratory threat, a different symbol toms that resemble those experienced during a panic attack.
signaled the occurrence of a forced breath‐holding period Delivering startle probes during this recovery period resulted
(by closing the inspiratory port; see Krause et al., 2018, for in a significant potentiation in the blink magnitudes in the
more methodological details) set at the end of expiration of patient group, supporting the view that such mild symptoms
the first breathing cycle after the most proximal cue. Again, elicited postencounter defense in these patients (see Benke,
the color of the frame signaled whether an escape route was Alius, Hamm, & Pané‐Farré, 2019). In this study, 38 patients
available. Startle responses were again potentiated, and the received manual‐based cognitive behavior therapy (CBT),
heart decreased just prior to both the inevitable exteroceptive while 20 patients were assigned to a wait list control group.
and inevitable interoceptive respiratory threats. However, All patients completed the hyperventilation task again after
when individuals could actively avoid forced breath holding treatment and after the waiting period. Startle probes were
or electrical shock by pressing a button, their heart rate ac- delivered during the recovery period. Patients of the wait list
celerated and blink magnitudes substantially decreased, sug- control group showed the same potentiation of their startle re-
gesting that the same circa‐strike defense is activated with sponses during the experience of mild body symptoms in the
an imminent interoceptive threat when there is an option to recovery period of the hyperventilation task, thus showing
terminate the threat. However, a more clinically meaningful persistent defensive response mobilization during a proximal
finding is that this pattern of circa‐strike defense was also threat from inside the body. In contrast, no such defensive re-
observed during acute panic attacks. Twenty‐six patients re- sponse mobilization was observed in patients after CBT treat-
ported 34 panic attacks during exposure by pressing a “panic ment, particularly in those patients who showed a stable and
button.” In line with the findings from an ambulatory moni- broad therapeutic response not only in self‐reported anxiety
toring study (Meuret et al., 2012), heart rate rapidly increased but also in self‐reported depression and severity of symptoms
approximately 20 s prior to the button press, suggesting that (e.g., Clinical Global Impression Scale), as rated by clinical
this increase in autonomic arousal indeed triggered the panic experts (Benke, Alius, et al., 2019). These data suggest that
attack (see Hamm et al., 2016). In contrast, blink magnitudes a stable and broad treatment response is associated with a
14698986, 2020, 2, Downloaded from by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [25/02/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
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