Pemeriksaan Fungsi Hati .: Prof. Dr. Adi Koesoema Aman SPPK (KH)
Pemeriksaan Fungsi Hati .: Prof. Dr. Adi Koesoema Aman SPPK (KH)
Pemeriksaan Fungsi Hati .: Prof. Dr. Adi Koesoema Aman SPPK (KH)
Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid
HMGCoA reductase inhbtrs Herbs and toxins
INH •Herbs/alt. medicines
NSAIDS •Illicit drugs
Phenytoin •Toxins
Many others
Reliable history
Ratio of SGOT to SGPT is at least 2:1
Reflects low level of activity of SGPT
SGOT rarely exceeds 300 IU
Higher values - seek additional cause of liver
A GGT (gammaglutamyl transferase) twice
normal and AST/ALT ratio of 2:1 or more,
highly suggestive of alcohol abuse
Hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) and NASH
Asymptomatic increase in transaminases
Raised BMI, Type 2 DM and hyperlipidemia
No evidence of clinically relevant alcohol use
Probably commonest cause of mild
transaminase increases
AST/ALT ratio usually < 1:1 in the absence of
Values < 250 IU usually
DD of moderately elevated
aminotransferases (5 to 15 times ULN)
PMJ 2003
What is “Normal”?
Glutamate dehydrogenase
Isocitrate dehydrogenase
Lactate dehydrogenase
More useful as marker for
•Myocardial infarction
Sorbitol dehydrogenase
Enzymes for the detection of cholestasis
Alkaline phosphatase
In tissues undergoing metabolic stimulation
Third trimester of pregnancy
Normal adult serum AP is from liver and bone
Intestine contributes about 15%
Several procedures used to measure activity -
differs in substrates used, end products
measured, etc
Isoenzymes differ in reactions in various assay
Hence different units such as IU, KA,
Elevation of s. alkaline
Associated with hyperbilirubinemia
(cholestatic disorders)
May be sole abnormality in many
cholestatic or infiltrative diseases
To be interpreted in the clinical setting of
history and physical examination if sole
When SAP elevation is detected
Repeat the test
Confirm the hepatic origin
•Serum gammaglutamyl transferase
•AP isoenzymes
PMJ 2003
Gammaglutamyl transferase
(γ-glutamyl transpeptidase)
Found in hepatocytes and biliary epithelial cells
Sensitive for hepatobiliary disease but ltd by lack of
With other enzyme abnormalities, raised GGT would
support a hepatobiliary cause
Can confirm hepatic source for a raised AP
Raised GGT and raised transaminases with ratio of
AST to ALT 2:1 or more suggestive of ALD
Medications can cause mild rise
Normal range 0 to 30 IU/L
Causes of raised serum
gammaglutamyl transferase (SGGT)
Normal 0.3 to 3.2 Bodansky units
Spectrum of abnormality similar to that of
Specificity for hepatobiliary disease
May be used to confirm hepatic origin of
elevated SAP
Product of hemoglobin breakdown
2 Forms
• Unconjugated (indirect)- insoluble
• ↑ in hemolysis, Gilbert syndrome, meds
• Conjugated (direct)- soluble
• ↑ in obstruction, cholestasis, cirrhosis,
hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, etc.
• No elevation until loss of > 50% capacity
urobilinogen stercobilinogen
Isolated unconjugated
IDB fraction > 85% of total bilirubin
1. Increased production
• hemolysis
• ineffective erythropoiesis : folate, IDA
• drugs : rifampicin
• resolution of hematoma
2. Defects in hepatic uptake/conjugation
• Gilbert’s syndrome
• Crigler-Najjar syndrome
Gilbert’s syndrome
prolonged :
• vitamin K deficiency (malnutrition,
malabsorption, antibiotics)
• massive transfusion
• congenital disease
• liver disease
• warfarin
Prothrombin time
in vit K deficiency, vit K 10 mg SC decreases
prolonged PT >30% within 24 hrs
•More sensitive
•Limitations of biochemical tests
•Expensive, ltd to research centers
•Trials needed before wider acceptance
Indocyanine green clearance
14C - aminopyrine breath test
Antipyrine clearance
Galactose elimination capacity
13C - caffeine breath test
Take home message
classified in 3 groups
1.synthetic function : albumin, clotting
2.cholestasis : bilirubin, ALP, GGT
3.hepatocyte injury : AST, ALT
Liver Function Tests
• Does not effectively assess actual function
• not always specific for the liver
• limited information regarding presence or
severity of complication
•Antinuclear antibodies
•Ceruloplasmin in pts < 40 yrs
•Iron studies - S ferritin, transferrin saturation
•US of the hepatobiliary system
PMJ 2003