0NB - Instructions For Case Study 1
0NB - Instructions For Case Study 1
0NB - Instructions For Case Study 1
The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a case study and apply course content on power
and influence.
Submit your report through Blackboard prior to the deadline. Ensure your report is submitted in
a Word or PDF format (any other format will receive a score of zero).
1. Read the document titled, “Case Study on Power and Influence” posted on Blackboard
under Assignments→ Case Study 1 (12.5%).
2. Answer the case study questions below. Make sure to provide clear rationale and reference
class content where applicable.
Late Penalties
• The minimum penalty for a late submission is a 20% deduction from the grade you
earned on the report. This means that if you scored 80/100 marks on the report, the
minimum penalty for a late submission would be a deduction of 16 marks (20% of 80
marks). Your grade would then be adjusted to 64/100.
• Late penalties are applied in 24-hour cycles, up to a maximum of 72 hours. For every 24
hours that pass after the deadline (including weekends), another 20% is deducted. After
72 hours, the report is no longer eligible for marks.
ANALYSIS Answers to case study Answers to case study Answers to case study
questions are weak or questions are questions are clearly
12.5 marks unclear. Report reasonable but could explained and well-
demonstrates a lack of be improved with reasoned. Report
understanding of more specificity. demonstrates an
course content and an Report demonstrates a accurate understanding
insufficient level of sufficient of course content and a
critical thinking. understanding of high level of critical
course content and a thinking.
moderate level of
critical thinking and
justification for
0-4 5 – 9.5 10 – 12.5