Simplex Method For Maximisation

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A firm is engaged in producing two products A and B. Each unit of A requires 2kg of raw material and 4
labour hours. Each unit of B requires 3 kg of raw material and 3 labour hours. Every week the firm has
the availability of 60 kg of raw material and 96 labour hours. One unit of A and B is priced at Rs.40 and
Rs.35 respectively. What quantity of Product A and B should be produced to maximize the sale,
assuming that any quantity produced can be sold?


Define decision variables, objective function and the constraints. Here the objective is to maximize total

Let X1 = quantity of product A to be produced

Let X2 = quantity of product B to be produced

Therefore, the sales function to be maximized is:

Z = 40 X1 + 35 X2

And the constraints are

2 X1 + 3 X2 <= 60 (Raw material constraint)

4 X1 + 3 X2 <= 96 (Labour hours constraint)

X1, X2 > = 0


Ensure that constraint values (i.e. the right hand side values in constrained inequalities) are non-negative.
If negative, rewrite constraints making them non-negative. Convert constraint inequalities into equalities.

Here, we have

2 X1 + 3 X2 + S1 = 60 where S1 ≥ 0

4 X1 + 3 X2 + S2 = 96 where S2 ≥ 0

S1 and S2 are called SLACK VARIABLES, showing surplus or slack resources company may have after
producing optimum quantity of A and B. Here, S1 represents surplus raw material and S2 represents
surplus labour hours.

S1 and S2 can also be represented as quantities of ‘Imaginary products’, where S1 is the quantity of first
‘Imaginary’ product such that 1 unit of S1 would require 1 kg of raw material and 0 labour hours.
Similarly, S2 is the quantity of second ‘Imaginary’ product such that 1 unit of S2 would require 0 kg of
raw material and 1 labour hour. The selling price of S1 and S2 is 0 since both are imaginary products.

Prepared by Chandrakant Nimkar 1

Now, modify objective function by adding slack variables. Here the modified function will be:

Z = 40 X1 + 35 X2 + 0 S1 + 0 S2

STEP 3: Main body

To construct first Simplex table as follows:

Table 1

Solution Coeffs in X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity

Variables obj fn B
S1 0 2 3 1 0 60
S2 0 4 3 0 1 96
Cj 40 35 0 0 0
Zj 0 0 0 0 0
Cj – Zj 40 35 0 0 0

Please note:

1. Solution Variables are the products to be manufactured. The first Simplex table assumes
that company will first produce only ‘Imaginary’ products.

2. ‘Quantity’ column is RHS of constraints. It also shows the quantity of products to be

manufactured. We can produce 60 units of S1 because S1 requires only one unit of raw
material. Similarly, we can produce 96 units of S2.

3. Numbers under the column X1, X2, S1, S2 are the coefficients in LHS of constraint
equations. They are called ‘technological coefficients’. It means that if we wish to produce
1 unit of X1, we would require 2 units of raw material and 4 units of labour hours. Hence, 2
units of S1 and 4 units of S2 should be reduced from current production of S1 and S2.

4. Cj represents the sale earned per unit of each product. They are the coefficients in the
objective function.

5. Zj represents the sacrifice in sale if the solution variables are taken out in lieu of the
column variable. For example, we have seen in point no. 3 above that 2 units of S1 and 4
units of S2 should be sacrificed if one unit of X1 is to be manufactured. Since selling price
of S1 and S2 is zero, we would sacrifice sale = 0*2+0*4 = 0 by taking out S 1 and S2 for
producing one unit of X1.

6. Cj-Zj represents the net increase in sale by introducing one unit of column variable in
solution set. For example, we will gain Rs.40 if one unit of X1 is produced and lose Rs 0 by
taking out S1 and S2 out of the solution. Thus, the net gain will be Rs. 40.

Similarly, sale will be increased by Rs. 35 if one unit of X2 is introduced and 3 units of S1
and 3 units of S2 are reduced from production.

Net gain for producing 1 unit of X1 is Rs. 40 and of X2 is Rs. 35. We will, therefore, prefer
to introduce X1 in the solution set since it gives maximum gain. Thus, X1 is called the
‘Incoming variable’. The column of incoming variable is called ‘Pivotal Column’.

Prepared by Chandrakant Nimkar 2

7. After deciding to produce X1, we will now find out how many units of X1 can be produced
without exceeding the resource constraints. We have seen that for producing 1 unit of X 1, 2
units of S1 should be sacrificed. Thus, for every 2 units of S1 we can produce 1 unit of X1.
Therefore, we can produce at the most 60/2 = 30 units of X 1 without exceeding the capacity
of raw material. Similarly, we can produce at the most 96/4 = 24 units of X 1 without
exceeding the labour hours capacity. These calculations are shown in last column of Table

Thus, we should produce minimum between 30 and 24 units of X 1 without exceeding any
resource capacity. We will, therefore, decide to produce 24 units of X 1. Hence, we will
take out S2 from the solution set. Hence, the lowest non-negative ratio of
‘Quantity/technological ratios in pivotal column’ (last column in table 2) should be taken
out from the solution set.

The row pertaining to outgoing variable is called ‘Pivotal row’. The element on the
intersection of pivotal row and pivotal column is called ‘Pivotal’ element.

Table 2

Solution Per unit X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity B/a

Variables sale B
S1 0 2 3 1 0 60 60/2=30
S2 0 4 3 0 1 96 96/4=24
Cj 40 35 0 0 0
Zj 0 0 0 0 0
Cj – Zj 40 35 0 0 0

Pivotal column Pivotal element


To construct next Simplex table as follows:

Replace outgoing variable with incoming variable. Then divide the pivotal row by pivotal element to get
row in next table. In our example the new row will be

Solution Per unit X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity B/a

Variables sale B
X1 40 1 ¾ 0 ¼ 24

This row is known as transformed pivotal row.


Construct other rows in the new table. This is done as follows:

Let us say we want to find out element in the first row & fourth column in the new table (i.e. row S 1 and column
X2). Then,

1. Select the element from old table at the corresponding cell position (i.e. element in first row and fourth
column in old table. This element is 3)

Prepared by Chandrakant Nimkar 3

2. Draw perpendiculars from corresponding cell from old table on pivotal row and pivotal column. You will get
two elements. Let us call them (A) and (B). (Here (A) = 2 and (B) = 3)
3. Apply following formula:
Element in new row
= (Corresponding element in old table) – {(A)*(B) / Pivotal element}
= (3) – {2 * 3 / 4}
= 3/2

You will get new table as follows:

Solution Per unit X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity B/a

Variables sale B
S1 0 0(a) 3/2(b) 1(d) -1/2 (e) 12
X1 40 1 ¾ 0 ¼ 24
Cj 40 35 0 0 0
Zj 40(z1) 30(z2) 0(z3) 10(z4) 960(z5)
Cj – Zj 0 5 0 -10 -960

The calculations are shown below:

(a) = 2 - (2*4/4) (b) = 3 – (2*3/4) (d) = 1 – (2*0/4)

(e) = 0 – (2*1/4) (f) = 60 – (2*96/4)

Zj’s are calculated as follows:

Z1 = 0 * 0 + 1 * 40 Z2 = 3/2 * 0 + ¾ * 40 Z3 = 1*0 + 0*40 Z4 = -1/2*0 + ¼*40

Solution Per unit X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity B/a

Variables sale B
S1 0 0(a) 3/2(b) 1(d) -1/2 (e) 12 (f) 12/(3/2)=8
X1 40 1 ¾ 0 ¼ 24 24/(3/4)=32
Cj 40 35 0 0 0
Zj 40(z1) 30(z2) 0(z3) 10(z4) 960(z5)
Cj – Zj 0 5 0 -10 -960

The current solution is X1 = 24 and S1 = 12. The value of objective function is 960 which is the value
obtained in ‘Quantity’ column except the negative sign.

Since one of the (Cj-Zj) is positive, we can further improve the sale to the extent of Rs 5/- per unit of X2.


With the similar steps given above the next Simplex table will be as follows:

Solution Per unit X1 X2 S1 S2 Quantity B/a

Variables sale B
X2 35 0 1 2/3 -1/3 8
X1 40 1 0 -1/2 ½ 18
Cj 40 35 0 0 0
Zj 40 35 3.3 8.33 1000

Prepared by Chandrakant Nimkar 4

Cj – Zj 0 0 -3.3 -8.33 -1000

Since all (Cj-Zj) are non-positive, there is no further scope to increase the sale. Hence, this is the optimal
solution. The maximum sale is achieved by producing 18 units of X1 and 8 units of X2. The maximum
sale is Rs.1000/-

Prepared by Chandrakant Nimkar 5

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