Cwpe 1948

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Faculty of Economics

Cambridge Working Papers in Economics

Cambridge Working Papers in Economics: 1948


Sinan Küfeoğlu Mahmut Özkuran

24 May 2019

After its introduction in 2008, increasing Bitcoin prices and a booming number of other cryptocurrencies
lead to a growing discussion of how much energy is consumed during the production of these currencies.
Being the most expensive and the most popular cryptocurrency, both the business world and the research
community have started to question the energy intensity of bitcoin mining. This paper only focuses on
computational power demand during the proof-of-work process rather than estimating the whole energy
intensity of mining. We make use of 160 GB of bitcoin blockchain data to estimate the energy
consumption and power demand of bitcoin mining. We considered the performance of 269 different
hardware models (CPU, GPU, FPGA, and ASIC). For estimations, we defined two metrics, namely;
minimum consumption and maximum consumption. The targeted time span for the analysis was from 3
January 2009 to 5 June 2018. We show that the historical peak of power consumption of bitcoin mining
took place during the bi-weekly period commencing on 18 December 2017 with a demand of between 1.3
and 14.8 GW. This maximum demand figure was between the installed capacities of Finland (~16 GW)
and Denmark (~14 GW). We also show that, during June 2018, energy consumption of bitcoin mining
from difficulty recalculation was between 15.47 and 50.24 TWh per year.
Energy Consumption of Bitcoin Mining
Sinan Küfeoğlu 1,*,+ and Mahmut Özkuran 2,+
1 Energy Policy Research Group, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1TN, UK
2 School of Arts and Social Sciences, Istanbul Technical University, 34467 İstanbul, Turkey
* Corresponding author: [email protected]
+ these authors contributed equally to this work


After its introduction in 2008, increasing Bitcoin prices and a booming number of other
cryptocurrencies lead to a growing discussion of how much energy is consumed during the
production of these currencies. Being the most expensive and the most popular cryptocurrency,
both the business world and the research community have started to question the energy intensity
of bitcoin mining. This paper only focuses on computational power demand during the proof-of-
work process rather than estimating the whole energy intensity of mining. We make use of 160 GB
of bitcoin blockchain data to estimate the energy consumption and power demand of bitcoin
mining. We considered the performance of 269 different hardware models (CPU, GPU, FPGA, and
ASIC). For estimations, we defined two metrics, namely; minimum consumption and maximum
consumption. The targeted time span for the analysis was from 3 January 2009 to 5 June 2018. We
show that the historical peak of power consumption of bitcoin mining took place during the bi-
weekly period commencing on 18 December 2017 with a demand of between 1.3 and 14.8 GW. This
maximum demand figure was between the installed capacities of Finland (~16 GW) and Denmark
(~14 GW). We also show that, during June 2018, energy consumption of bitcoin mining from
difficulty recalculation was between 15.47 and 50.24 TWh per year.

Keywords: bitcoin; mining; blockchain; energy; consumption

JEL Classification: P18; Q47

1. Introduction
Cryptocurrencies and their energy consumption have become a popular subject of discussion
over the last couple of years. Bitcoin, the most well-known and most expensive cryptocurrency, was
first introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto, a pseudonym of an author or group of authors, in 2008. There
are significant differences in bitcoin’s energy consumption estimations since there are too many
unknowns in the process, such as which type of hardware is used in the mining and for how long.
This ambiguity necessitates an extensive analysis that will cover all bitcoin transactions from 2009
until today.
Bitcoin mining is a decentralized computational process, where transactions are verified and
added to the public ledger, known as the blockchain. Nakamoto explains the working principles of
bitcoin mining in detail in his paper [1]. Bitcoin networking started in 2009 with its unique currency
bitcoin or BTC. The bitcoin network is a peer-to-peer, distributed network. In this network, all nodes
are treated as equal peers. The process of making bitcoins is called mining, and the participants are
called miners. All transactions are carried out and stored in a distributed ledger: the blockchain. The
historic transaction data are contained in the blockchain. A signature between the new block and the
previous block is needed for adding a new block to the blockchain. This is done via finding a nonce
value that will satisfy the cryptographic hash function, Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit (SHA-256).
The nonce starts with 0 and is incremented by 1 by the miner until the hash of the block is less than
or equal to the target value. Once a node finds a hash that satisfies the required number of zero bits,
it transmits the block it was working on to the rest of the network. The other nodes in the network
then express their acceptance by starting to create the next block for the blockchain using the hash of
the accepted block. The finder of the block is rewarded for their efforts with a special transaction.
Creators of a block are currently allowed to send 12.5 newly created coins to an address of their
choosing. This is a fixed reward that halves every four years (210,000 blocks). On top of the fixed
reward, a variable amount of transaction fees is received as well. The reward provides an incentive
to participate in this type of network. To keep the flow of rewards stable, the network self-adjusts the
difficulty of hash calculations, so new blocks are only created once every 10 min on average.
Cryptography takes an important place in Bitcoin transactions with private and public keys. Private
keys in the Bitcoin network are 256-bit long numbers that are created randomly in wallet creation.
These randomly generated numbers provide security for Bitcoin transactions as they are infeasible to
crack. Private keys are used to sign transaction messages and provide authenticity for the messages
as only the owner of the bitcoin address knows the private key. Public keys are complementary to
Private keys and allow checking of the authenticity of messages. Public keys are 512-bit long numbers
that are derived from Private keys. Unlike Private keys, Public keys are shared in the Bitcoin network
and are available to every node. Figure 1 shows a simple diagram how bitcoin mining is completed.
Figure 1. Bitcoin mining process.

During the mining process, the miner computes the hash of a block of transactions and the
summary information of the previous block. The block has a ‘nonce’ value and the miner randomly
chooses a nonce value so that the hash of the block is smaller than a target, which is periodically
recalculated by the network. Random attempts for nonce values to find a valid hash is called as proof-
of-work. This process needs computational effort, which is measured in Gigahashes per second. The
more computational power a miner has, the bigger the share of all distributed rewards that go to that
miner. This is the part where the energy consumption of bitcoin mining takes place. This paper aims
to present a detailed analysis and estimation of the energy consumption of bitcoin mining by focusing
on the use of computational power during the proof-of-work process, and hence the mining process
only. In our study, we analyzed 160 GB of blockchain bitcoin data. We deliberately excluded the
estimation for energy intensity of bitcoin mining more generally since it will include all processes
including the use of external cooling systems and their energy consumption.

2. Studies Covering Energy Consumption of Bitcoin Mining

O’Dwyer and Malone used two hardware efficiencies; an efficient commodity hardware and a
high efficiency ASIC machine [2]. Then they calculated the total power demand to be between 0.1
and 10 GW depending on what hardware was used in the mining. McCook calculated the energy
consumption with a scenario where all mining was done with ASIC machines with the following
models and ratios of the mining models: Bitfury BF3500, 35%, KnC Neptune, 25%, Cointerra
TerraMiner IV, 20%, Antminer S2, 15%, Antminer S3, 5% of all hardware [3]. He calculated the yearly
energy consumption as 3.64 GJ (around 1 MWh) for the year 2014. With minimum and maximum
energy efficiencies of 0.8 J/GH and 1.5 J/GH, respectively, he calculated the power demand to be
between 3.28 and 6.15 GW. Hayes assumed that if the marginal cost of bitcoin mining exceeded the
bitcoin price, then the bitcoin mining would stop [4]. He calculated hypothetical upper boundaries
for mining by taking the energy price as 13.952 c/kWh and the hardware efficiency as 1.15 J/GH. The
Economist reported about a modern bitcoin mining facility of KnCMiner in Boden, Sweden, which
uses high efficiency ASIC hardware, and it claims that if all miners in the world used the same
hardware as in Boden, then the yearly energy consumption for the world would be 1.46 TWh [5].
Vranken calculated the power demand for mining to be between 400 MW (electricity price of 2
c/kWh) and 2.3 GW (electricity price of 3.5 c/kWh) [6]. He suggests that power demand for mining
would be most likely in the range of 100–500 MW (which corresponds to 3–16 PJ per year). Gauer
assumed an electricity price of 5 c/kWh, an average BTC price of $3524, and a reward for block of 12.5
BTC, and then calculated the total energy consumption to be 3.56 TWh and the power demand to be
3831 MW in 2017 [7]. Similarly, de Vries estimated the minimum power demand to be 2.55 GW and,
in the future, the maximum consumption would be 7.67 GW [8]. Digiconomist estimated an energy
use of 73.12 TWh/year with a minimum estimation of 59.55 TWh/year [9]. To calculate the minimum
energy consumption, Digiconomist assumed only the hardware Bitmain’s Antminer S9 was used.
Bevand estimated the minimum 1620 MW (14.19 TWh/year) and maximum 3136 MW (27.47
TWh/year) with a best guess of 2100 MW (18.40 TWh/year) [10]. Krause and Tolaymat reported
estimations of 283 MW, 948 MW, and 3441 MW for the years 2016, 2017, and 2018, respectively [11].
The estimations vary considerably mainly due to the hardware efficiencies and the electricity prices
used in the analysis process. It is quite hard to know exactly which models of hardware are used in
the mining process during a given time span. Therefore, to be as precise as possible, in this paper we
identified the hardware available in the market that could be used in bitcoin mining. Table 1
summarizes the power demand estimations of bitcoin mining.

Table 1. Power demand estimations of Bitcoin mining.

Source min. (GW) max. (GW)

O’Dwyer and Malone (2014) [2] 0.1 10
McCook (2014) [3] 3.28 6.15
Vranken (2017) [6] 0.4 2.3
Gauer (2017) 1 [7] 3.83 -
de Vries (2018) [8] 2.55 7.67
Bevand (2018) [10} 1.62 3.14
Krause and Tolaymat (2018) 1 [11] 3.44 -
1 Average estimation.

3. Materials and Methods

This research was based on four different sources of data: Bitcoin’s Blockchain, the performance
data of the devices that solves hash problems, historical Bitcoin prices, and power cost data. Bitcoin
data are publicly available via the Bitcoin history stored on the blockchain. Most of the data used in
this research were extracted from this publicly available blockchain data created by transactions. The
size of the Bitcoin Blockchain at the time this research was conducted was around 160 GB [12]. Among
this vast amount of data, we retrieved all blockchain data from the number 0 genesis block with the
time stamp of 3 January 2009 18:15:05 to the number 52,6176 block with the time stamp of 5 June 2018
18:18:06. Then, we prepared a data series table containing the block number, difficulty, and time
stamp of each block. Difficulty recalculation was done once every 2016th block and the reward for
each block was halved for every 210,000th block. Since the difficulty changes at every 2016th block,
we calculated the energy consumption and profitability of each hardware every 14 days (2016 block).
The second step was to compile the performance data of the hardware used in bitcoin mining.
In this study, we used data from 43 ASIC, 4 FPGA, 111 CPU (32 AMD and 79 Intel), and 111 GPU (54
ATI and 57 Nvidia) processors. The list of all devices and their release dates are given in the Appendix
(Tables A1–A4). The necessary data were collected from two sources. The first source was the data
provided by the manufacturers that can be collected from data sheets and white papers of these
manufacturers. As a second data source, we used websites such as “userbenchmark” and “passmark”
to further collect necessary data and test the reliability of the manufacturers’ data [13,14].
The third step was to review the price of Bitcoin. We used three data sources to find the daily
value of the Bitcoin price. It was hard to estimate the price of Bitcoin before the Bitcoin exchange
markets were founded. Therefore, we used the famous “Bitcoin pizza day” as our starting point. On
22 May 2010 Laszlo Hanyecz bought two pizzas by paying 10,000 Bitcoins. Each pizza was $25, and
hence we assume the price of one Bitcoin to be $0.005 on that date [15]. Mt. Gox was active from 18
July 2010 to 25 February 2014 [16]. We used price data from Mt. Gox for that period. For the data from
25 February onwards, we used Bitstamp [17].
The last step of the data accumulation was the electricity price. To calculate an average electricity
price in a given time span, we needed to know the mining locations. According to the estimated
Hashrate by Pools (A pool is a place where miners share their sources (computational power) to solve
the blocks and then share the reward in proportion to their hashing power) between 1 June and 4
June 2018, 70% of bitcoin mining was done in China. After China, Europe (10%), United States (10%),
and rest of the world (10%) follow [18]. We calculated an aggregated Bitcoin electricity price in
accordance with the mining locations and the prices in these places [19,20].
The main purpose of the methodology was to make two energy consumption estimations. The
first estimation was the Minimum Energy Consumption. The minimum consumption was calculated
by assuming that at each difficulty recalculation, the most efficient hardware on the market was used.
We know that this is a theoretical minimum since miners will not always buy better performing
machines whenever they are available, and they will not simply get rid of their existing hardware.
To calculate the upper boundary of the energy consumption, we defined the term Maximum Energy
Consumption. Estimation of the maximum consumption did not mean the use of the least efficient
devices available in the market. It meant that the miners used the worst performing hardware, but
mining was still profitable in terms of electricity prices. In other words, the operational costs due to
electricity bills should not exceed the value of the bitcoin. Here, we neglected the capital expenditure
and only took energy costs of the miners into account. The challenge was using daily electricity prices
in mining locations. Instead, we picked up the mining locations during 1 June and 4 June 2018. After
this we calculated an average electricity price for bitcoin mining by taking weighted averages of the
mining locations. Table 2 shows the location of bitcoin mining by pools during this time.

Table 2. Bitcoin pools and locations.

Pool Blocks Percentage (%) Country 179 26.76 China 1
AntPool 98 14.65 China
SlushPool 79 11.81 USA 2
BTC.TOP 65 9.72 China
ViaBTC 62 9.27 China
F2Pool 59 8.82 China
Unknown 32 4.78 NA
BitFury 16 2.39 Georgia
DPOOL 16 2.39 China
BTCC Pool 15 2.24 China
BW.COM 15 2.24 China
Bixin 10 1.49 China
BitClub Network 8 1.2 Iceland
58COIN 6 0.9 China 4 0.6 USA
KanoPool 3 0.45 Iceland
Haominer 2 0.3 China
1 23% China, 2% North America, and 1% EU. 2 6% North America, 5% EU.

To calculate the energy consumption of the process, we will proceed step-by-step. The power
demand of the bitcoin mining is calculated as:
𝑁𝐻 ∗ 𝐸𝑜𝐻
𝑃= (1)
• Power (P) (MW)
• Network Hashrate (NH) (MH/s) (Total hash problems solved per second in Bitcoin network)
• Efficiency of Hardware (EoH) (J/TH) (Energy consumed by hardware per Tera hash problems
The Network Hashrate is calculated as follows:
𝑁𝐻 = 𝐷 ∗ (2)
• Difficulty (D)
• Network Hashrate (NH) (hash/s)
• Average Seconds Between Blocks (ASBB) (s) = 600
The Efficiency of Hardware (EoH) is defined as:
𝐸𝑜𝐻 = (3)
• Efficiency of Hardware (EoH) (J/TH) (Joules per Tera Hash Calculations)
• Energy (E) (J)
Hash Operations (H) and Tera Hash Operation (TH) where

𝑇𝐻 = 𝐻 ∗ 1012 (4)
Now, we should calculate the average time between two blocks:
𝐴𝐻𝐵𝐵 = = (5)
3600 6
• Average Hours Between Blocks (AHBB) (h)
• ASBB is 600 s
• Block Count Between Difficulty Recalculation (BCBDR) = 2016
Then, we calculate the average time between difficulty recalculation. Let us define the Average
Time Between Difficulty Recalculation (ATBDR) (h)(days), then,
ATBDR = 𝐵𝐶𝐵𝐷𝑅 ∗ 𝐴𝐻𝐵𝐵 = 2016 ∗ = 336 h = 14 days (6)
This means that we need to update the Difficulty data every 14 days. We calculate the minimum
and maximum power demand and energy consumption of mining. Minimum energy consumption
means that the mining is done via the most efficient hardware available in the market for the given
time span (14 days in this case). Since hardware efficiencies are publicly available, it is
straightforward to acquire this data. It is given in detail in the Appendix. Minimum power demand
is calculated as follows:
𝑁𝐻 ∗ 𝑀𝑖𝑛(𝐸𝑜𝐻)
𝑃𝑚𝑖𝑛 = (7)
Calculating the Maximum is the challenging step. Let us first define the Electricity Cost per
Bitcoin (ECPB):
𝐸𝐶𝑃𝐵 = (8)
• TECPB is Total Energy Consumption Per Block (TWh)
• ABEP is Average Bitcoin Electricity Price ($/kWh)
• RPB is Reward Per Block (in bitcoin (BTC))
There are 2016 blocks in a difficulty recalculation period. Therefore,
Tot. En. Con. Betw. Dif. Recal.
𝑇𝐸𝐶𝑃𝐵 = (TWh) (9)
Total Energy Consumption Between Difficulty Recalculation (TECBDR) is calculated as
𝑇𝐸𝐶𝐵𝐷𝑅 = = (10)
106 1018
where HBDR is Hours Between Difficulty Recalculation (h).
Let us define the Difficulty Recalculation Block (DRBx) and Next Difficulty Recalculation Block
(DRBx+2016), Timestamp of Difficulty Recalculation Block (TDRBx), and Timestamp of Next Difficulty
Recalculation Block (TDRBx+2016), then,

𝐻𝐵𝐷𝑅 (ℎ) = 𝑇𝐷𝑅𝐵𝑥+2016 − 𝑇𝐷𝑅𝐵𝑥 (11)

Now we can calculate Yearly Energy Consumption Between Difficulty Recalculation (YECBDR)
in TWh/year,
365 ∗ 24
𝑌𝐸𝐶𝐵𝐷𝑅 (TWh/year) = 𝑇𝐸𝐶𝐵𝐷𝑅 ∗ (12)
Now, an Average Bitcoin Electricity Price (ABEP) in $/kWh for the whole world is needed. Since
it is rather difficult and tedious to find the mining locations every 14 days since 2009, at this step, we
made use of the bitcoin mining pool data between 1 June and 4 June 2018, which is shown in Table 1.
Firstly, we define Average Bitcoin Production Percent ABPP per locations as follows:
Average Bitcoin Production Percent China ( 𝐴𝐵𝑃𝑃𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑎 ) = 0.7
Average Bitcoin Production Percent Europe (𝐴𝐵𝑃𝑃𝐸𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒 ) = 0.1
Average Bitcoin Production Percent America (𝐴𝐵𝑃𝑃𝐴𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎 ) = 0.1
Average Bitcoin Production Percent Rest of the World ( 𝐴𝐵𝑃𝑃𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑡 ) = 0.1
Now, let us define the Average Bitcoin Electricity Price (ABEP). To do this, we need to use
average electricity prices in China, Europe, US, and an average figure for the rest of the world [20]:
Average Electricity Price China ($/kWh) (𝐴𝐸𝑃𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑎 ) = 0.08
Average Electricity Price Europe ($/kWh) (𝐴𝐸𝑃𝐸𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒 ) = 0.15
Average Electricity Price America ($/kWh) (𝐴𝐸𝑃𝐴𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎 ) = 0.1
Average Electricity Price Rest of the World ($/kWh) (𝐴𝐸𝑃𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑 ) = 0.1
Hence, ABEP will be:
𝐴𝐵𝐸𝑃 ($/kWh) = (𝐴𝐸𝑃𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑎 ∗ 𝐴𝐵𝑃𝑃𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑎 ) + (𝐴𝐸𝑃𝐴𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎 ∗ 𝐴𝐵𝑃𝑃𝐴𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎 )
+ (𝐴𝐸𝑃𝐸𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒 ∗ 𝐴𝐵𝑃𝑃𝐸𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒 ) + (𝐴𝐸𝑃𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑 ∗ 𝐴𝐵𝑃𝑃𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑 )
The final step to calculate Electricity Cost per Bitcoin (ECPB) is to calculate Reward Per Block
(RPB). The reward is given in bitcoin (BTC). It starts with 50 BTC and halves every 210,000 blocks. It
follows as in;
Between blocks of 0–209,999 = 50 BTC
Between blocks of 210,000–419,999 = 25 BTC
Between blocks of 420,000–629,999 = 12.5 BTC and so on.
After we calculate the Electricity Cost per Bitcoin (ECPB) and we get the Bitcoin Price (BP), we
can define the boundaries of profitability for the miners. At this stage, we neglected capital
investment and only focused on operational costs for mining itself and hence electricity prices.
Therefore, we conclude that
𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝐸𝐶𝑃𝐵 < 𝐵𝑃
Profitability of A Mining Device = { (14)
𝑁𝑜𝑛𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝐸𝐶𝑃𝐵 ≥ 𝐵𝑃
Now, we can define the efficiency of the least efficient hardware that is still profitable. During
each difficulty recalculation, we picked up the least efficient device under the condition ECPB < BP.
We called the maximum power consumption Maximum (PM) meaning that the mining is burning its
maximum energy while it is still profitable in terms of electricity process. Therefore, 𝑃𝑀 (𝑇𝑊) is given
in (15) as:
𝑁𝐻 ∗ 𝐸𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑖𝑛(15)
Table 3 shows the timeline and information of Bitcoin mining.
Table 3. Timeline of Bitcoin (BTC) mining.

Starting Block Phase Reward Per Block BTC from Previous Round Mined BTC Cumulative BTC Increase in Total Percentage of Total Estimated Time of Last Block
0 1 50.00 0.00 10,500,000.00 10,500,000.00 - 50.00% 3 January 2009
210,000 2 25.00 10,500,000.00 5,250,000.00 15,750,000.00 50.00% 75.00% 28 November 2012
420,000 3 12.50 15,750,000.00 2,625,000.00 18,375,000.00 16.67% 87.50% 9 July 2016
630,000 4 6.25 18,375,000.00 1,312,500.00 19,687,500.00 7.14% 93.75% 2020
840,000 5 3.13 19,687,500.00 656,250.00 20,343,750.00 3.33% 96.88% 2024
1,050,000 6 1.56 20,343,750.00 328,125.00 20,671,875.00 1.61% 98.44% 2028
1,260,000 7 0.78 20,671,875.00 164,062.50 20,835,937.50 0.79% 99.22% 2032
1,470,000 8 0.39 20,835,937.50 82,031.25 20,917,968.75 0.39% 99.61% 2036
1,680,000 9 0.20 20,917,968.75 41,015.63 20,958,984.38 0.20% 99.80% 2040
1,890,000 10 0.10 20,958,984.38 20,507.81 20,979,492.19 0.10% 99.90% 2044
2,100,000 11 0.05 20,979,492.19 10,253.91 20,989,746.09 0.05% 99.95% 2048
2,310,000 12 0.02 20,989,746.09 5126.95 20,994,873.05 0.02% 99.98% 2052
2,520,000 13 0.01 20,994,873.05 2563.48 20,997,436.52 0.01% 99.99% 2056
2,730,000 14 0.01 20,997,436.52 1281.74 20,998,718.26 0.01% 99.99% 2060
2,940,000 15 0.00 20,998,718.26 640.87 20,999,359.13 0.00% 100.00% 2064
3,150,000 16 0.00 20,999,359.13 320.43 20,999,679.56 0.00% 100.00% 2068
3,360,000 17 0.00 20,999,679.56 160.22 20,999,839.77 0.00% 100.00% 2072
3,570,000 18 0.00 20,999,839.77 80.11 20,999,919.88 0.00% 100.00% 2076
3,780,000 19 0.00 20,999,919.88 40.05 20,999,959.93 0.00% 100.00% 2080
3,990,000 20 0.00 20,999,959.93 20.03 20,999,979.96 0.00% 100.00% 2084
4,200,000 21 0.00 20,999,979.96 10.01 20,999,989.97 0.00% 100.00% 2088
4,410,000 22 0.00 20,999,989.97 5.01 20,999,994.98 0.00% 100.00% 2092
4,620,000 23 0.00 20,999,994.98 2.50 20,999,997.48 0.00% 100.00% 2096
4,830,000 24 0.00 20,999,997.48 1.25 20,999,998.73 0.00% 100.00% 2100
5,040,000 25 0.00 20,999,998.73 0.63 20,999,999.36 0.00% 100.00% 2104
5,250,000 26 0.00 20,999,999.36 0.31 20,999,999.67 0.00% 100.00% 2108
5,460,000 27 0.00 20,999,999.67 0.16 20,999,999.83 0.00% 100.00% 2112
5,670,000 28 0.00 20,999,999.83 0.08 20,999,999.91 0.00% 100.00% 2116
5,880,000 29 0.00 20,999,999.91 0.04 20,999,999.94 0.00% 100.00% 2120
6,090,000 30 0.00 20,999,999.94 0.02 20,999,999.96 0.00% 100.00% 2124
6,300,000 31 0.00 20,999,999.96 0.01 20,999,999.97 0.00% 100.00% 2128
6,510,000 32 0.00 20,999,999.97 0.00 20,999,999.97 0.00% 100.00% 2132
6,720,000 33 0.00 20,999,999.97 0.00 20,999,999.98 0.00% 100.00% 2136
6,930,000 34 0.00 20,999,999.98 0.00 20,999,999.98 0.00% 100.00% 2140
4. Results
There are questions about for how long BTC will be profitable for the miners. When we
calculated the term Maximum, we stressed that the cost of BTC should not be higher than the price
of BTC. Nonetheless, due to the complexity of the analysis, we limited ourselves with the BTC mining
locations from 1 June to 4 June 2018. To see if this sample was representative of the whole historical
data, we plotted Figure 2 to see the comparison between Maximum Cost of BTC (the cost of bitcoin
mining under maximum power demand) and the price of BTC.


Cost (USD)




BTC Price (USD) Cost Per BTC (USD)

Figure 2. Maximum BTC cost vs. BTC price.

From Figure 2, we see that the cost per BTC is under the BTC price at all times. Therefore, we
can claim that the Maximum should be the theoretical upper boundary of BTC mining.
After verifying our Maximum term, we calculated the yearly minimum and maximum energy
consumption between difficulty recalculations of all devices available on the market. Figure 3
summarizes the energy consumption estimations from 2009 onwards.



Energy (TWh)






Yearly Energy Consumption Between Diff. Recalc. Minimum Of All Devices (TWh/year)
Yearly Energy Consumption Between Diff. Recalc. Maximum (TWh/year)

Figure 3. Minimum and profitable maximum energy consumption of bitcoin mining.

For example, between 18 December 2017 and 22 December 2017, mining with Antminer R4 (97
J/TH) yields the minimum energy consumption whilst, during the same period, use of ASIC
Antminer S2 (1100 J/TH) corresponds to the maximum energy consumption. Power demand is
another matter of concern and a debatable topic. Figure 4 shows the power demand change of
minimum and maximum scenarios.


Power (GW)







Power Minimum Of All Devices (GW) Power Maximum (GW)

Figure 4. Minimum and maximum power demand of bitcoin mining.

To illustrate how hardware choice and hence the efficiency of the hardware is important, we
plotted the minimum energy consumption of bitcoin mining per each manufacturer. Figure 5 shows
the minimum energy consumption of bitcoin mining per CPU, GPU, FPGA, and ASIC.


Energy (TWh)





CPU Minimum (TWh) GPU Minimum (TWh) FPGA Minimum (TWh) ASIC Minimum (TWh)

Figure 5. CPU, GPU, FPGA, and ASIC minimum energy consumption between difficulty

The world’s global electricity demand is around 23,000 TWh per year [21]. If all miners kept
using CPU hardware, bitcoin mining would consume energy at around 11,000 TWh per year. As
more efficient devices come to market, the mining process will become less energy consuming.
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Energy consumption of bitcoin mining is a very controversial topic. There are various
estimations. However, these estimations vary considerably from study to study. This paper makes
use of 160 GB of blockchain data and data from 269 different hardware models (CPU, GPU, FPGA,
and ASIC) that are used for the mining process. We defined two metrics to measure the energy
consumption. First is the minimum energy consumption. This metric simply picks the most efficient
hardware in use during the recalculation process. However, as we pointed out earlier, this is the
theoretical minimum boundary of the consumption. It is unlikely that the all miners will get rid of
their existing hardware and buy and start using more efficient hardware the moment it is introduced
in the market. The second metric is the profitable maximum. The idea is to measure the cost of
electricity and then pick up the worst performing hardware in the market. However, the total cost
should be under the price of bitcoin so that the miners will still be able to make a profit. This level
will be the theoretical higher consumption boundary since it is not sustainable to continue mining if
the operational costs of mining is higher than the price of the bitcoin.
The choice of hardware is crucial in the energy consumption. Figure 5 clearly shows that if
miners kept using CPU only, by the year 2018 the minimum energy consumption would be higher
than the total energy consumption of the United States and China combined [21]. One of the key
findings of this paper is that the historical peak of power consumption of bitcoin mining took place
during the bi-weekly period commencing on 18 December 2017 with a demand between 1.3 and 14.8
GW. This maximum demand estimation is between the installed capacities of Finland (~16 GW) and
Denmark (~14 GW) [21]. During same period, the historical peak energy consumption between
difficulty recalculation was about 129.20 TWh per year. Energy consumption is directly affected by
the bitcoin prices as well. With falling bitcoin prices, the peak power demand drops as well. In the
first half of 2018, the estimated minimum power demand was between 1.34 and 2.80 GW whilst the
maximum demand was between 5.14 and 13.82 GW. During June 2018, yearly energy consumption
was between 15.47 (minimum) and 50.24 TWh (maximum).
It is almost impossible to make a precise estimation of the future energy consumption of bitcoin
mining simply due to two reasons. Firstly, the bitcoin prices directly affect mining and hence energy
consumption. Especially since 2017, the prices have fluctuated massively in the market, and it is hard
to estimate the future value of bitcoin. Secondly, hardware efficiency is another major factor. As many
as 269 different hardware models could have been used in mining. Since we scanned all available
hardware in the market, as of June 2018, we claim the maximum and minimum estimations of this
paper are the theoretical boundaries of the energy consumption of Bitcoin mining. However, on a
regular basis, we see a more efficient device introduced in the market almost each month. It is hard
to predict the future efficiencies of the devices that manufacturers will introduce. Finally, one more
crucial highlight is that by the year 2028, 98.44% of all bitcoins will be produced. The discussion about
the energy consumption of bitcoin mining is likely to persist until then.

Author Contributions: S.K. prepared the background for the research content and built the energy consumption
and power demand methodology. M.Ö. compiled and processed the blockchain data.

Funding: This research received no external funding.

Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge M.G. Pollitt from Energy Policy Research Group,
University of Cambridge for his contribution in general guidance for this research work.

Competing Interests: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Table A1. CPU hardware.

Producer Model Efficiency (J/TH) Release Date

Intel Pentium III mobile 113,333,333 19/03/2001
Intel Pentium 4 2.0A 63,882,353 01/01/2002
Intel Pentium 4 630 65,116,279 01/01/2002
Intel Xeon Prestonia 2.4 60,185,185 01.10.2002
AMD Athlon XP 2000+ 112,903,226 01.07.2002
Intel Xeon 2.8 92,500,000 01.10.2003
Intel Pentium M 1.6 10,563,380 01/04/2004
AMD Athlon 64 3500+ 75,423,729 01.07.2004
AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ 37,572,254 01.07.2004
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ 34,210,526 01.07.2004
AMD Sempron 3000+ 77,500,000 17/09/2004
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ 31,100,478 23.05.2006
Intel Core 2 Duo T5500 8,139,535 28.08.2006
Intel Xeon X5355 5,272,408 01/10/2006
AMD Opteron 8220 x16 3,800,000 01/02/2007
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 9,545,455 01.01.2007
Intel Xeon 5335 8,556,150 01.01.2007
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ 44,483,986 20.02.2007
Intel Core 2 Duo T5450 14,000,000 01.04.2007
Intel Core 2 Duo U7600 9,090,909 01.04.2007
Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 26,530,612 01/07/2007
Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 9,629,630 01/07/2007
Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2180 14,444,444 01/07/2007
Intel Xeon E7220 12,698,413 01.07.2007
Intel Xeon E7320 106,666,667 01.07.2007
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ Black Edition 43,103,448 20/08/2007
Intel Core 2 Duo T7250 7,777,778 01.09.2007
Intel Xeon E5410 8,163,265 01.10.2007
Intel Core 2 Extreme X9000 6,111,111 01/01/2008
Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 28,260,870 01/01/2008
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 9,420,290 01/01/2008
Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 9,027,778 01/01/2008
Intel Xeon E5440 10,958,904 01.01.2008
AMD Phenom X4 9650 19,387,755 27/03/2008
Intel Atom Z520 1,666,667 01.04.2008
Intel Atom 230 4,123,711 01.04.2008
Intel Atom N270 2,100,840 01.04.2008
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 8,636,364 01.07.2008
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650 5,088,377 01.07.2008
Intel Core 2 Duo T9400 8,333,333 01.07.2008
Intel Xeon E7450 6,000,000 01.07.2008
Intel Core 2 Duo E5200 11,612,903 01/07/2008
Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 8,376,289 01/07/2008
AMD Turion X2 RM-70 34,210,526 04/07/2008
AMD Phenom X4 9650 Black Edition 25,714,286 01/10/2008
Intel Core 2 Duo P8700 11,016,949 01/10/2008
Intel Core i7 920 6,770,833 01/10/2008
Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5400 28,634,361 01/01/2009
Intel Celeron E3400 11,016,949 01/01/2009
Intel Core 2 Duo T6400 8,333,333 01.01.2009
Intel Core 2 Duo T7450 9,459,459 01.01.2009
Intel Xeon E5506 8,333,333 01.01.2009
Intel Xeon E5520 12,307,692 01.01.2009
Intel Xeon E5530 11,204,482 01.01.2009
Intel Atom N280 4,798,464 01.01.2009
AMD Phenom II X3 720 13,194,444 09/02/2009
AMD Phenom II X4 810 8,260,870 09/02/2009
AMD Phenom II X4 955 11,363,636 01/04/2009
Intel Core i7 950 6,878,307 01/04/2009
Intel Celeron E3300 29,545,455 01.07.2009
Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 8,715,596 01/07/2009
Intel Core i7 820QM 3,260,870 01/07/2009
AMD Athlon II X2 250 11,607,143 02/07/2009
AMD Phenom II X4 965 12,727,273 01/08/2009
AMD Athlon II X4 630 6,074,766 16/09/2009
AMD Athlon II X2 240e 16,605,166 20/10/2009
Intel Xeon X5650 3,321,678 01.01.2010
Intel Xeon X5680 5,416,667 01.01.2010
Intel Core i7 980x 6,770,833 01/01/2010
Intel Core i3 530 9,626,955 01/01/2010
Intel Core i3 350M 23,648,649 01/01/2010
Intel Core i5 650 14,313,725 01.01.2010
Intel Core i5 750 6,785,714 01.01.2010
Intel Core i7 620M 5,555,556 01/01/2010
Intel Core i7 720QM 5,696,203 01/01/2010
Intel Xeon E5620 6,477,733 01.01.2010
Intel Xeon E5630 10,000,000 01.01.2010
Intel Xeon E7520 10,555,556 01.01.2010
Intel Xeon W3680 7,222,222 01.01.2010
Intel Atom N450 3,437,500 01.01.2010
Intel Atom D510 5,652,174 01.01.2010
AMD Opteron 6174 2,782,609 29.03.2010
AMD Opteron 6172 4,181,818 29.03.2010
AMD Opteron 6128 7,098,765 29.03.2010
Intel Core i5 450M 19,444,444 01/04/2010
AMD Phenom II X6 1090 T 7,833,333 27/04/2010
AMD Phenom II X6 1055 T 4,025,424 01/05/2010
Intel Atom N550 4,314,721 01.07.2010
Intel Atom 330 4,314,721 01.07.2010
AMD Phenom II X6 1055 T 5,868,545 21/10/2010
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 5,681,818 07/12/2010
Intel Core i5 2400 6,785,714 01.01.2011
Intel Core i5 2400S 3,915,663 01.01.2011
Intel Core i5 2500K 4,611,650 01.01.2011
Intel Core i7 2600K 5,107,527 01.01.2011
Intel Core i7 2600 3,974,895 01.01.2011
Intel Core i7 990x 3,903,904 01/01/2011
Intel Core i7 2635QM 15,358,362 01/01/2011
Intel Core i7 3770k 18,780,488 01/01/2011
Intel Xeon X5690 5,000,000 01.01.2011
AMD Zacate E-350 9,473,684 04/01/2011
AMD Ontario C-50 1,451,613 04/01/2011
AMD A8-3850 1,666,667 30/06/2011
AMD A8-3870K 1,052,632 30/06/2011
AMD A4-3400 2,801,724 07/09/2011
Intel Core i7 3930k 1,951,952 01/10/2011
Intel Xeon E5-2690 4,090,909 01.01.2012
Intel Xeon E3-1230 V2 3,502,538 01/04/2012
Intel Xeon X5365 11,538,462 01/04/2012
AMD A8-3850 952,381 01/10/2012
Intel Core i3 2100 7,850,242 01/07/2013

Table A2. FPGA hardware.

Model Efficiency (J/TH) Release Date

X6500 FPGA Miner 43,000 29 August 2011
Icarus 50,526 1 November 2011
Lancelot 65,000 1 May 2012
ModMiner Quad 47,619 4 May 2012

Table A3. GPU hardware.

Producer Model Efficiency (J/TH) Release Date

Nvidia 8800 GTX 5,272,727 08/11/2006
Nvidia 8800 GTS 9,166,667 12/02/2007
Nvidia 8500 GT 18,750,000 17/04/2007
Nvidia 8600GT 9,893,993 17/04/2007
Nvidia 8600M GT 4,056,795 01/05/2007
Nvidia 8400M GS 5,500,000 01/05/2007
Nvidia 8400 GS 17,391,304 15/06/2007
ATI 6790 681,818 01/07/2007
Nvidia 8800M GTX 3,987,730 01/11/2007
Nvidia 8800 GT 4,200,000 11/12/2007
Nvidia 9500M GS 6,250,000 01/01/2008
Nvidia 9600 GT 6,066,411 21/02/2008
Nvidia 9800 GX2 3,406,536 18/03/2008
Nvidia 9800 GTX 4,302,397 01/04/2008
Nvidia 9300 GS 14,792,899 01/06/2008
Nvidia 9300GE 15,923,567 01/06/2008
Nvidia GTX 280 5,038,429 17/06/2008
ATI 4850 1,466,667 25/06/2008
Nvidia 9800 GT 3,458,498 01/07/2008
ATI 4870 1,666,667 01/07/2008
Nvidia 9800 GTX+ 4,325,153 16/07/2008
Nvidia 9500 GT 7,407,407 29/07/2008
Nvidia 9400 GT 14,836,795 27/08/2008
ATI 4650 1,548,387 10/09/2008
ATI 4670 1,638,889 10/09/2008
ATI FirePro V8700 1,776,471 11/09/2008
Nvidia GTX 260 5,625,174 16/09/2008
ATI 4830 1,727,273 21/10/2008
ATI 4350 1,818,182 30/10/2008
Nvidia GTX 295 2,394,366 08/01/2009
ATI 4570M 3,375,000 09/01/2009
Nvidia GTX 285 3,823,805 15/01/2009
Nvidia GTS250 4,097,203 03/03/2009
ATI FirePro V7750 2,111,111 27/03/2009
ATI 4890 1,557,377 02/04/2009
ATI 4770 1,111,111 28/04/2009
ATI 4730 1,527,778 08/06/2009
ATI 3410 12,000,000 05/07/2009
Nvidia GTX 275 4,315,271 04/09/2009
ATI 4860 1,940,299 09/09/2009
ATI 5870 628,763 23/09/2009
ATI 5850 626,556 30/09/2009
Nvidia G210 9,023,669 12/10/2009
Nvidia G220 11,851,852 12/10/2009
Nvidia G230 6,193,548 12/10/2009
ATI 5750 741,379 13/10/2009
ATI 5770 687,898 13/10/2009
Nvidia G240 3,562,210 17/11/2009
Nvidia G240M 2,346,939 17/11/2009
ATI 5970 554,717 18/11/2009
Nvidia GT 330 3,464,203 02/01/2010
ATI 5470M 882,353 07/01/2010
ATI 5650 729,167 07/01/2010
ATI 5870M 264,550 07/01/2010
ATI 5670 888,889 17/01/2010
ATI 5450 1,583,333 04/02/2010
ATI 5570 650,000 09/02/2010
ATI 5550 951,220 09/02/2010
ATI 5830 717,213 25/02/2010
Nvidia GTX 470 2,622,591 26/03/2010
Nvidia GTX 480 2,468,404 26/03/2010
Nvidia GTX 465 3,105,108 31/03/2010
ATI FirePro V3800 623,188 26/04/2010
ATI FirePro V4800 862,500 26/04/2010
ATI FirePro V7800 541,176 26/04/2010
ATI FirePro V5800 621,849 26/04/2010
Nvidia GTS 360M 1,520,000 01/07/2010
Nvidia GTS 350M 1,346,154 01/07/2010
Nvidia GTX 570 2,069,357 12/07/2010
Nvidia GTX 580 1,558,110 11/09/2010
Nvidia GTX 590 1,558,110 11/09/2010
Nvidia GTX 670 1,517,857 11/09/2010
Nvidia GTX 325M 2,190,476 01/10/2010
Nvidia GT 330M 1,018,519 01/10/2010
ATI 6850 738,372 22/10/2010
ATI 6870 650,862 22/10/2010
Nvidia GT 440 2,745,098 10/11/2010
Nvidia GT 430 2,420,949 10/11/2010
Nvidia GTS 450 2,340,989 10/11/2010
Nvidia GTX 460 2,412,545 10/11/2010
Nvidia GTX 460SE 2,660,046 15/11/2010
ATI 6950 735,294 15/12/2010
ATI 6970 773,994 15/12/2010
ATI 6490M 1,437,500 01/01/2011
ATI 6570 882,353 01/01/2011
Nvidia GT 610M 1,280,683 12/01/2011
ATI 6750 1,056,338 21/01/2011
ATI 6450 666,667 07/02/2011
ATI 6990 559,701 08/03/2011
Nvidia GTX 550Ti 2,577,778 15/03/2011
Nvidia GTX 560M 1,908,397 30/03/2011
ATI 6770 600,000 19/04/2011
ATI 6670 647,059 19/04/2011
Nvidia GT 520M 1,348,315 01/05/2011
Nvidia GT 525M 1,575,342 01/05/2011
Nvidia GT 540M 2,187,500 01/05/2011
Nvidia GT 550M 2,049,180 01/05/2011
Nvidia GT 530 2,793,296 14/05/2011
ATI 6480G 1,875,000 14/06/2011
ATI 6520G 1,323,529 14/06/2011
ATI 6530D 2,439,024 20/06/2011
ATI 6550D 1,515,152 20/06/2011
Nvidia GTX 560Ti 3,101,920 29/11/2011
ATI 6930 581,250 01/12/2011
ATI 7970 450,450 01/01/2012
ATI 7950 392,157 01/01/2012
ATI 7770 439,560 01/02/2012
ATI 7750 528,846 01/02/2012
ATI 7850 452,962 01/03/2012
ATI 7870 432,099 01/03/2012
Nvidia GT 650M 2,528,090 22/03/2012

Table A4. ASIC hardware.

Producer Model Efficiency (J/TH) Release Date

Canaan AvalonMiner Batch 1 9351 01/01/2013
Canaan AvalonMiner 2 1600 01/10/2013
KnCMiner Jupiter 1484 05/10/2013
ASICminer BE Cube 6667 01/11/2013
Antminer S1 2000 01/12/2013
Antminer U1 1250 01/12/2013
Spondoolies Hammer 651 19/03/2014
Antminer S2 1100 01/04/2014
Antminer U2+ 1000 01/05/2014
Canaan AvalonMiner 3 941 01/05/2014
Antminer S3 766 01/06/2014
KnCMiner Neptune 570 07/06/2014
ASICminer BE Blade 7719 10/07/2014
Spondoolies RockerBox 425 22/07/2014
Antminer S4 700 01/10/2014
Antminer S5 511 01/12/2014
Antminer U3 1000 15/01/2015
Antminer S7 273 01/09/2015
Canaan AvalonMiner 6 309 01/10/2015
Antminer S9-11.5 98 01/06/2016
Antminer S7-LN 258 01/06/2016
Canaan AvalonMiner 721 167 01/10/2016
Canaan AvalonMiner 741 158 01/12/2016
Antminer R4 97 01/02/2017
Antminer S9-12.5 98 01/02/2017
Antminer T9-11.5 126 01/04/2017
Antminer S9-13.0 100 01/06/2017
Antminer T9-12.5 126 01/08/2017
Antminer S9-13.5 98 01/10/2017
Antminer S9-14 98 01/11/2017
Canaan AvalonMiner 821 109 01/12/2017
Antminer T9+ 136 01/01/2018
Antminer V9 257 01/03/2018
Canaan AvalonMiner 841 99 01/03/2018
Bitfury BF8162B 96 01/05/2018
Antminer S9i-14.0 94 05/01/2018
Antminer S9i-13.5 97 01/05/2018
Antminer S9i-13.0 99 01/05/2018
ASICminer 8 Nano Compact 51 01/05/2018
ASICminer 8 Nano Pro 53 01/05/2018
ASICminer 48 Th Air 158 01/05/2018
ASICminer 24 Th Compact 167 01/05/2018
ASICminer 48 Th 167 01/05/2018

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